Lunch Time Secrets

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(Mya's POV)

I woke up and slid out of bed and reached for my phone but it wasn't there! I started looking everywhere for it. I looked under Hazel's bed and saw my phone! And surprisingly Xander's guitar? I'll have to ask about that later.

"Mya! Let's go! I'm hungry!" Zuri called out.

"Plus! Don't you have something to tell me?!" Emma called out. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door wearing .

"Yeah, yeah I'll tell you, but let's sit down first," I said heading for the mess hall. I saw Griff sitting by himself playing with his food. Zuri and Emma saw too. Zuri started pushing me towards him.

"Zuri stop! I need to tell you what happened last night!" I said trying to stop Zuri pushing me.

"That can wait! Now go talk to him!" Zuri said finally pushing me so I was standing right behind him.

"Hey Griff, I something wrong?" I asked sitting down next to him. I looked at me with sad eyes. He shaked his head.

"Everyone is blaming me that I stole Xander's guitar," He replied. My eyes widened.

"But that can't be right! I found Xander's guitar under Crazel-Nut's bed this morning!" I said with pure shock. I stood up looking for Xander when Griff pulled me down.

"You can't tell anyone! I wasn't supposed to tell anyone!" I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked.

"Cause Xander might hear," he replied. I nodded my head.

"One more question?" Griff asked for permission. I nodded my head again.

"Wh..why are you hurting yourself?" Griff whispered flipping my hand over to reveal the cut I made last night.

" did you know?" I whispered back. He looked at the ceiling.

"You saw me, didn't you?" I figured out. He nodded his head.

"I heard screaming when I was out walking and I just ran over and saw you so I hid in the bushes and when you came walking over to my direction I freaked and ran know," He blabbered on.

"You invaded my privacy," I replied standing up and backing away.

"I didn't do it purposely," he tried reasoning standing up. I started backing away some more.

"My dads gonna to kill me," I whispered before running out.

"Wait! Mia!" he called out chasing after me. Tears clouded my vision as I continued running to the forrest.

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