Hell House (3)

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Hell House (3)

Kylie's POV

We were out at a local diner, just getting some food when we heard about the dead body found at the house we were just at a couple of hours earlier.

So we got our food to go, and hurried to the house, finding it surrounded with emergency vehicles.

"Crap." I whispered as we approached a man who was watching the scene unfold.

"What happened?" Dean asked.

"A couple of cops say a girl hung herself in the house." He answered.

I raised a brow. "Suicide?" I asked with disbelief.

"Yeah." He sighed. "She was a straight A student, with a full ride to UT too. It just . . . doesn't make any sense." He shook his head.

I watched the body come out in a body bag on the stretcher as the man walked away with disbelief,

"What do you think?" Sam asked but I shook my head.

"I think we missed something." I said glancing at both of them.


We decided the best thing was to was to come back to the house at night, unfortunately there was a police car parked outside, with two cops staking out the place.

We were crouched in the bushes, watching the cops stand guard at the front door.

"I guess the cops don't want anyone else screwing around in there." Sam sighed.

"Yeah, but we still gotta get in there." I sighed, and pulled my hair up into a bun, getting prepared.

Dean became tense as he looked over the bushes, I followed his gaze watching as ED and Harry approach the house, hunched over awkwardly carrying all sorts of gadgets as they told each other to be quiet.

"I got an idea." Dean grinned before leaning up slightly. "Who ya gonna call?" He yelled, his voice echoing.

"Wha . . . huh?" ED and Harry looked at each other confused.

"Hey! You!" The cops yelled before chasing after the two ghostbusters.

We made a break for the house, once everyone was away.

Once everyone was inside Sam began to hand out the rifles, just as I turned on my flashlight.

"Where have I seen that symbol before? It's killing me!" Dean complained, and I couldn't blame him.

That symbol looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Come on, we don't have much time." I pulled Dean along.

We went straight down the basement steps, and I was on edge knowing that old Mordechai like to string up women.

"Hey Sam," Dean spoke holding up one of the old jars full of red liquid, "I dare you to take a swig of this."

Sam gave a Dean a crazy look. "What the hell would I do that for?"

Dean licked his bottom lip before smiling. "I double dare you."

Sam shook his head, looking away, just as a noise alerted us.

I moved first heading for the cabinet, Sam behind me. He stood to the side of it as I raised my gun.

I gave Sam a nod, signaling I was ready.

Sam grabbed the cabinet door, opening it only to reveal a couple of squeaking rats running away from my light.

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