Asylum (3)

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Asylum (3)

Kylie's POV

"I don't like this." Dean said as we sat in our motel room, going through John's journal.

He was on the bed and I was at one of the tables, flicking a pen between my fingers in thought.

"You don't like what?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"Sammy, spilling his guts to a psychologist." Dean let out.

I let out a laugh. "You don't like him bitching about you is all." I teased before giving a shrug when his face didn't change. "Look this is a good plan. Sam is going to be okay, and who knows maybe this will help your relationship."

"There's nothing wrong with our relationship." Dean let out.

I dropped the pen before standing up and sitting on the bed next to Dean. "Listen, you guys aren't exactly on the same terms here, and I can only do so much to keep the peace." I leaned forward and touched his hand. "You guys need some outside help." I teased.

"Why can't he just be like us?" Dean let out a sigh.

"Because no one wants to be like us." I chuckled.

"I like us." He grinned and cupped my cheek gently.

"Don't." I let out a sigh, despite the butterflies in my belly.

"What?" He asked gently.

"I can't keep doing this to myself, and I don't want to be a plaything to you." I let out a sigh. "If you have feelings for me . . . any feelings then you either need to keep me or let me go." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "So what are you going to do Winchester?"

He smiled sadly. "You know, all I've ever wanted to do was keep you and Sammy safe." He traced my bottom lip with his thumb. "And I've always felt like pushing you away was the best, maybe you could get out, find a guy who will get you out of this life and give you the big house and kids you always wrote about in your diary."

I gave him a hard glare. "You read my diary? Dean that was private and-"

He cut me off with a kiss, a soft and gentle kiss before pulling away just slightly. "There's no way out of this life for us, is there?" He let out.

I leaned forward and kissed him again before pulling back. "Maybe after we find John."

He nodded, knowing it was a lie, and pressed his lips to mine again, hungrily and I kissed him back with the same amount of need.

He flipped us over so I was laying down on my back, him above me.

I held onto his shirt tightly as his lips made it down my neck, gently biting and sucking.


I pushed Dean off of me at the sound of Sam's voice.

Dean sat up clearing his throat and wiping his lips.

I put my hands over my face, not moving, feeling the heat rush to my face.

"I'm glad ya'll are working things out, but really?" Sam sighed, frustrated.

I sat up and quickly stood up, ready to move from Dean. That was until I felt a strong hand pull me back down, pretty much in Dean's lap.

"Dude, you were there forever. What the hell were you talking about?" Dean let out as he wrapped his arms around me.

Sam eyed us up. "Apparently I was there too long." He shook his head. "Just the hospital, you know?"

"And what did you find?" I asked, still red in the face.

"The south wing? It's where they housed the really hard cases. The psychotics, the criminally insane." Sam explained.

"Sounds cozy." Dean let out.

"Yeah. And one night in '64, they rioted. Attacked staff. Attacked each other." Sam nodded.

"So the patients took over the asylum?" Dean asked.

"Apparently." Sam sighed.

"I don't blame them, did you see the crap that was in there." I pointed out. "I would kill him too."

"Any deaths?" Dean asked as he placed his chin on my shoulder.

"Some patients, some staff. I guess it was pretty gory. Some of the bodies were never even recovered, including our chief of staff, Ellicott." Sam glanced at me, giving a face of disgust.

I rolled my eyes at him. "What do you mean never recovered?" I asked.

Sam made a face. "Cops scoured every inch of the place but I guess the patients must've . . . stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden."

"That's grim." Dean let out.

"That's awesome." I disagreed, both boys looking at me. "The doctors were dicks, they deserved it."

"Yeah." Sam shook his head. "So, they transferred all the remaining patients and closed the hospital down."

"So, to sum it up, we've got a bunch of violent deaths and bunch of unrecovered bodies." Dean said before he buried his head in my neck letting out a breath.

"And a bunch of angry spirits." Sam rolled his eyes at Dean's actions.

"Good times." Dean said in my neck before bringing it back up. "Let's check out the hospital tonight."


Nightfall came quickly, the day was spent in loading up our weapons, Dean's hand somewhere on my body the whole time.

It was nice, sometimes comforting, except when I got looks from Sam.

Something told me he wasn't too happy about the situation. Which confused me because Sam always pushed for me to be with Dean.

I didn't ask questions thought, maybe it was hard seeing us since Jessica.

It was hard for me though, Sam was pretty much my best friend, and I felt like I was losing him.

"Getting readings?" Sam asked Dean as we entered the back entrance of the asylum. Sam was holding a video camera and Dean an EMF meter.

"Yeah, big time." Dean nodded.

"This place is orbing like crazy." Sam let out.

"Probably multiple spirits out and about." Dean said before glancing back at me. "Stay close to me, okay?"

Sam cleared his throat as he glanced at me and Dean. "If these uncovered bodies are causing the haunting . . ." Sam trailed.

"We gotta find them and burn them." I declared.

Dean let out a breath. "Just be careful though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirit . . . is the pissed off spirit of a psycho killer."

"Isn't that comforting?" 

Supernatural: Season One Dean Winchester Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now