Skin (4)

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Skin (4)

Kylie's POV

"Why do these things live in this crap hole?" I questioned, my voice echoing through the tunnels, my feel sloshing through the wet slop.

Dean gave me a grin. "What you don't like being down here?"

Sam interrupted out chat as he shined that flashlight at me. "I bet this runs right by Zack's house, too. The shapeshifter could be using the sewer system to get around."

Dean glanced down at my feet. "I think you're right. Look at this." He bent down right next to my boots to look at the pile of blood and skin on the ground.

"Oh come on, these are new boots." I complained.

"Is this from his victims?" Sam asked just as Dean took out his pocketknife to show us some of the gooey skin.

I grimaced as an idea popped in my head. "You know, I just had a sick thought." I nodded and glanced at Dean. "When the shapeshifter changes shape – maybe it sheds."

"That is sick." Sam made a face.

"Okay, I can't take this anymore, I need some air." I shook my head, turning on my heel to head back, the boys agreeing and coming along.

"We need weapons." Dean commented as we got back to the Impala. "One thing I learned from Dad," Dean started as he popped the hood. "is no matter what kind of shapeshifter it is, there's one sure way to kill it."

"Silver bullet to the heart." Sam answered.

"That's right." Dean smiled just as Sm's cellphone rang

"This is Sam." He answered.

"You know I hate the whole closed in feeling in the tunnels right?" I told Dean as we went through the trunk.

"Yeah I remember, you don't have to go back in if you don't want to." Dean shrugged.

"And leave you two to all the fun?" I chuckled and shook my head. "No, I'll stick it out." I rubbed the back of my neck that seemed to hurt more and more.

"You okay?" Dean questioned.

"I'm fine." I nodded, pulling out my knife and sticking it in my boot.

"Bec I'm sorry but-"Sam's pleading interrupted us.

I tried to turn my attention away as Sam hung up his phone, but Dean didn't seem to get the message. "I hate to say it, but that's exactly what I'm talkin' about. You lie to your friends because if they knew the real you, they'd be freaked. It's just – it'd be easier if-"

"If I was like you guys?" Sam questioned.

I let out a breath. "Sam he doesn't mean it like t-"

"Hey, man, like it or not, we are not like other people. But I'll tell you one thing. This whole gig- it ain't without perks." Dean held up his gun, handing it to Sam who took it and tucked it in his jeans.

Both men turned away, heading for the sewers.

I rubbed a hand over my jaw before grabbing a gun from the trunk and following the two brothers.

Once in the sewers, Dean was quick to make sure I was alright, and he did it over and over.

"Will you stop." I sighed and made everyone stop. "I'm fine. I just-" I paused when I moved my light next to Sam's head. "I think we're close to its lair."

"Why do you say that?" Sam asked.

"Because there's another puke-inducing pile next to your face." I nodded with the flashlight.

Sam quickly turned his head to look at the pile of skin next to his head, a quick look of disgust filling his face. "Oh, God!"

I shivered in disgust, while Dean looked on at the pile of clothes hidden in the corner. "Looks like it's lived here for a while."

"Who knows how many murder he's gotten away with?" Sam shook his head and turned back to Dean.

"Dean!" I turned my head away from the mess of clothes and skin just in time to see Dean get punched by the shapeshifter, falling to the ground.

I was by Dean's side quickly as gun shots rang out from Sam's gun.

"Dean? Dean?" I grabbed him.

He looked up to me, a look of pain on his face. "Get the son of a bitch!"

We took off in a sprint, chasing after the shapeshifter.

We got out of the sewers and out on the street, looking around.

"All right, let's split up!" Sam called.

"All right, I'll meet you around the other side." Dean agreed.

"I'm going to check this way." I pointed in the other direction before sprinting off.

I looked frantically around the street and in the alleyways trying to spot any sign of the shapeshifter, but when I came up short, the only thing left to do was head back.

"Hey. Anything?" Dean called to Sam and I as we made our way back to the street.

"Nothing." Sam called.

"No, he's gone." I added as I ran my fingers through my sweaty hair in defeat.

"All right, let's get back to the car." Dean decided as we crossed the street over to the Impala.

"You think he found another way underground?" Sam asked me and Dean.

I only shrugged. "He could have, I'm not sure."

"Probably. You got the keys?" Dean asked as he came up behind us.

"Hey, didn't Dad once face a shapeshifter in San Antonio?" Sam asked.

I tried to think back when John Winchester hunted a shapeshifter, but I think it was before I came along.

"Oh that was Austin. It turned out not to be a shapeshifter, it was a thought form. A psychic projection, remember?" Dean answered.

"Oh. Right. Here ya go." Sam tossed the keys to Dean, who caught it with ease and headed to the trunk of the car. Once he popped the trunk I heard the sound of a click and watched as Sam aimed a gun at his own brother. "Don't move!

"Sam, what are you doing?" I cried out, ready to jump infront of Dean.

"What have you done with him?" Sam yelled out.

"Dud, chill. It's me, all right?" Dean put his hands up in surrender.

"No, I don't think so. Where's my brother?"

"Sam stop!" I cried.

"You're about to shoot him. Sam, calm down." Dean said calmly.

"You caught those keys with your left. Your shoulder was hurt!"

I stilled my mind flashing back to when Dean had been hit, he held that shoulder and looked like he was in so much pain.

I reached in the back of my jeans and pulled out my gun, aiming it at Dean.

The hold on my gun was wobbly, and I would probably miss him if I shot.

"Kylie." Dean sounded defeated, but I had to remember it wasn't Dean.

The shifter sighed. "Why don't you pull the trigger then? Hm? 'Cause you're not sure. Dude, you know me."

The shifter took a step forward. "Don't." Sam warned.

He paused.

Was it Dean? Was it the shifter?

Why didn't I want to lower my gun?

Dean/the shapeshifter relaxed before hitting Sam with the crowbar in the head twice.

I cocked my gun back ready to fire, but it hit my hands.

"Don't make this hard on yourself Ky." He smiled, his eyes lighting before he raised his hand smacking me in the face.

Everything went black.

Supernatural: Season One Dean Winchester Love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ