The Benders (3)

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The Bender's (3)

Dean's POV

I was able to send a quick text to Sammy letting him know where I was and who I was with. I told him that he should stay at the motel just in case Kylie would come back.

Honestly, I didn't want to risk anything happening to him when I was so focused on finding Kylie. I didn't know if my mind could comprehend them both being missing.

Kathleen pointed out one of the traffic camera as she drove. "Okay, the next traffic cam is fifty miles from here, and the pickup didn't pass that one, so . . ." She trailed.

"So, it must've pulled off somewhere. I didn't see any other roads here." I noted.

"Well, a lot of these backwoods properties have their own private roads." Kathleen explained as I only got annoyed.

"Great." I sighed and looked out my window.

She could be anywhere.

I didn't know if I preferred her to be with some supernatural creature or a crazy hillbilly redneck.

She could defend herself, I knew that for sure, but it was the thought of what they were doing to her.

"So, Gregory."

I glanced at Kathleen. "Yeah?" I answered.

"I ran your badge number. It's routine when we're working a case with state police. For accounting purposes and what have you." She nodded.

"Mmhmm." I hummed trying to play off my fear.

"And, uh, they just got back to me." She said, slowly pulling the car over to the side of the road. "It says here your badge was stolen."

I tried to look surprised, my mouth even dropping slightly.

"And here's a picture of you." She continued, turning the computer towards me to show me the picture of the heavy African-American man who's badge I stole.


I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I lost some weight." I chuckled. "And I got that Michael Jackson skin disease." I tried to make light of the situation.

Kathleen unbuckled her seatbelt and I stiffened.

"Okay, would you step out of the car, please?"

"Look, look, look." I tried, getting her attention. "If you wanna arrest me, that's fine. I'll cooperate, I swear. But, first, please-let me find Kylie."

"I don't even know who you are. Or if this Kylie person is missing." She shook her head.

"Look into my eyes," I turned to her, "and tell me if I'm lying about this."

Kathleen stared at me before letting out a sigh. "Identity theft? You're impersonating an officer."

"Look, here's the thing," I nodded, "when we were young, I promised her that I would take care of her, keep her safe from everything and anything. Ever since then, I've felt responsible for her." I nodded. "It's my job to keep her safe. I'm just afraid if we don't find her fast-" I paused. "Please," My voice cracked, "she's important to me."

She tightened her hand on her wheel and shook her head. "I'm sorry. You've given me no choice. I have to take you in." She turned in her seat and I knew I was screwed.

How was Sammy going to get me out of this one and find Kylie on his own?

"After we find Kylie Lawrence."

I glanced at Kathleen, shocked and confused as she fastened her seatbelt.

What made her change her mind?


Kylie's POV

"What's your name, again?" Jenkins asked me as I continued to pull on the metal coil that came off the beam.

He was on my last fricking nerve, and if the people who had us here didn't kill him then I was going to.

"It's Kylie." I grunted as I pulled.

Come on you son of a bitch.

"Why don't you just give up, sweetheart, there's no way out." He said, yet again being negative.

It fueled my fire as I used everything in my body to pull that coil. "Don't . . . . call me . . . sweetheart." I let out just as the coil tore free, clunking to the floor along with a small piece of metal.

"What is it?" Jenkins asked, moving to the side of his cage to look.

I picked up the metal piece, examining it. "It's a bracket."

"Well, thank God, a bracket. Now we've got'em, huh?" Jenkins scoffed.

I was about to bitch out Jenkins, tell him to shut the hell up, but before I could there was a click and suddenly Jenkins' cage was opened. "Must've been a short." I watched as he climbed out of the cage. "Maybe you knocked something loose."

"I think you should get back in there, Jenkins." I moved to the door of my cage, hooking my fingers through the holes.

It shouldn't have been that easy.

"What?" Jenkins looked at me as if I had two heads.

"This isn't right." I shook my head.

"Don't you wanna get out of here?" He asked as he looked at the door.

"Yeah, but that was too easy." I admitted.

"Look, I'm gonna get out of here, and I'm gonna send help, okay, don't worry."

I rolled my eyes at his attempt to be my knight in shining armor.

"No, I'm serious." I hit the cage. "This might be a trap."

Jenkins gave me a small smile and wink. "Bye sweetheart."

He pushed open the door and poked his head through.

"Jenkins!" I called just as he walked out of the room.

I banged and hit the cage, hoping that I was able to spring something loose, so that my door could open and I would be able to stop Jenkins.

But I couldn't.

It wasn't long before I heard the distant sound of Jenkins screams and cried, knowing that he was caught and killed after a these people had their fun with him.

It wasn't until it became silent around me, that the realization finally hit.

I was alone.

Supernatural: Season One Dean Winchester Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now