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A week had passed and the talk of Taehyung and Jungkook's pups arrival went around within days of the baby girl being born. Which was worrisome for the new parents as they were already getting threats before their little bundle of joy was born. Both Jungkook and Taehyung had been in a hideout inside the salutary cabin with people guarding around the cabin just until they figured out what to do. The threats were not big but any threat was still a threat.

They were still moving out- they just had to be more cautious as the word got around. Taehyung wanted to leave within the few hours he was awake so they could get away from the danger if there was but at the same time, they needed to make a plan for their baby girl and not only that- but Taehyung needed to heal. So this was a full week of being parents. Surprisingly, nothing bad has happened.

"She eats a lot." Jungkook looked at their baby girl being held in Taehyung's arms while he fed her. A small chuckle coming from Taehyung who looked at Jungkook. The boy looked so fascinated by the pup in Taehyung's arms that he couldn't help but coo at the curious doe-eyed male. "You wanna try feeding her?" Taehyung asked Jungkook who backed up against the headboard, grabbed a pillow for support and nodded.

Taehyung laughed at that before he slowly moved onto his knees and handed Jungkook their daughter. In which Jungkook grinned widely while getting the baby girl comfy before continuing to feed her from the small bottle. The pup sucking desperately for the milk always made Jungkook giggle from the cuteness. Taehyung smiled at his mate before giving him a quick kiss and sitting beside him with his head leaning onto Jungkook's shoulder.

After a few moments of silence, Taehyung spoke up. "It's been a week and we don't have anything figured out Jungkook. Not even her name." Taehyung finally brought it up as Jungkook nibbled on his lip. They meant to talk everything out including her name- of course they were talking about their daughter's name but they didn't find something that they liked. Every name they picked just did not fit their daughter so they were stuck.

As for a plan- they couldn't bring themselves to think of one. See? This is where Taehyung's father would have been a great help for them in this situation. Though Korain was not around and they had to do what they had to do and what they thought was best. "Yeah... well, I had an idea." Jungkook tilted his head as the little girl finished her bottle.

Gently placing her on his shoulder and began to pat her back so she would burp. "The chip your parents put into you... I don't think that's a bad idea. It kept you safe did it not? Our baby is more at risk since she is a girl Taehyung and... I don't want her to be forced into anything. We don't know how powerful she can be or if she even is powerful. If not, people won't know that. They'll want her because of your bloodline either way and I am not risking anything, especially not her."

Taehyung nodded slowly while he thought it over before placing his hand on Jungkook's thigh for a comforting hold. "I was thinking the same thing. I think the chip is a good way to go. Until she is old enough and can decide for herself. Though we will have to educate her very well on this stuff. I want her life as normal as possible but I want her to know about everything in this life."

"And she will. With everyone around her, she'll know more than enough with our knowledge and she will also have the normal life you wish for her. I'll make sure of it." Jungkook leaned down to kiss Taehyung but at the same moment, a burp came from the baby. "Wow- she really needed to burp." Taehyung laughed lightly while Jungkook nodded. "Awe my sweet little pup, was that a good burp? I bet it was from the way it sounded." Jungkook rubbed her back with his own baby voice.

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