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Taehyung sat on the couch as he thought over his options. It's what he wanted ever since he found out about himself right? He didn't want to be tied down to someone he barely knew and from what he did know was that Jungkook was a bitch. Though part of him did want to see how this mate thing worked. How Jimin explained the feeling was nothing like he heard before.

But maybe, just like what Jungkook did he could find a forced mate. Kisu scared the shit out of him though so not him. Shaking his head, Taehyung broke his trance. "If this chip releases the toxins then what about when I went for like, blood donations and all that? And if it's just a chip we can take it out, right?" Taehyung babbled on.

Korain listened before speaking up. "The toxins were only released when you would stop taking the pills. The sweet pea is not your natural scent but just to warn others if they plan on mating you in a way they shouldn't and that's without your permission. There is an option to take out the chip but Taehyung-" Korain stopped.

"Then let's take it out." Taehyung didn't let his father finish. Taehyung really didn't know what came over him but all he knew was he wanted the chip out of him. Though Wonho stepped in after a while of silence. "Taehyung, I think your father is trying to keep you safe with this chip. We've been getting a lot of attacks and if words get out you're the former alpha and luna's son then..."

"You're going back to the pack?" Korain asked after a while of Wonho's sentence. Taehyung sighed after thinking over the safety. Nodding slowly, Taehyung looked up at Korain. "I need to make mends with my so-called mate and also... I feel quite out of place in the city if I'm being honest." Taehyung admitted. At first, it did feel homey when he got home but now that he was in the city roaming around, he didn't feel as comfortable as before.

Korain stood up and motioned Taehyung to do so as well and so he did. Looking over to Wonho and Seokjin, Korain watched them stand. "All I request from you two is to keep my boy safe. That's all I ask." Korain spoke with a tone that made Taehyung slightly shiver as Korain turned to Taehyung and smiled a bit. Taking in the moment to look at his son. "I know you don't know me Taehyung but I know you. I know you'll do what you think is right and just... just be safe and if you ever need me, I'm right here."

Korain had a broken smile with tears in his eyes. The boy he tried so hard to keep safe was willing to throw so much away and he didn't know why. Maybe it was valid to know Taehyung wanted to experience the real thing but god, Korain was so scared to lose his one and only child. "Why don't you come with us?" Taehyung added while Korain chuckled and wiped the tears. "I don't belong back there. My duty there is done and I've moved on from that life." Korain gulped.

Wonho turned to Korain and bowed his head. "I promise to keep your son safe, Alpha Korain." Wonho lifted his head to look at Korain who had a satisfied smile. "I believe that and I believe you will. Now, go on Alpha, you have a pack to lead." Korain motioned the boy to stand straight and so he did as Taehyung never took his eyes off his father. It still amazed him that one of his birth parents was standing in front of him. How much he looked like his father.

Snapping out of it, Taehyung walked towards the door and smiled at his father one more time before slowly walking out of the small house with Seokjin and Wonho. "He called me Alpha." Wonho tried to say calmly. "The alpha called me alpha." Wonho slightly squealed before clearing his throat causing Taehyung to slightly chuckle.

After some hours later, Taehyung stepped out of the vehicle that had Namjoon, Wonho, and Seokjin in. Taehyung found it funny how Wonho always had Namjoon on speed dial each and every time. The way they would joke about Namjoon being Wonho's 'bitch' too was hilarious.

The ride back was not as silent as Namjoon and Wonho caught up. They seem to be in a good mood while Seokjin looked out the window the whole time, his leg bouncing up and down and by the time the car came to a stop, Seokjin was the first one out. As for Taehyung, he waited for Wonho as well, he was basically his guardian on a field trip at this point.

Taehyung settled his bag on his shoulder as Wonho stepped out and bid Namjoon goodbye before they started off into the woods. Taking a different route since the one trail was becoming noticeable and they didn't need people to be following that. Not like anyone would though. It took almost a whole hour to reach the pack grounds in which Hoseok was already greeting the alpha along with his family.

As for Taehyung, he stayed behind them all and took a look around before that feeling came over him again. Uneasy and anxious as he picked at his skin before he heard words as 'Jungkook was attacked' that brought his guard up. Without a thought, Taehyung's feet started moving and the boy was following his instinct until he reached Jungkook and Mingyu's house.

Knocking on the door seemed more polite than walking in and so Taehyung repeatedly knocked until Mingyu was opening the door. "Hi, sorry, excuse me," Taehyung spoke in a rush as he hurried in to see Jungkook sleeping on the couch. Taehyung let out a sigh of relief as he looked at the boy that was sleeping peacefully, his arm over his head as his lips were slightly parted. "He's okay... but he does have a scratch on his arm that won't heal at its normal rate."

Taehyung slowly nodded as he looked over at Mingyu. "I'm uh, sorry for barging in. It's just-" Taehyung tried to explain as Mingyu nodded. "I get it. He's your mate-" Now it was Taehyung's turn to stop Mingyu, shaking his head. "He's not my mate," Taehyung explained while Mingyu only smiled and hummed. "But he is Taehyung. I mean, he's mine forcefully but he's not actually /mine/."

Before Taehyung could say anything else though, the sound of someone shifting caused Taehyung to turn his head and look at Jungkook who was slowly waking up, his face scrunching up just a little as his arm extended in a stretching manner before he was limp on the couch, slowly batting his eyes open.

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