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Taehyung looked at the picture of his mother and his father. For the very first time, Taehyung had laid his eyes on his mother. The perfect picture in his hand and he couldn't move his eyes away. There it was, those purple eyes but— his father also had the blue eyes. Closing his eyes for a moment, Taehyung felt his heart warm with love.

These were his parents. His biological parents and at first he didn't take it very 'oh my god my dad is alive' but more like 'okay you're my dad cool, whats this pill about'. Looking towards his father, Taehyung smiled lightly. "I see why I got a lot of letters in high school." Taehyung raised an eyebrow. It was true though— almost every week he would get a letter of someone confessing their love for him.

Taehyung took them at first but the amount of people that confessed— he couldn't continue hoarding the letters. A chuckle came from Korain before he shook his head. The smile caught Taehyung off guard. The same exact smile as his father, which made him smile. Then his father slowly lost the smile. "Taehyung.. you've been passed out for a day, almost two." Korain suddenly mentioned.

Taehyung choked on nothing but the air. "I— w-what?" The boy asked, confused. "Seokjin brought you here. Said you healed someone who was dying. He stayed for an hour or so but then he was gone. You didn't wake nor did you move. Bled every hour from your nose. It.. it scared me. Scared me to death, Taehyung."

Taehyung could see the watering eyes as Korain looked at him. The eyes soft with his lip slightly trembling. "So I.. did I save him? Was I able to heal him?" Taehyung asked, gulping back the saliva filling his mouth. Korain breathed in before nodding. Breathing out as he spoke. "Seokjin thanked you many times. Though that was all and left. But Taehyung, this gift is not just something you can do every day and every minute. This gift.."

Korain rubbed at his thighs and stood up, his hands rubbing at his mouth. "The gift is not only something good. Taehyung, this gift can also be a curse. The blood is a sign how weak your body gets every time you use your powers. More so if you do extreme healings like this. You saved someone from dying and your body is the one hurting anytime you do so." Korain explained.

"Then I can heal myself. You said so yourself." Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. Quite confused on this whole healing thing now. "Not from this. You can heal yourself if you have a deep wound, a stab even. A cold, a sickness. Though if you're using your powers here and there then you do more damage. You can heal yourself over and over but before you know it, you won't be able to heal yourself or anybody in that case because your wolf will be so worn out from all the work you are doing to yourself. Passing out like this? It's a sign to not do such things. Your mother was able to handle it because she wasn't on the pills. The pills affected you but I never ever wanted you to be able to use your powers. And.. and now you can use them."

Taehyung gulped harshly, his fingers running through his hair. So this healing shit wasn't just healing shit huh? Like, he could actually die from helping people? What kind of bullshit is that? Closing his eyes, Taehyung breathed in and out slowly before nodding. "Okay.. okay I won't do it anymore. Unless it's really needed and I need to save a loved one, alright?" Taehyung looked up at his father who nodded although he would like if Taehyung didn't use the power at all.

"So, you left the pack." Korain asked, his voice sounding much deeper than before. Being more stern with Taehyung as he would assume. "I.. I was a danger to the pack. People were finding out, telling other people and eventually.. eventually they killed a dozen ordinary wolfs and placed them around the exits and entrances. One wolf had purple eyes, just like me." Taehyung said with a low tone, his voice getting quieter as he spoke.

Korain didn't seem surprised though. He went through this with his mate, the love of his life. There was never a real time they could rest and be like normal mates. It was exhausting but Korain would never change anything in the world for the moments they had and how they grew with each other. Now he stood in front of their son. The need to protect the boy on the bed was still strong as ever as when Korain found out Youra was pregnant.

"Thank you for choosing to leave. I was always on the edge knowing you were there. Yet it was also relieving. This mate of yours, did he keep you safe?" Korain asked, finally sitting down on the bed next to Taehyung. The mention of his mate, Jungkook had Taehyung feeling again, nothing. Oh god he wished there was at least a little churn in his stomach or to feel his heart race but... it was nothing. "He.. he had a change of heart from when I met him. It was nice for a while.. before I rejected him."

Now that surprised Korain, his eyes bulging out of their sockets. "Well now I feel bad for the guy. Change of heart and you go and reject him? My gosh son, you really are putting him through hell right now." The sudden words of Jimin telling him what would happen to the other if he were to reject them came to mind. That's when he felt the churning in the stomach. Oh god— he didn't want that for Jungkook! Never!

Taehyung stood up. "Shit— shit shit I forgot about that whole dying thing ! Shit, I have.. shit I gotta go see him! Oh my god." Taehyung tried to hurry out but the dizzy feeling came out and before he knew it, he was falling but being caught by his father. Groaning, Taehyung grabbed onto the bed underneath him. "As I said, your wolf is weak. Weaker now since you're back on the pills. Though being on the pills while using your powers? You need rest. I'll get Seokjin to give me some details on this.. Jung.. book?" Korain squinted his eyes, trying to remember.

Even though he was pretty fucking bummed that he couldn't leave, that managed to make him chuckle. "Jungkook.. Korain, Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung spoke lowly, laying back on the bed with a dragged sigh. He hoped that Jungkook was perfectly okay.

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