Chapter 33: Achive Men and Hunters

Start from the beginning

Ruby: "Im very confused."

Y/n: "She and your dad reunited yesterday and... lets say they skipped the talking and went right for the physical union."

Phyrra: "So they..." She was to embarrased to finish that sentence.

Y/n: "If that limp was anything to go by I would say yes. Phyrra you mind taking over I want to go and see if Kali and Qrow have calmed down."

Phyrra: "Sure. Lets hope they didnt destroy too much."

Weiss: "Please they are two adults they wont do something that immature." The moment Y/n heard that from Weiss he was just sliding open the door.

Y/n: "Nope." Was all Y/n said as he saw the apocalyptic landscape that once was the training room. With the short glance Y/n saw the wooden wall decorations all but destroyed, some were set ablaze, Qrow was flying away from Kali who chased him like a cat would a bird meanwhile Ghira who seemingly tried to stop them was fighting with a water hose that was out of control. Rubbing his face and sighing loudly Y/n ripped open the door once again. "ATTENTION MAGGOTS." The three adults were in front of him in an instant all standing straight and saluting. "Qrow your punishment will be cleaning this whole mess."

Qrow: "But-" A glare stopped him in his tracks. "SIR, YES SIR." Grabbing a broom from seemingly nowhere Qrow began his work. Y/n turned towards Kali who was laughing at Qrow.

Y/n: "Kali, you and Ghira are lucky that I know that Qrow was the one to begin this whole dispute but nonetheless you two should still be punished." The two hung their heads in shame. "No fish for the two of you for the remainder of your stay with us, also no booze and no tea. Additionally I will have Blake confiscate all your books for today." Kali was hit the worst as she practically flung herself down to Y/ns feet begging him not to do that to her. "No, you decided to take this little prank of Qrow to serious, you turned it violent and as such you should be punished acordingly." Ghira leaned over to his daughter who came to see what was going on.

Ghira: "Is it bad that I want him as my son-in-law immediately? Noone managed to tame your mother before."

Blake: "Does that mean he would have your approaval?"

Ghira: "Definately, way better than that Sun fellow."

Y/n: "Ok lets go and get breakfast, Qrow you will have yours once you are finished here." Qrow let out a dejected sigh but didnt object otherwise. With that most of the group gathered around the dinning table. They talked about their plans for the day and Y/n began retelling the story of what happened the day before.

Yang: "Comeon I wasnt that drunk." Yang said.

Y/n: "You asked me if I were single." Y/n said with a deadpan look.

Yang: "And you are a hot guy nothing wierd about making sure."

Y/n: "You began to cry after I said no..." Yangs face grew a heavy blush of embarrassment. "And dont get me started on what you said on our way back."

Blake: "What did she say?"

Yang: "NOTHING!" she said already knowing where Y/n was going with that.

Y/n: "Yeah nothing much, just that she knew a pussycat named Blake who and I quote 'Has one sexy ass, like two melons taped together.'" Now both Yang and Blake were blushing, the first more than the latter. "But enough embarrassing Yang, if you dont mind I would like to practice till we go to that concert."

Ruby: "Practice?"

Y/n: "Oh yeah, the guys from the Achive Men want me to join them on stage at some point at the concert." Y/n said.

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