Little Red Riding Hood

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I should be used to it by now... people looking down on me, that is. But it wasn't just any person... it was Robin... and... it hurt...

The paper was stained with a tear drop. I sniffled and coughed a little. I wiped ny face with my sleeve before continuing  to write.

I was apparently gone for two days, though it sure didn't seem like it. I get why Robin was worried. I worry for him too whenever he goes out to hunt. I want to be mad at Robin. He cared for me. But I can't forgive him. Everytime I think about it, I think about how he looked down on me. Juat like everyone else.

I sighed at the page and closed my book. I kept it away. Looking at the book, I remembered that it was Robin who had given me the book. It was for my birthday. He saved up with his own pocket money and bought me a journal after realising I enjoyed listening and reading and telling stories.

I tried not to think about it. I was sure if I did, I would cry. I tucked myself in bed and fell asleep.

"Where's the boy!"

"There! Get him!"

The boy from my dreams yesterday, well, technically two days ago, was in here. He was still clutching onto the red cloth.

He ran quick and swiftly hid behind a tree. He was panting, gasping from air, exhausted.

He opened the red cloth bundle. Inside was a little baby with black hair. The baby was whimpering and squirming around, almost crying.

The men who were chasing the boy were still within the perimeter. The little boy had to stop the baby from crying. He made cooeing noises which caused the baby to giggle.

"Just a little more, Reyna. Just a little more," he said as he folded the cloth over the baby's face.

He got up slowly and soundlessly and ran again. A few men were pursuing him. He swiftly dived between tree trunks and thick vegetation.

Just then, a group of muscled men with dark brown skin and black hair fell from the trees and started fighting the men with spears.

One with long dreadlocks yelled at the boy,"Keep running!"

I woke up drenched in sweat. Another dream. I pinched the bridge of my nose. These dreams were giving me headaches.

I left my bedroom and saw Robin walking out of his. He paused and I walked past him. I still wasn't ready to forgive him.

"Morning mama," I greeted.

"Morning Red," she replied. "Help me with breakfast."

"Yes mama. After all, I should be doing it. Since I am weak," my words dripped with toxic and I saw Robin wince. Though I did feel guilty, just a little, I ignored it.

I went about helping mama with household chores. Whenever Robin spoke to me, I'd just reply coldly to him.

"Look, Red," Robin tried talking to me while I was preparing dinner. "I didn't mean you were weak. You just need to be more careful than others."

When I didn't reply, Robin hugged me from the back. "Please, Red."

"Mm." I didn't say much. I wanted to forgive Robin, but I knew if I said more, I'd scold him. I was going to try and calm down first.

"Look, Red. What I'm about to say next may displease you, but..." he took a deep breath. "Yesterday night, there was an attack. From a wild animal. "We aren't sure what kind yet, but... you shouldn't run off on your own. If mama gives you errands, which she shouldn't since I've already informed her, just decline."

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