Little Red Riding Hood

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"Disgusting creature?" she mumbled under her breath. Red grabbed onto her hood and pulled it back, letting her head of black hair tied into a tight braid fall down her back. "I need protection. From you. You're all murderers." 

The other Redheads stood in shock, some shivering in fear.

"And the one you're accusing of kidnapping me, is my husband!"

Upon closer look, the one who beside Red was holding her hand. Tightly. His eyes were glaring at the hunters, and they landed on me. He whispered something int her ear, and she turned to him trustingly. The look they had for each other, perhaps it was not the same as Marian and I, but there was love in them. Red loved this man, and even claimed he was her husband. She's my sister. She's only nineteen.

"What!" I yelled before I could stop myself.

Red jumped. It was subtle, but I caught it. Around, I heard the other hunters' whispers.

"Red's not one of us. She's a monster."

"That's why she wore her hood. She pretended to be sick, but really, she's one of them."

"Poor Robin, tricked by his own sister."

I stomped over, closer, and grabbed my bow, nocking an arrow from my quiver and aiming it to at her supposed husband. I would regret this later. I knew I would. But I was seeing red. This man dared to wed my precious sister? I knew Red would hate me, but I would deal with the consequences later. Now, I felt like hunting a wolf.

I let the arrow fly, twisting in the air with the point sharp, aiming for the wolf's head. I had aimed straight and true, and it would kill him. But to my surprise, the arrow was sliced in half, faster than I could see. In Red's hand, the sword that had been sheath by her side was out, gleaming dangerously, and on the floor was the arrow cut in half.

"Hello, Robin," Red spoke coldly, a tone I don't think I would ever get used to. "I appreciate the gift, brother dear." She sheath back her sword, and turned to address the other hunters. "Leave the forest alone and we'll return the children safely. Stop this useless burning. We won't attack so long as you don't wage war against us."

'We'? 'Us'? She saw herself as one of the Blackbirds. 

"Shut up, Red. You think a little sword swinging makes you terrifying? We don't need your mercy. We'll take back our children by force. Do you really think you scare us, you witch?" one of the hunters, Regan Coals, yelled.

"You utter those words, yet you stand on Blackbird soil. You really have no fear, Mister Coals."

Regan huffed his chest.

"But only stupid men live with no fear."

"Why you-"

The sky soon grew darker. A swarm of ravens flocked the skies, covering all light. The hunters readied their bows, but the ravens were too far out of reach.

"You shot the arrow through the sky to kill a raven, didn't you, Regan Coals?" Red extended her hand out and one of the birds landed on it. "These guys have a bone to pick with you."

The ravens swooped down, pecking Regan and lifting him up into the air. I could see some shift into humans, though hidden by the other birds. They carried him with hands, and flew high into the air. It was like watchinga  torando consume him. They finally dropped him, but what was left was flesh sticking to bones. Even for a hunter, it was a gruesome sight.

"Y- You said you won't hurt us!" a few protested.

"Huh? I never said that. I offered to let you leave safely so long as you didn't attack us anymore. An example needed to be made, since you didn't believe me. And besides, he made the birds really angry." Red rubbed the head of the raven on her arm.

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