Little Red Riding Hood

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A week had passed, as we neared the winter season. I had wanted to check on the children in the woods, but I was too busy trying to assimilate the sloths and fishes in our territory. It was going faster with the help of Lily from the Fish clan and Bella from the Sloth- it was faster with the help of Lily.

And just when I had free time-

"My Lady, do not squirm! We are trying to prepare for an important day ahead!"

"It seems a little too soon, don't you think, Lucinda-"

"Listen to Ella. It is only a night away!"

"Don't we have tomorrow still? What is the rush?" I grumbled.

"We are already late! What hair do will you have, My Lady? Loose? Tight? Braids?"

"I- I don't know?"

"Wrong answer, My Lady! Braids always work!" They spent at least an hour tying my hair. My shoulder were starting to stiffen. After all that, they undid it, and told me to rest. I sighed as I jumped onto my bed. "What a rush!"

"It must be hard for you, Red," Aloysius said as he climbed onto the bed with me. We were awkward at first, and he had to wake up from my nightmares often, but we worked it out mostly. It was comfortable now between the two of us.

"It is quite exciting. This is our last night before we become a married couple," Aloysius smiled.

"Indeed, though it feels like we already are one." I blushed at my own words. "That came out too forward."

"Why have you not chosen to spend the last night under the moonlight with the other wolves? Is that not a tradition in the village?"

"Well- it is, but I'm not quite sure how to spend such a night. With Marian, we stayed up till dawn, whispering of the men in the village, and what Marian would name her children," I remembered feeling sleepy, but laughing along with the other village girls. For a night, the attention was on Marian. It was about her, just all for her. A day where she was special.

I tried to participate in the gossip, but I knew few. The little experience I had was with Peter, and that could barely be more than a night walk in the market. It might be fun to have such a night with the wolves. A night to spend about me. But if I asked so, the wolves would have no choice but to obey, as their Alpha, and as a born-murderer. 

"What about you? Will you be out late with the others too?" I inquired.

"Yes, lest you wish for me to stay to accompany you."

"No! Go and have fun! Don't let me stop you," I quickly jumped in. Just because I didn't want to spend a night out doesn't mean he couldn't.

"It would be no fun for you to spend your last night as a maiden alone."

"I wouldn't be alone. Perhaps I'll visit the children. I know Aurum eagerly wants to make me a flower crown," I laughed.

Aloysius looked skeptical. I pushed him towards the entrance of the cave. "Go! Have fun with your friends, Aloysius!"

"I am willing to stay, Red. You would not be forcing me," he resisted as I tried to push him with all my might. His bigger size made me stop in my tracks, and he wouldn't budge no matter how hard I pushed.

"No! Have fun! Go!" I successfully pushed him out. "Out! You! Go!"

Aloysius turned around with a tired smile on his face. He pat the top of my hood. "Should you feel lonely, telepath to me. I will come, even if I have to streak in my birthday suit."

I stuck out my tongue in disgust. "You absolutely will not! Put on your clothes before you see me! I have no desire to see anything!"

"You seem to understand what I am saying," he joked.

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