Little Red Riding Hood

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I got an earful from Mama the next day. Surprisingly, Robin didn't anything. Well, perhaps not too surprising, seeing as he may have been the one who asked the wolf to protect me yesterday. After Mama lectured me in the morning, I helped her bake bread for customers. 

"Where's Robin?" I noticed that I hadn't seen him after breakfast. Could he be with the hunters today? Normally he would tell me so, but I was sleeping throughout most of yesterday, so it made sense that he didn't say so.

"He's out with Marian. He's been following her everyday since they finally got together," Mama replied. "Bake this batch in the oven, Little Red." She handed me a large wooden baking tray with uncooked dough that I carried into the oven.

In the meantime, I went to serve the other customers. I was bringing some fresh croissants to a table but nearly tripped over as two children ran between my legs. "Hansel! Gretel! Get over here!" the father of the two scolded. The two twins giggled and ran to give their father a hug. I knew their father, a renowned wood cutter, Wheresmeine Leiderhosen. He was a kind and strong man and a loving father to his two children. Recently, however, his wife had passed away not much a year ago. Despite that, he still took care of his children with more love than I'd seen in two parents.

"Don't worry about it, Mr Leiderhosen. Hansel, Gretel, would you like some bread?" I offered them a bun each in secret and placed a finger over my lips. "It'll be our little secret." I smiled. They nodded their heads and ran out of the bakery, fresh baked buns in hand, and Mr Leiderhosen chasing after them with his bought bread.

"Sweet of you to give bread to Mr Leiderhosen and his kin. I heard they haven't been doing well lately. Poor man, poor family," my mother sighed as she kneaded a new batch of dough.

"They haven't? Why not?" I thought his business was still booming. Many came to him to get the best wood materials for houses and furniture.

"Well, the trees in this village have been infested with bugs recently, and the quality of wood has gone down. Shame. I was going to get a new baking tray too," Mama shook her head and sighed, her red curls shook with her. "The blackbird forest is far too dangerous for him. He's gotten older and he has his two children to worry about. He can't run off into the woods bravely anymore."

That was true. The blackbird forest had thick vegetation and many sturdy trees perfect for building, but it was dangerous. In the recent years, anyone who cut the trees would come back gravely injured. According to them, birds in the trees would peck them to death. It sounded like such a horrifying and painful way to die.

Mr Chops came by to pick up his pre-ordered bread. As Mama went to fetch it, I had a small talk with him. "How've you been, Red? You aren't coughing as much." I never realized till he said so. I felt less sick, not coughing as much as before, other than when entering the village after being in the blackbird forest for so long.

"I suppose I'm getting better," I nodded. Mr Chops chuckled," Will we see your face again once you get better?" I froze up. Were they expecting that?   I  tried to laugh it off, "Well you saw it the day that wolf broke into the village, didn't you? It was on show for everyone."

"Aw, but it'd be better to see it all the time. And we still don't know how that wolf got in. The hunters 'been working hard to make sure they don't! Robin's one, right?" he sighed and looked away with a dreamy look. "Robin found his other half, Marian. Sweet girl, sweet girl. He's 'bout to settle down soon, I bet. Maybe you'll get better enough to show your face at his wedding?" I choked slightly at the thought of it. Of course he'd have a big grand wedding, being a popular hunter of the village. I would attend, of course, but it was always a far away thought.

"Have you found a 'other half too? Thinking of settling with anyone yet? Gotta' come out of your shell first, of course," he chuckled.  Mama came back with his bread and he waved farewell. Perfect timing. I didn't want to think of myself with someone just yet. Thinking of someone with Robin was already too much for me.

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