Little Red Riding Hood

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"Why? Shouldn't you try to take back your role as Alpha from her? You'll have to kill her!"

He hugged me from the back, resting his head on my shoulder. His breath tickled my neck, and his hand never let go from mine. "Why would I want to kill my future wife?" 

The meeting was rescheduled to another day due to the sudden arrival of Aloysius and his very sudden marriage announcement that I didn't even know about. I could see the faces of the other pack members, eyes popping out and tongues stuck out in shock. I imagined that's what my face looked like too.

Once I arrived back in the pack, everyone was bombarding me with questions. Questions I didn't even know the answer to.

"Lady Red, you were in a romantic relationship with Aloysius? Since when?"

"Lady Red! When's the wedding?"

"When were you going to tell us?"

"So do we call him Sir Aloysius again?"

I quickly ran past all the wolves and shut myself in my cave. Once I had a moment of peace, I squat in a corner and held my hood over my head in confusion. "Aloysius- said I'm his- his future w-wife? Huh?"

Well I did propose. Was this how he felt when I did so? Confused? Scared? Shocked? My proposal to save him... I thought he rejected it? Part of me was happy, overjoyed that Aloysius would be the Alpha and stay in the wolf pack, the other was still confused by my sudden marriage announcement.

"Red-" I heard his deep voice and fell backwards. Before I hit the floor, Aloysius had quickly picked me up by my arms and I hung like a dry towel. "Why are you still so careless? If I was a predator, I could've killed you-" he closed his mouth and put me down. "Be aware of your surroundings from now on."

"Speaking of being aware, why was I not of our 'marriage'? You didn't give me an answer," I crossed my arms.

"I did in fact give my answer, Red. Did you not hear? I was sure I was close and loud enough," he stepped closer to me.

"No, you ran away when I asked," my face sunk at the memory of my rejection.

"I did so, but I gave my answer earlier." He leaned close to my ear and whispered, "I said 'Yes, I will, Lady Red.' You heard me."

My neck felt ticklish and I quickly covered my nape. "Don't do that. And how does that count? What if I had decided to already marry someone else? Like Cedric?" I apologise, Cedric. You are my sacrafice. May you be missed.

Aloysius' eyes darkened a dangerous gold. "Cedric? Was the time the two of you spent so fun while he was your second in command?"

"It was hypothetical. I didn't ask to marry anyone else. I've only ever asked you."  I realised how silly I sounded, like a little village girl who had a crush. I felt my cheeks burn and turned away. "Why did you suddenly accept it? You seemed pretty adamant about not marrying me before."

His slender fingers pushed back my hood and he held onto a long strand of my hair. "The other leaders were purposely attacking you. They doubted your loyalty. Blackbird leaders are a pain to deal with. I felt I had to at least back you up with my reputation." He stood even closer, till I had to crane my neck to look up. He touched his forehead to mine. "Besides, I couldn't lose you to another wolf. Especially not Cedric."

I gulped. He was very close. Very intimate. But I didn't mind. I was more afraid that if I did anything, he would change his mind and leave. I tried to meet his eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to. What if I broke this moment. I didn't want him to leave again. I couldn't bear it! 

Little Red Riding HoodWhere stories live. Discover now