Little Red Riding Hood

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I hadn't seen Aloysius for a while. He had left after the huntress was dragged away by the wolves. I was starting to grow worried. Where is he? Did something happen to him? Would something happen to him? 

Maybe he was upset that I'd self-proclaimed to be the leader of the wolves, taking over his position. I should find him, so I can give it back to him. However, I was currently being asked to lay on the bed in the medical care by Colt, who had yelled at me to rest.

"Alpha Red, what should we do with the prisoner?" Ella asked me.

"I'll go see her myself first," I said and tried to get up. Ella pushed me down immediately.

"Absolutely not, Alpha Red! It's far too dangerous! You can tell us what to do!" Ella said firmly.

"I should move out of bed though. It'd be unhealthy to lie around and do nothing-"

"Stay on the bed, Alpha," Cedric shook his head.

"Cedric! Have you seen Aloysius?" I almost leaped out of my bed again, but the strength of two wolves overpowered me.

"Aloysius? He's probably gone by now."

"A- Aloysius?" Cedric just called him by his name. Where did the "Sir" go? "Why do you suddenly address him different?" 

"He's no longer the alpha. In fact, he's no longer of the pack."

My eyes widened. What? How can that be? Aloysius- he was their leader!

"Where is Aloysius? I wish to speak to him. Take me to him!" I noticed Cedric flinch, trying to defy me, but biologically, he had to listen to my orders.

I didn't want to be the Alpha. Not before, not now. I didn't like to use my power, having the Blackbirds listen to my every word, it sounded as though I was forcing them. Cedric turned into a wolf and asked me to ride his back.

I didn't mean to, but I backed away. It wasn't his fault, but seeing him as a wolf... it made me scared. The image of a black beast charging at me, and I having intention to kill it. It scared me. Without my voice, it could kill me, and I would kill it. Luckily, Cedric didn't notice. I just walked beside him.

"Where would Aloysius be?" I asked as I walked beside Cedric who slowed his steps for me. "Why would he leave the pack?"

"The life of an Alpha is short lived. Alphas are chosen through battles. Blackbirds with gold eyes are seen to have more leadership and strength than others, though the fight for the position is not limited." Aloysius had mentioned something like that before.

"Once you enter the fighting ring, you cannot leave once first blood is drawn. You will have to fight till the death.  This ensures the Alpha has no other competitors who will rally against them. This case was special. The huntress had left Aloysius alive, but she had beaten him in battle, hence, she was the Alpha. And you, you defeated her, cutting off her head multiple times. Hence, you have received your position."

Right... I did cut the huntress' head. It was very satisfying. 

"Chances are, Aloysius has followed tradition, and left the pack as a rogue to avoid inevitable death."

"What do you mean inevitable? You'll kill him?" I was shocked. They- would they? Could they kill their old leader?

"If you order so, we will," Cedric nodded.

"Was- was Aloysius a bad leader? Why would you do that? Like the huntress asked Bador to kill me, you would do the same too?" I wanted to back away.

"Aloysius... he was an excellent leader. He fought for his position, and took care of all the wolves, young and old. However, that is the way of wolves. It is the way for most of us Blackbirds. We listen to the Alpha's words, even if they are to ask us to die."

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