The Big Bad Wolf

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I paced around the borders of the wolf pack even after meeting Cedric. I constantly kept my eyes on Red, as if I could ever take them off. 

My talk with Cedric was uneventful. He acted as though he could read me. Showing up at the Blackbird meeting as a rogue. What did he know? It was suicidal. I won't do it. That was what I told myself. And yet, here I stood, watching her from behind. She was trying to explain to the other Blackbirds, but they refused to listen.

Give her a chance to speak! Let her explain! They continued to doubt her, question her. I could see her shake as she tried to hold back tears. She took a step back. I couldn't take it. They didn't trust her, but they trusted me. I would have to go against my plan, to protect her. I jumped out of the bushes gracefully and walked behind Red. I linked her fingers with mine.

She said she liked my hand. So I would hold hers. I would hold her entire self if she wished- but I had to restrain myself. She was so close. I wanted to hold her and keep her away from here. But I needed to help her first, to comfort her and boost her reputation. "What on earth are you crying about, Lady Red?" I whispered in her ear.

The Blackbirds stared back, stunned by my display of affection. I leaned closer, as if I could get any closer to her. If I was in her pack, I could help her. There was only one way. To accept her proposal. "Yes, I will, Lady Red."

As she turned back, confused, I continued to hold her hand. I glared back at the rest of the Blackbirds in front of me. "You dare to talk about the Alpha of the wolf pack?"

"Aloysius- you're alive! Are you going to fight Lady Red for the position of Alpha?" Sera, the leader of the cheetah clan stared back in shock. Did she think I was dead? Surprise, I suppose.

"Do I look as though I'm here to fight her?" I raised our linked hands. Red seemed embarrassed and tried to hide it. It only made me want to show it more. 

"Why? Shouldn't you try to take back your role as Alpha from her? You'll have to kill her!" Harriot, leader of the bear clan shouted.

I hugged Red from behind and rested my head on her shoulder. I refused to let go of her hand, especially in front of these people. I wanted them to see, and to know. "Why would I want to kill my future wife?"

Red stiffened in my hold and turned her face slightly to look at me. Her expression was so easy to read. It made me chuckle. A mix of confusion and surprise lay on her face.

"Ahem! Seeing this sudden marriage announcement, we may have to meet up another time," Leonard, leader of the lion pride, coughed into his fist.

I joined Red and the other wolves who yelped happily at my arrival. They seemed excited to have me back. My heart warmed, thinking that they still missed me. It wasn't usual for wolves to care too much about Alphas who were beaten, then again, they all died. Part of me was afraid they would hate me. It was good to know they didn't.

When we entered our territory, I felt a rush of adrenaline. After being kicked out, I only watched Red from the borders. Stepping into here... it felt a little wrong and foreign. Red nervously pushed past the wolves and walked into my cave- well, her cave now. I followed her into it and she paced around before squatting in a corner and pulling her hood up. From the entrance, I could hear her mumble, "Aloysius- said I'm his- his future w-wife? Huh?"

It was quite a cute sight, watching the pup look confused. "Red-"

She fell backwards in shock. I rushed to her from the entry way and picked her up, hanging her off the ground. Her feet dangled like loose ropes. I sighed, "Why are you still so careless? If I was a predator, I could've killed you-". 

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