Little Red Riding Hood

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The Blackbirds shifted into wolves, except Aloysius. They stood, surrounding Aloysius, like a shepherd with his sheep. I stood behind, following them recklessly, and I knew it.

"Red, return back to the infirmary with Colt. I shall go and-"

"No, I'm following you. You should have been resting too, yet you can still fight."

"Exactly. I can fight. I can turn and kill-" he bit the inside of his cheeks to stop himself. "You are defenseless. Return."

"If you give me a weapon, a sword, or even a dagger- I fought her before, I can do it again!"

Aloysius looked like he wanted to find an excuse to keep me away from the battlefield. I understood why. He didn't want me to see him turn into a wolf, a being who ate my hand. I wanted to show him I wasn't afraid. I would fight, and earn my place.

"If I may," Cedric interrupted and went to get something. He returned quickly with a scabbard in between his teeth. He held it up to me. I took it from him, scratching his ears a little, and unsheath a sword from the scabbard. 

It was beautifully crafted. My mouth dropped. It was light and long, shiny and sharp. It glowed brightly, reflecting the setting sun. The hilt was carved of wolves, fighting, eating, playing. It was magnificent.

"While you were gone, I know I should've gifted you a better sword. I crafted that for you, in case one day you would return. You can use it to defend yourself."

I tested its weight in my hand. Perfect. Sliced the air, a swift sound. "I will use it to defend this pack."

Aloysius stared back, his eyes wide. They were full of emotions. He looked surprised, worried... but I could sense pride behind them.

"Come. We have a huntress to hunt. We shall show her what it feels like to be a prey to the wolves." We marched till we saw her, standing at the bottom of a hill surrounding the wolf clan. She wore her pelts and furs proudly. I noticed she had more.  A fur cape, brown, made of bear's skin. How horrific.

"Ah, it seems my lovely alpha has awaken. Oh, and the girl is still alive! How wonderful! Mother will be pleased!" she smiled, delighted. Her sharp teeth glistened disgustingly.

"You have some nerve coming back to the wolf clan after what you have done. Do not think my wolves will let you leave alive," Aloysius growled.

"You wolves?" she laughed maniacally. "Oh, how silly, Alpha. Your wolves! You must have forgotten the rules of the wolf clan then."

"I forget no such rules. This is my clan, and you shall leave! I suggest you start running," Aloysius growled. 

"You had better start running. You still think you are the alpha? With that many weaknesses? You can still call yourself an Alpha after eating one of your pack's hand?"

Aloysius flinched at her words. She had struck a nerve. He was hesitating now. Wavering. Unsure if he had his authority anymore or if he could trust himself with his leadership now. She was smart. Cruel. Cunning.

"I am not a part of the wolf clan! I am Red, of the Redhead Village. I may have lost an arm, but I was able to decapitate you once. Shall I do it again?" I stood beside Aloysius, gripping the hilt of my sword, showing I was ready to draw it to start a fight.

"You are quite brave, witchling. Standing next to the one who tore your arm from your socket, could it be courage or stupidity."

"Neither. It s trust. You locked him in there! You starved him! For your entertainment. I will fight with the wolves to avenge the leader and what you have done to him!"

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