Little Red Riding Hood

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"Lady Red, did that witch do anything to you? You're still weak, rest first!" Cedric insisted as I walked around.

"Cedric, I need to move around. I can't stay still right now!" I huffed in frustration. I was coming up with a plan to give Aloysius the title, but I was constantly fussed over by the other wolves to rest more.

Currently, I sat in Aloysius' cave that held books and a wooden table. I was finding out about the history and customs of the Blackbird wolves. Each clan seemed to have their own customs and traditions they abide by, and I was trying to remember them all. I laid my head on the table, wanting to give up. I really didn't like to work.

"Lady Red, one of the children wish to speak to you," Zev who was guarding the entrance of the cave said.

"Which one?"

"Aurum, the girl with golden hair."

"Let her in," I allowed. Soon, Aurum walked in, her hair shining like thin curly gold strings in the sunlight at the entrance of the cave.

"Good day, Lady Red," she curtsied.

"No need for that, Aurum. What brings your visit to me?" I asked as I tided away the books on the desk.

"Well, I- I haven't seen you since you rescued you! You were either asleep, fighting, or studying. I really, really wanted to thank you for saving me!" She fidgeted on the spot, as if she was tempted to say something, but was too shy.

"I apologise. I have been rather busy as of late. It pleases me to see you are doing well. You look much healthier than before." She was gaining back weight, and didn't look as frail as when I'd first met her.

"I- I have been staying in the infirmary with Gretel and Teddy! Gretel seems to know you very well, but she always cries in her sleep. She said you rescued her. And- and...," she mumbled something I couldn't understand.

"What was that, Aurum?"

"May- May I call you Sister Red as Gretel does? She speaks highly of you, and you are my savior! You are the leader of these wolves, are you not? May I call you as my big sister? Will you let us stay with you?" She looked up at me, blue eyes shining hopefully, and her hand clasped together.

I was shocked, bombarded by her questions. Calling me a familiar term, and asking to live here? I didn't think about where she would go. I suppose it was only logical for her to stay here, but for Gretel and Aurum, with their bright colour hairs in this Blackbird forest, it would be like planting a garden in the same dirt as fungi. They would constantly be in danger, drawing unwanted attention to themselves.

"I can serve you well! I learn quickly too! Anything you wish to have me do, I shall! I can be of use to you! Please let us stay!" she got on her knees and started begging. I rushed over and pulled her up.

"There is no need to bow or beg, Aurum." She looked back with hearts in her eyes. 

"I suppose you can stay, though it may be quite dangerous-"

"Thank you Sister Red!" She hugged me, knocking me over and my back hit the table, I tried to stop it with my left arm, but was unable to reach. I knocked the stub of my elbow, and it throbbed painfully. I winced in pain.

"Sister Red? Did I hurt you? Oh dear! I apologise-"

"Do not fret, Aurum. I merely slipped," I calmed her down. She tried to pull me up, but realised my lack of a hand.

"Sister red! What has become of your hand? When you rescued me, you had both!" Aurum held onto my stub of an elbow.

Ah... how do I tell Aurum that it was bitten off by Aloysius when he was out of his mind as a beast? That would scare her, or make her fear Aloysius. I did not want him to be remembered as such a cruel person. 

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