Stalking is not courtship

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At three o'clock in the morning, I am already wide awake and preparing my stuff.

Getting this early to go to the hospital sometimes make me want to rent in an apartment near my working place.

Or you could go back to Canada.

That's my other self talking.

But Canada is the last resort. Going back there means enduring the constant nagging of my Auntie Gertrude who wants me to be married to the son of her longtime friend, Arnold.

And though Alfon and I were once was good friends, it is still not sufficient for us to be tied with each other. He wants something else and so am I.

I am all alone here in the Philippines with no way of knowing when I am going to settled down. With my previous relationships, never did it occurred to me of wanting to get married to them. Maybe that is also one of the many reasons why I cannot give them myself.

"Why are up so early?"

I gasped audibly when I heard Albert's voice behind me.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." I hissed. "Please don't sneak up on me like that again."

He frowned.

Gosh.. Why is he so handsome?

But wait! What? Handsome? Uh-huh! Not really.

"I am not sneaking on you." He replied. "And why are you already dressed? Are you going to leave without my knowing?"

I exhaled. "Yes I am leaving."

His frown deepened and I almost smiled at this reaction.

"I'm going to the hospital. I need to be up this early so that I wilk be caught in the traffic." I finally explained.

And then I smiled sweetly. "Why do you look so mad, Mr. Martinez?"

"When I saw your bag, I thought you are going to leave permanently. Can't blame me, that bag is quite large."

"I'm planning to stay at a friend's house tonight."

"When you say mean.."

"A girl friend. Aye, Mr. Martinez, your jealousy is over the roof." I joked. But he didn't react.

Ok. Not a good one.

"Why are going to stay there? You have a place." He said.

What place is he talking about? Here?

"But if you really going to then I will go with you. You said a girl friend, two ladies are still no match to your man stalker." He added..

"I didn't tell you that it is a man."

"You don't have to. Just merely looking at you, I knew."

Now it's my time to interrogate him with that statement.

"Well, what did you see in me that made you think that?"

"First, you have a very lovely face. Perfect nose, tantalizing eyes, kissable lips. Second, your to-die-for body. Like I told you before, you can't blame a man to gawk over you. And lastly, your voice, soothing and hypnotizing. Not to mention your personality. All those things made you a perfect target of an addict or a maniac."

I gaped at him.

"That's only your opinion."

"Then can you explain to me why you have a stalker? And not to mention, that policeman at the hospital who was once your patient. And wait, nadischarge na ba yun?"

Ms. Prim And Mr. Improper [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin