Iron Girl-Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

"You know what you did." I snarled and took a swig of the vodka.

"Tony, I blacked out after the party. As soon as I touches Hammer, I was out!" She was still shaking.

"Well to sum it up," I walked over to the coffee table in front of her and jumped on it. "Your pregant," her eyes widened, "You broke my heart," she gasped, "And your with, ugh, Happy." she jumped up from the couch with her hands in her hair.

"No. No. No... I'm pregant? With your kid?!?" she screached.

"Nope. Happy's" I jumped off the table and practicly skipped over to my room. I looked back a Pepper, who stared longingly after me. I smiled at her sweetly. "Paybacks a bitch, baby!"

And with that I slammed the door shut, chuckling to myself.


•Scarlett's point of view•

I looked out the car window, worried. In those long years I spent at Shield, we had to patrol the parking garages to make sure theres no one out here. And if they see Tony's car, ohhh, all hell's gonna break loose.

I stole one final glance and then ripped my shirt off. I slipped my pants off quickly and stole another sneak. I grabbed the Shadow suit off the floot and started pulling it on. After I got the skintight, Lycra suit on, I pulled the boots on that were still under the chair.

I then went though the assorted weopons and found my cuffs and belt. I grabbed a gun holster and latched it on my thigh. I shoved a few more random weopons into my suit.

As I looked over what I had, I glanced back to the tray of weopons. Oh, what the hey.

I grabbed the huge gun and grinned. I'm going to enjoy this. I really will. But first...

I grabbed the phone and looked through my contacts. Tony pre-loaded it with all the hero's numbers. Every hero in the world, at my fingertips. This is where you would insert an evil laughter.

I scrolled down the contacts, I saw a few I had never heard of before. Batgirl? Wonder woman? I'd call them but I've never met them, so who knows? I'll ask about them Tony later.

I selected The Avengers, X-men, and some other people like Spiderman, loners.

I sent a text message out saying, 'In 20 minutes, assemble inside the Shield HQ. We aren't fighting with them, but against him. It has attacked by someone. Come unless I text you different. Bring all heros.'

Well that's that.

I unlocked the door and jumped out. I slung the big gun over my back and slipped my phone into one of the pouches on my belt. I slammed the door shut and looked around and listened for anyone.

Nothing. Move out.

I ran quickly to the elevator, or as the Shield agents described my running, danced. I stood up, trying to look casual, and pushed the button to the elevotor. I motionlessly looked around me. 3 security camaras peered down at me.

A few seconds later the elevator came and laughter emitted from the inside. The doors opened revealing two of my former fellow agents. But through these past weeks, I've become unrecongable. My hair color changed, thinner, much more stressed. Thanks Tony, Happy.

I stepped in to the elevator, evadeing the curious glares from the girls. I looked at the buttons and saw the place to sweep the Shield card for a certain area. I was permitted to that area and it's a good thing cause that's where I'm going.

I reached into my belt and pulled out my card. I quickly swipped it and slipped the card back into my pocket.

The two girls murmured to each other, gossiping no doubt. I sighed and leaned up against the wall. The elevator started moving quickly before abruptly stopping. The doors opened and the two girls exited.

Thank God. I moved over more to the side of the elevator so I would be hiden from anyone's view when the doors opened.

When the door finally opened, revealing the bottom floor, two men stood on either side of the hallway, armed. Crap.

I casualy straightened up and started down the hallway. I felt the two men's eyes peering down at me as I passed them.

I listened carefully for a click or a skuffle. I was almost to the end when my legs buckled.

My eyes widened and a horrible burning pain envolped my body. The core of it was my heart which felt like it was exploding.

I started shaking violently and my legs gave out. As I fell to the floor I saw the two men out of the corner of my eye.

Though the sunglasses I could see their eyes were also large, as they lowered their guns. When I hit the floor they ran over to me, holstering their weopons.

They dropped to their knees next to me.

"What's wrong?" one hurriedly asked.

"I-*cough*-don't know!" I coughed out.

They looked over me and looked at each out.

"We're taking you to the hospital."

"O-k." I stammered.

The bigger one picked me up and carried me bridal style back to the elevator. He pushed the button and the doors opened.

He walked inside and pressed a button. The other agent followed him silently.

We were quickly at the 1st floor of the parking garage and the men ran out of the elevator.

They ran over to a black Suv and unlocked it. The agent set me down on the backseat and ran to the driver's seat. The other agent ran to the passanger seat.

They started the car and roared out of there.

"So Scar," my eyes widened. "What have you been up to lately?" The driver looked back at me and took his sunglasses off.

Once they were removed, I saw agent Colson.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed smiling. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cause Director Fury would have me shot. He has all the hallways bugged."

"So isn't this car?" I whispered.

"Nope," he turned around. "It's my car."

I smiled as he turned the radio on to Walk this Way(Aerosmith).

But as I sat there, the smile started to fall off my face. My heart stopped throbbing and my body went numb. My vision went fuzzy and I saw a blurred Colson turning around. I closed my eyes and breathed what may be my last breath.

Yeah its kinda short but it was gonna really short but then i thought, you ppl are off school, so write more! But last week the reason for no chapter is i was pulling myself back so i could find out where im going. This is a pretty important chapter because the truth is, im about to end this book at 25 chapters. But, there's gonna be a sequel, in jan. Kk? Please vote this time. Theres like 50 of you and just think how many people would find out about this book if you all vote! I love ya!!!!!!

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