Chapter 39

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Jennifer's POV

"Come on Jen!" Madeline pleaded, I rolled my eyes as I shook my head,

"What are you two trying to do?" Alice questioned as her and Lily entered the room,

"Jen won't come to the engagement party that's been set up for her and Sirius tonight" Kayla answered,

"Wait, you're not going to your own engagement party?" Lily asked, I shook my head

"What's the point? This is basically just an excuse for everyone to get drunk. I won't know half of the people who turn up" I replied,

"Oh come on!" Lily and Madeline pleaded in unison,

"Even Sirius is going, so it'll be strange that he turns up but you don't" Alice reasoned,

"If I agree to go will you all stop with the begging?" I groaned standing up, their eyes widened and they all nodded, with cheesy smiles, "Fine I'll go then" I sighed,

"Yey!" They cheered tackling me with a hug making me laugh, they broke away from me and I went to get showered.


"There's the power couple!" Prongs announced as Sirius and I entered the room of requirements, everyone cheered, majority of them already drunk or on their way to being drunk,

"Is that McGonagall and Dumbledore?" I whispered to Sirius, he looked over and nodded

"Yeah, with Slughorn and Pomfrey" he chuckled, I smiled shaking my head,

"Right, go have fun with the boys, before Prongs complains that I'm stealing you away" I say, he smiled before pulling me in for kiss then disappeared,

"Congratulations!" Mel yelled as she tackled me with a hug from behind, I laughed as I turned to her, I raised an eyebrow at the cup she was holding, "It's water, relax" she sighed, I smiled pulling her in for a hug kissing her forehead,

"Jennifer, congratulations. I guessing this makes us family" Regulus said as he handed me a drink, I rolled my eyes pulling him into a hug,

"Of course it does. I mean we were family already due to Mel" I replied pulling away and taking a sip of the drink.


Several groans erupted throughout the room as I woke up, I had crashed at the Marauders room along with Lily since Alice, Madeline and Kayla took some people who wanted to carry on partying to our dorm last night,

"Morning" I mumbled to them all as I sat up from Sirius's chest,

"Not so loud" Prong whined, his head buried into Lily's back, while she just stared ahead making me chuckle before Sirius sat up behind me, wrapping his arms around my stomach and placing his chin on my shoulder, kissing my neck

"Morning" he grumbled,

"What day is it?" Moony questioned while his head was buried in his pillow,

"Sunday" Peter replied,

"Shush. My head hurts and you're all talking too loud" Prongs whinged, I rolled my eyes

"Come on. Get changed, we're going down to the Great Hall to cure these hangovers" I whispered, climbing out of bed and pulling my jeans back on and tied my hair up leaving Sirius' shirt on, as we walked through the common room, it was almost silent, everyone who was old enough for the party looked rough, and the younger years were being considerate and talking quietly, we entered the Great hall and it was a similar sight to the Common room, Mel smiled and waved at us, while Regulus had his head in his hand not looking too good, even the Professors that came looked rough, we sat down,

"Sweet, sweet orange juice" Lily mumbled as she gulped it,

"How hard did we party last night? Everyone looks horrible" I questioned, they all shrugged,

"Morning!" Alice, Madeline and Kayla chirped as making us all groan in response,

"How are you so cheerful?" Lily grumbled,

"They're still drunk" Remus answered making the three of them beam,

"Just wait until it hits you" I chuckled making their smiles drop,

"Well we're going to be going down to the Three Broomsticks if you'd like to join" Madeline retorted,

"You're going to continue drinking?!" Prongs exclaimed immediately groaning afterwards,

"Yeah. You can't get a hangover if you don't stop drinking" Kayla replied,

"Kayla no" Lily asserted,

"She might have a point" Sirius commented earning a warning glare off me making the others chuckle,

"We're meeting Regulus and Mel later to go down for some food. So we need to get washed and ready" I reminded.


"Did I ever tell you how good you look in my shirts?" Sirius questioned as we made our way down to the courtyard, I had another of his shirts on with some black jeans, the two of us seemed to have perked up quite a bit from this morning,

"Yeah, I think I remember you muttering it before I passed out last night" I replied making him chuckle,

"There you two are. Hurry up" Mel greeted,

"And I thought we were running late because of pregnancy bladder over here" Regulus teased making Mel jab him in the ribs,

"I can't help it. You try having a baby press down on your bladder" she snapped back making me chuckle,

"Alright you two calm down. I'd actually like the two of you present at our wedding" I say.

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