Chapter 31

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Jennifer's POV

I was walking to the Library with Lily and Remus to do some homework for Transfiguration,

"Jennifer!" Someone yelled making me raise an eyebrow as I turned around to see Regulus running towards us, he stopped in front of me panting,

"What do you want?" I asked folding my arms,

"It's Melissa" He panted, my eyes widened as I dropped my arms,

"What about her?" I asked,

"It's best if you came look yourself" He said, I nodded and turned to Lily and Remus,

"I've got to-"

"Go. We'll meet you in the common room" Lily said, I smiled and followed Regulus down towards the Slytherin common room, we got to the entrance and Melissa was curled up in a corner, I raised an eyebrow approaching her,

"Melissa?" I asked making her head shoot up revealing her red eyes as tears streamed down her face, my eyes widened as she scrambled to her feet and hugged me, "Mel, what's wrong?" I asked as I hugged her back, she just cried harder into me making me sigh as I pulled away, she dropped her head and was fiddling with her left sleeve, I took her left arm,

"Jen don't..." She muttered, I pulled up her sleeve, revealing the dark mark on her forearm, my breath caught in the back of my throat, "I...I didn't want to. Father forced me. I-" She cut herself off with a sob, I covered her arm back up,

"When?" I asked,

"Before the school term started" She answered, I hummed

"It seems that Father-dearest and myself are due a chat" I commented, her eyes widened in fear,

"Jen no, please" She pleaded, I sighed

"Fine, but just for now" I say, she nodded and dropped her head, I cupped her face and lifted it up, "I know we've not been the close these past years but I'm still your sister therefore I'm always going to be here for you" I assert bringing a small smile on her face, I placed a kiss on top of her hair "Don't worry over that silly thing. You're not a bad person, trust me" I comforted, she nodded drying her eyes, I turned to Regulus who was fiddling with his sleeve making me raise an eyebrow,

"What?" he asked stopping his fiddling immediately, I hummed

"Thank you for coming to get me" I say, he hummed "I best be off. Keep her safe for me" I announced before leaving for the Gryffindor common room.

I got inside and was met by silence, I raised an eyebrow as no one was in the common room making me check the time; 11:04pm, I hummed as I threw myself in an armchair and thought about Melissa's situation, I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Sirius come downstairs until he placed a hand on my shoulder making me jump,

"What you thinking about?" He asked sitting on the armchair's arm,

"Nothing of your concern" I snap as I stood up abruptly and headed towards the staircase, but he grabbed my wrist preventing me from going further,

"Oh, come on now. What's with this behaviour? What did I do?" He questioned, I raised an eyebrow,

"What did you do? Nothing. It's a family matter" I answered turning to face him,

"Family? Melissa?" He asked, I nodded, "What's happened?" He asked,

"I've told you it's none of your concern" I say, he raised an eyebrow,

"You look like you need to vent" He commented, I sighed and nodded slightly making him smile, "Now, what happened?" he asked as he sat down,

"Melissa was forcibly made a Death Eater over the Summer" I say making his eyes widened, "She's 14! What went through my father's sick-twisted mind for him to make his daughter a death eater at that age! Urgh! I can't wait to have a chat with him!" I ranted, Sirius chuckled at me making me raise an eyebrow at him,

"What? I was expecting a longer rant. And louder" He commented, I sighed throwing myself down next to him, he placed an arm around me and pulled me into his chest,

"It would've been louder if it wasn't late at night" I retorted, he hummed, and silence fell upon us, "Oh, you might want to check on Regulus. He was agitated earlier when I was talking to Melissa" I informed,

"Noted" He replied.


"Jennifer!" I heard James yell as he, Remus and Peter entered the Great Hall, I turned in their direction as they ran over to me,

"What?" I asked as they panted,

"It's Padfoot. He locked himself in the dorm and won't talk to any of us" Peter explained, I hummed

"And you've came to me because...?" I trailed off,

"Because you and Sirius have a special relationship" Remus stated, I sighed getting up and making my way the common room, I stood outside the boys dorm and heard Sirius softly sobbing, I knocked on the door making him stop immediately,

"Go away Prongs!" He yelled, I rolled my eyes

"I'm not sure if I should be offended that you think I'm Prongs" I retorted, he remained silent, "Can I come in?" I asked, I heard the click of the door lock and was pulled into the dorm, he immediately locked it behind me, I looked around the dorm to find it trashed, more than usual, I then looked at Sirius to find his eyes red, "What happened?" I asked,

"I went to see Regulus like you said and he's one of them" He explained before falling to his knees and hugging me, I stroked his hair as he cried into my robes, "I should have been there to stop it" He cried, I sighed and crouched down to him, cupping his face,

"It's not your fault. You couldn't of possibly known what your Mother was planning" I said,

"I should've been there!" He yelled, I sighed pulling him into a hug to comfort him, his arms wrapped me automatically as he buried his face into my neck, after a while of being in this position, he calmed down and pulled away, "Thanks" he mumbled, I shrugged,

"You've allowed me to cry on your shoulder multiple times. It's about time I return the favour" I say, he lightly laughed making me smile, "That's more like it, Padfoot. Now let's get you some sleep, you look dreadful" I teased as I stood up and held a hand out to him, he rolled his eyes and took my hand, I pulled him to his feet,

"I'll only sleep if you do" He bargained, I rolled my eyes

"Fine" I agreed as I removed my robes and shoes before climbing into his bunk, but stayed sat up, he raised an eyebrow as he climbed in next to me, "I fall asleep better sat up" I explained, he hummed and shrugged before laying down, resting his head on my chest, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh, "Comfortable?" I questioned, he opened one eye to look at me as he gave a small smile,

"Yes. Now, shush and get to sleep" he demanded, closing his eye again, after a couple minutes he was snoring lightly making me smile before there was a knock at the dorm door,

"Alohomora" I whispered pointing my wand at the door, it clicked and opened revealing James and Remus, James' began to smirk as he and Remus exchanged a knowing look, "If you dare say a word that will wake him up I'll rip you apart" I threatened making them both chuckle, shaking their heads as they exited the room again.

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