Chapter 5

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Jennifer's POV

I was making my way back to the common room after a late training session, James and Sirius went to get some food and Moira and Gerard stayed behind to talk to David about something, I was dragged off to the side and cornered against the wall by Oswald,

"You're going to quit so I can have my rightful place on the team" He demanded, I raised an eyebrow,

"I don't think so" I scoffed as I went to get past him, but he pushed me back against the wall,

"Don't make this harder than it should be. Just tell David that it's not what you thought it was like and that you want to quit" He threatened, I rolled my eyes pushing past him and making my way up the stairs, Oswald had other ideas as he pulled me back and throwing me on the floor, I glared at him earning me a foot to the face, I spat the blood that was quickly forming in my mouth on the floor before he grabbed me by the collar and pinning me against the wall,

"Wow, aren't you strong. Beating up a second year" I spat getting my blood on his uniform, he growled and placed his hands around my throat and began choking me,

"You made this difficult for yourself" He growled shaking me, I clawed at his hands as I desperately tried to get air to my lungs, but with the blood quickly forming in my mouth I began to choke on that, so I stopped clawing at his hands, forming a fist out of my right hand and swung it at his face, punching him in the eye, I then kicked him in the stomach making him let go of me and buckle over, I gasped/coughed for air as I leant against the wall, I made a break for the stairs and he chased me, he grabbed my ankle and pulled my leg from underneath me, making me scream in surprise and pain as smash my head on the step, tears appeared in my eyes as I glared at him

"Oswald! What are you doing?!" David yelled as his hands wrapped around my throat again, Gerard and David pulled Oswald away from me, I gasped for air as I sat up, Moira appearing at my side,

"Little chaser? Oh sh*t" She cursed, I went to feel my head, but she stopped me, "You're bleeding, we need to get you to Madam Pomfrey" She said,

"I'm fine. Just get me away from that b-"

"Woah, Easy there" Moira said catching me as I could hardly find my bearings on my feet, "I'm taking you to Pomfrey whether you like it or not" She said as she helped me down the stairs,

"You're a lucky b*tch! If these three didn't show up, you'd be dead!" Oswald yelled as Moira escorted me down the corridor, I growled and pulled myself from Moira's grip and stumbled towards him, I tackled him from the boys grip and pinned him to the floor, one hand on his throat while the other punched him in his face, Gerard pulled me off, so I gave Oswald a hard kick to the face,

"Woah easy there, little chaser" Moira said as she took a hold of me, as Oswald was pulled back to his feet by Gerard and David,

"Just wait until next time" Oswald spat,

"Try me" I growled before Moira lead me to the hospital wing,

"Madam Pomfrey?" She called out as we entered it, Madam Pomfrey looked towards us, her eyes widening in horror as she rushed over to me,

"What happened to her?" She asked as she sat me on a bed and began fusing,

"She was attacked by an older student" Moira informed, her eyes widened even more, if it was possible,

"Well, there doesn't look like there's too much damage. A minor concussion and a couple of stitches" Pomfrey informed, I hissed as she began to clean the head wound, Moira took a hold of my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze and Pomfrey prepared the stitching tools, I bit my lip to hold in the yelps/yells of pain as she stitched the wound, she placed a band-aid around it, "Done. I'll need to keep you in overnight for observation. And I'll need to report this" She said,

"If you wouldn't mind, I would personally like to report this to Professor McGonagall. You may fill out the accident form, but I would like to talk to her about this" I explained, she sighed

"Very well, but I'll need to join you" She reasoned before returning to her desk,

"Where's Oswald? I gave him enough damage for a medical check over" I asked Moira,

"David and Gerard are dealing with him" She answered,

"Oh" I mumbled, she chuckled,

"Get some rest, little chaser" She smiled placing a kiss on the top of my head and left.


I awoke, after a minimum of 3 hours sleep, to see Madam Pomfrey entering the wing,

"Morning" I yawned as I stood up and stretched, she smiled approaching me,

"Shall we go?" She asked, I nodded, we made our way to McGonagall's office, I knocked on the door and entered,

"Jennifer, it's-What happened?" McGonagall asked as she noticed my state and Madam Pomfrey by my side,

"She brought to me last night after an older student had attacked her" Pomfrey informed, McGonagall mentioned the seats as she sat on the opposite of the desk, we both sat,

"Who attacked you?" She asked,

"Oswald Wilhelm, Gryffindor fifth year" I answered, her eyes widened,

"And do you know why?" she asked as she noted it down,

"I've a rough idea. He was expecting to be a chaser for this season however James, Sirius and I were given the spots and since I was the 'weaker' one of the three of us he came after me to force me out of the spot, so he could get in the team" I explained, she hummed

"Very well. I'll need to take this to Professor Dumbledore and alert your parents. Could I have the medical report?" she asked, my eyes widened

"Of course," Pomfrey said as she disappeared,

"Professor, don't tell my parents. My Mother will use this as a reason to pull me out of Hogwarts, I don't want to leave" I pleaded, she sighed

"Very well" She said,

"Thank you" I say before disappearing to the common room, I entered and immediately had everyone's eyes on me, since it was Saturday and there were no lessons for the day, I ignored them and went straight to my room to change and wash.

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