Chapter 20

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Jennifer's POV

"Jen wake up! It's Christmas!" James yelled as my bed moved violently,

"The poor girl's sleeping. Leave her be!" Euphemia said with a chuckle, I groaned as I woke up, I sat up, James' face popped in front of mine making me jump before I pushed it away

"It's too early for your face Prongs" I say making them all laugh, I got out of bed before they dragged me downstairs into the front room where six different piles of presents, each had our names in front,

"These are mine!" Peter yelled as he went over to his presents, my jaw dropped as I approached my presents.

"But who?" I asked before I turned to Fleamont and Euphemia who were smiling at me,

"We couldn't leave you with any gifts" Euphemia said,

"You didn't have to" I say, Fleamont chuckled

"Of course, we did! You're one of us now!" He laughed, tears formed in my eyes before I ran over to them both giving them a hug, which they happily accepted,

"Thank you" I say as I pulled away smiling, Fleamont ruffled my hair

"Get them opened before James beats you to it" He said.


After opening all the presents and having breakfast, Fleamont and Euphemia had to go out somewhere, we got changed into some of the new clothes we got before hanging around in the front room, I sat myself down next to Sirius

"Watch this" I smirked before I pointed my wand above James and Lily's head making a mistletoe form, I put my wand away before Sirius wolf-whistle

"Get some Prongs!" He yelled making them both look up and turn red, Lily quickly pecked James' cheek before leaving the room, I got up went to follow Lily, I patted James' shoulder

"You're welcome for that" I say before continuing to find Lily, I found her in the dining room, "It's not nice to ditch a guy underneath the mistletoe" I smirked making her look at me,

"You did that didn't you?" She asked,

"I did" I smiled as I leant against the door frame,

"Why?!" She exclaimed,

"I needed to give you both a little push to confess to each other, but it obviously wasn't a big enough push" I explained,

"You mean how you need to confess to Sirius?" She asked,

"I don't love him!" I snapped making her eyes widened as she looked behind me, I turned around and saw Sirius standing there looking hurt, "Padfoot-" I was cut off by him storming off, I sighed and looked at the floor as I heard a door upstairs slam, I sighed before going upstairs to my room, I closed it and sat on my bed as I hugged my knees.


Night finally came after a long day, the boys had fallen asleep a couple of hours ago, I slowly opened their door and crept into the room over to Sirius, I lifted his pillow slightly and place a note underneath and went to leave before Remus' arm hit my ankle making me almost scream, I bent down to him and moved some hair that fell on to his face before getting up and leaving, I opened my window and sat on it, as I looked up to the almost full moon, I sighed

"You do like him, don't you?" I heard James ask making me jump,

"Don't sneak up on me like that" I growled, he chuckled and leant against the table, "Doesn't really matter how I feel towards him. After hearing me say that I don't love him has been enough to make him not talk to me" I explained.

"So, Lily wasn't lying" He muttered making my head snap towards him,

"She told you?" I asked,

"Yeah. On the train after Wormtail let it slip that Padfoot had a crush on you" He said, I raised an eyebrow

"Really? What else did she say?" I asked,

"That you're in denial. The sooner you tell him the better it'll be" He said,

"Whatever" I mumbled, he patted my shoulder

"Thanks for today" He said as he went to leave,

"Sure" I say as he left the room.


"See you at dawn" James said to me before the boys left to get some distance from the house for the full moon, I went into Lily's room as she was sat in her bed,

"Have you talked to Sirius yet?" She asked, I shook my head

"He won't come near me, or even look at me" I say, she sighed

"I am really sorry" She said,

"It wasn't your fault, it's mine" I sighed, it fell silent before she began snoring, I heard a howl in the distance, I looked out of the window and my eyes widened as I noticed Remus heading towards the house with none of the others in sight, Lily stirred slightly, I looked towards her to see her still asleep, I ran down the stairs and out of the back door before shifting into my Lioness as he got closer, I charged at him and we began fighting, he managed to throw me into the side of the porch forcing me to shift back, I groaned slightly as I looked up to see him making his way on to the porch,

"Stupefy" I jinxed gaining his attention as I stood up, he came towards me, "Come on Moony. Give it your worse" I say as I glared at him, he came to strike me making me turn and shut my eyes, but it never happened, I peeked my eyes open to see Remus on the ground, in his human form, I sighed in relief as I fell to my knees pulling him into a hug as he cried into me,

"I'm sorry" He sobbed, I stroked his hair,

"It can't be helped" I say,

"Moony" Sirius said as he, James and Peter arrived, I looked over to them,

"He sped off, we couldn't find him" Peter explained,

"I almost attacked Jen!" Remus yelled,

"She could have turned into her Lioness" James said as I got Remus up and took him inside,

"I'm sorry" He said, I grabbed his face making him look me in the eyes

"Tell me, do you see any injuries on me?" I asked, he shook his head, "Therefore, you didn't hurt me, so you can stop apologising" I say as I wiped his tears away.

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