Chapter 27

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Jennifer's POV

I sighed as I was laid back on my broomstick on the Quidditch pitch staring up at the stars,

"How are you still in the air like that?" I heard Padfoot ask as he came up to me, I raise an eyebrow and looked towards him,

"It's not that hard" I say turning my attention back to the sky,

"You're still pissed with me?" He asked, I scoffed

"Not everything is to do with you" I say, he scoffed

"When it's you it is" He said, my head snapped towards him,

"What the hell do you mean by that?!" I snapped,

"You know exactly what I mean" He said, I rolled my eyes

"No, I don't, you make it sound like I am obsessed with you" I say,

"You might as well" He muttered, I raised an eyebrow

"Why? Would it make your life easier?" I asked with an annoyed tone,

"Maybe" he shrugged making me take a deep breath

"You want to why I'm pissed with you?! It's because when I was about to tell you my true feelings for you, I found you snogging Adams! I mean out of all the people at the goddamn party you chose her!" I yelled as I sat up to glare at him I lost my balance and fell off my broom, Padfoot grabbed my arm and held me as I dangled 150 metres in the air, I watched my broomstick fall to the ground, I looked back up to Padfoot who was smirking,

"And what are your true feelings?" He asked,

"You're asking me in this situation!?" I snapped,

"You either tell me or I let go" He threatened, I let out a fake laugh at his empty threat,

"You wouldn't, you care for me too much" I say, he raised an eyebrow

"Are you betting your life on that?" He asked, I didn't answer him as I looked down at the ground,

"Cats always land on their feet" I say looking back at him,

"But dogs don't" he said before he pulled me up and dangled himself, I grabbed him with both hands,

"You're mad!" I yelled,

"I'll let go if you don't tell your true feelings" he threatened, my eyes widened

"I know your stupid, but not stupid enough to injure or possibly kill yourself" I say,

"You sure you want to test my stupidity?" He smirked, I began to bring us closer to the ground.

"I am" I say, his eyes widened before returning to the smirk, he let go of me, I chuckled as he landed on his arse, "You really thought I'd let you drop from 150 metres in the air" I say as I got off the broomstick and stood over him,

"Well, you haven't really been yourself this year" He said as he looked up at me, I shrugged

"I can't argue with you on that" I say as I pulled him to his feet, he held out his hand making me raise an eyebrow,

"Come on, I'm not going to prank you" He said, I sighed before cautiously taking his hand before he lead me to the Lake.

"Why've you brought me here?" I asked as he sat down, he shrugged

"I thought it'd be nice for us to sit here in peace instead of biting each other's heads off" He said, I rolled my eyes before sitting next to him,

"I guess it would be nice" I mumbled making him smile and rest against my shoulder, I raised an eyebrow and moved causing him to fall into my lap making me chuckle as he pouted at me before he shrugged and rested on my lap closing his eyes, "You better not fall asleep on me Black" I say, he opened one of his eyes looking at me,

"Now you've said that I might just do so" He said, I narrowed my eyes at him and he stuck his tongue out making me roll my eyes, I sighed and rest my head against the tree, closing my eyes.


I woke up in the Common room making me raise an eyebrow as I sat up properly to see Padfoot in the armchair next to me, I smiled slightly before checking the time, 7:39 I sighed before lightly shaking him,

"Padfoot" I say, no response, "Padfoot" I say as I shook him more violent, still no response, "Black!" I yelled slapping his leg making him jolt up and groan as he rubbed his leg and stretched,

"Was they any need for that waking?" He asked as he stood up, I smiled

"It's almost time for first lesson" I say as we made our way to our dormitories, I got changed and made my way back down to the Common room to find Padfoot waiting,

"Took your time, didn't you?" He said as we made our way to the Great hall for something to eat, we arrived, Lily's jaw dropped as we sat down, we ate while the other four stared at us,

"What?" We both asked as we finished,

"Are you two friends?" Prongs asked, we both looked at each other and nodded

"I guess" I say making Padfoot smile,

"We best make our way to Transfiguration before McGonagall has our heads" Lily said,

"No, Minny and I are way too close for that" Prongs said as we made our way to class, I raised an eyebrow,

"Is that so Mister Potter?" McGonagall asked from behind making him let out a high-pitched scream causing us all to laugh, even McGonagall had a small smile on her face, "I suggest you all get to class before I arrive" She said, we nodded and began to speed-walk to her classroom, we arrived and managed just to sit down as McGonagall walked in, we all smiled at each other and let out a sigh as she began the lesson.

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