Chapter 4

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*Year 2*

Jennifer's POV

I rolled my eyes as I stood leaning against my broomstick as I waited for the Quidditch trails to begin,

"Fancy seeing you here Ridgeback" James smirked as he stood next to me, I raised an eyebrow,

"Same to you Potter" I retorted, I looked up to the stands to see Alice and Lily there, they waved when they noticed me looking, I gave a small one back before noticing Remus and Peter also there, "I'm surprised Black's not here" I commented realising his absence,

"No need to worry sweetheart, I'm here now" Sirius said wrapping an arm around my shoulders, I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm off me, "Oh come on sweetheart, there's no need to be like that" He smirked leaning closer to me, I raised an eyebrow and leaned towards him then placed my finger over his lips,

"Not today" I smirked standing up properly, he coughed and attempted to cover the pink that was rising to his cheeks,

"Alright! Listen up!" The Captain yelled silencing everyone, "My name is David Hood! First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming! Especially you young ones! Second, don't expect to get on the team if you were on the team last season! And third, I don't choose through favouritism. I choose from skills!" David announced, then he had the seekers trial out as everyone else watched,

"So, what position are you two going for?" I asked glancing at the boys,

"Chaser" They answered in unison, I hummed as a small smirk made its way to my lips,

"What about you?" James asked,

"Chaser. So, I wish you both luck" I say.


"Alright everyone! Gather round!" David called over, we all did James and Sirius both using me as an arm rest by placing their lower arms on my shoulders, "I want to say congratulations to you all for your skills as you made picking this team difficult. However, for our Keeper it'll be me. Our beaters will be; Moira Kinsley and Gerard Reyes. Our chasers, are the youngest on our whole squad; James Potter, Sirius Black and Jennifer Ridgeback. And our Seeker will be Jonny Lade" David announced,

"Yes" Sirius and James said as they high-fived each other, a smile graced my lips,

"You cannot be serious?! Three second years as your chasers?! David what are you thinking?! I'm the best chaser you've got, and you know it! Yet you replace me with them!" Someone yelled gaining my attention as we began to dispatch,

"Sorry Oz but they showed a lot more potential" David reasoned stunning 'Oz' as he walked away, he looked at me, so I shrugged walking away,

"Hey, welcome to the team. I'm Moira and that's Gerard" An older ginger girl said as she appeared on my left as a tanned guy appeared on my right,

"The beaters" I commented, they nodded

"Yeah. You rely on us to ensure you don't get broken on the field" Gerard said, I nodded

"I'll keep that in mind if I end up in hospital because you both failed to do so" I smirked, they raised an eyebrow sharing a glance with each other before Moira began laughing,

"I like you" She chuckled wrapping an arm around my shoulders, "We're going to get on just fine. Isn't that right, Ger?"

"Well, if she doesn't get bighead like Oswald then yes" He replied, I raised an eyebrow,

"Oswald? The guy that was screaming at David after the squad announcement?" I asked, they nodded,

"That's him. He got recruited in his second year like yourself and stayed on the team for his third and fourth year because he was the 'best Gryffindor chaser' ever" Moira briefly explained, I hummed

"I'm sure if that was the chaser then he would've been picked this year and he would have gotten a trophy or something" I commented, Gerard chuckled

"That's what I've been telling him" He commented as we arrived back in the common room,

"See you later" Moira said as they went to their rooms, I made the way into mine and changed out of the quidditch kit and showered before making my way down to the common room being greeted by Lily and Alice tackling me with a hug,

"Congratulations!" They said in unison as they pulled away,

"Thanks. How'd you guys find out?" I asked as we sat down on the couch,

"The announcer list on the wall" Alice answered pointing at it, I hummed looking at the time,

"Come on. We're going to be late for dinner" I say standing up and leading them down to the hall, we sat down and began to eat,

"Hey, little chaser. You mind if we sit with you?" Moira asked as her and Gerard appeared,

"No, go ahead" I say mentioning the bench,

"So, who are your friends?" She asked as they sat down,

"Lily Evans and Alice Lightwood. Girls, this is Moira Kingsley and Gerard Reyes. The beaters on the team" I introduced,

"Hi" They both smiled,

"So, how come you're sat here?" I asked,


"We wanted to see if you have any questions" Moira said quickly shutting Gerard up with a nudge,

"Erm...Oh! Are the Slytherins naturally dirty players?" I asked,

"Yes" Gerard answered,

"But it depends on their attitude. If they're provoked then they'll be really dirty if not then they're still dirty, just not as much" Moira explained.

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