Chapter 28

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Jennifer's POV

"It's coming close to the Christmas dance. Have you been asked by anyone yet?" Alice asked as she was sat on her bunk, I shook my head

"Nope" I say popping the 'p' before turning to Lily, and she shook her head, my jaw dropped "Prongs hasn't asked you to it?" I gasped,

"No" She replied, I looked towards Alice in disbelief,

"He's forgotten? How can he forget? It's practically on every girls mind" She exclaimed, I stuck my hand up

"It's not on mine" I stated, they both gave me a deadpan look, "What? It's not" I defended,

"But you wish it was if Black asked you to it" Lily said, my jaw hung open,

"I do not" I argued, she rolled her eyes

"Of course, not" Alice said, I placed my hand on my heart,

"I'm feeling so attacked right now" I say before standing up and making my way to the door,

"Where are you going?" Lily asked,

"The boys won't attack me like you two" I say sticking my tongue out at them,

"Oh Sirius" They teased as I left the room, I entered the Common room and found them in front of the fire talking, I went up to them and cleared my throat making them turn and face me,

"Jen join us" Prongs smiled,

"After one quick question" I say,

"Alright. Shoot" He said.

"Have you forgotten about the Christmas dance that coming up?" I asked, he raised an eyebrow,

"Why?" He asked,

"Lily seems a bit down about you not asking her to it, or mentioning it for that matter of a fact" I say crossing my arms, his face dropped before he scrambled to his feet,

"Lily!" He yelled as he ran up the stairs making me chuckle and sit down where he was which was in between Moony and Padfoot, it was quiet for a few moments before Moony cleared his throat,

"Wormtail, come help me with something" He said, Wormtail nodded and they left.

"So, about this Christmas dance, are you going with anyone?" Padfoot asked, I shook my head

"Not been asked" I say, I noticed him smile,

"Well, would you fancy going with me?" He asked, a smile crept on to my face as I nodded, his smile widened as he did a mini-air punch making me chuckle before I stood up

"We've got training in the morning, so I best turn in now, in hope to get some sleep" I say, he got up himself and pulled me into a hug

"Sleep tight" He whispered before kissing the side of my forehead and pulling away, I arrived in my room to find Alice and Lily looking at me with wide smiles,

"What?" I asked,

"Black asked you to the dance!" Lily yelled holding her excitement in, I raised an eyebrow,

"And..." I trailed off,

"You said yes!" Alice squealed before they crushed me into a hug and began squealing with excitement, I chuckled at their reactions before wriggling myself out of the hug and sat on my bunk,

"We need to go to Hogsmade tomorrow for dresses" Lily said, Alice nodded in agreement,

"I've got training tomorrow morning" I say.

"Well, we can go after your training. Duh" Alice stated, I put my hands up in defence

"Alright miss sassy" I say making them chuckle,

"Now, sleep. We've got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow" Lily said climbing into her bunk and removing the lighting, I sighed and laid down under the covers, closing my eyes as a permeant smile was plastered on my face.


I finished training, Lily and Alice dragged me back to our room, so I could wash and change before we journeyed down to Hogsmade, we arrived in the dress shop and were trying on several dresses,

"Come on Jen! I want to see that black one!" Lily called out, I sighed as I looked at myself in the body mirror, the dress was strapless, floor-length and showed my figure off a little too well, I stepped out of the dressing room causing them both to gasp,

"So...?" I asked as I gave them a twirl,

"Get that dress" Lily ordered,

"Why?" I asked,

"Why? You look stunning. Sirius' jaw will be on the floor when he sees you in it" Alice explained.

"So, it's not too revealing? Or dark?" I asked, they shook their heads

"Absolutely not. Now hurry and take it off. We still have to try ours" Lily said, I smiled before going back in the dressing room and changing back, I came out with my dress in hand and sat down as Alice went to try hers on, she came out in a light blue dress that stopped above her ankles, I nodded

"That's beautiful on you" I say,

"Really?" She asked, Lily nodded

"That's the one Alice" Lily said, a bright smile came on her face before she changed back, now it was Lily's turn, she was taking a while making me sigh,

"Lils what's taking so long?" I asked,

"Nothing. I'm coming out" She said before stepping out in a one-strap silver floor-length dress making my eyes widened,

"Holy shit" I muttered, Alice nodded in agreement,

"What do you think?" She asked,

"Get that immediately" Alice said, she smiled

"Go take it off. The boys are wanting to meet us in the Three Broomsticks" I say as I glanced at the clock, she nodded before changing, after paying for the dresses we made our way to the Three Broomsticks, when we entered, Alice went towards Frank, who was sat on a table by himself, whereas Lily and myself headed towards the boys who were sat in a booth,

"So, what d'ya buy?" Prongs asked as he attempted to look in Lily's bag, but she slapped his hands,

"You don't get to see until the dance" She hissed,

"You'll love what she's wearing" I say making her playfully glare at me causing me to chuckle,

"Well, if we're on about that. Black, prepare yourself to be stunned on the night" Lily said, Padfoot smiled

"I'll look forward to it" He winked, I smiled looking down at my hands.

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