Chapter 24

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*Year 5*

Jennifer's POV

"Jennifer if you don't get out of bed this instance you will be late for the train!" Euphemia said as she attempted to wake me up, I groaned as I sat up rubbing my eyes,

"It's too early" I mumble before falling back on to the pillow,

"Nice bedhead Jen!" Prongs yelled,

"Thanks! I've been working on it all night!" I yell back making Euphemia shake her head smiling,

"Come on now. Up" She said, I climbed out of my bed and stretch, "Breakfast's ready" She said as she left my room, I changed before brushing my hair and going down to the dining table,

"She awakes" Prongs said as he 'fainted', I rolled my eyes, "Oh come on, Jen. Smile and laugh. It won't kill you" He said, I glared at him

"I'll pass" I say as the food was set down, we ate it and brought our trunks downstairs,

"Ready to go?" Fleamont asked, we nodded before leaving for the platform, we arrived and were immediately spotted by Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Lily, as they came up to us, Prongs placed a kiss on Euphemia's cheek before jumping on Moony and Wormtail, Euphemia kissed my cheek.

"Don't get into too much trouble" Fleamont said as he ruffled up my hair making me groan as I sorted it,

"See you at the breaks" Euphemia said as they waved us goodbye as we entered the train, we got into our usual compartment and I sat nearest the door, as they were loudly chatting and joking around.


We arrived in our room and thankfully it was just me, Lily and Alice were sharing a room,

"How come you were so quiet on the train?" Lily asked as she set up her things,

"I didn't have anything to say" I say as I looked out of the window,

"Bull!" Alice called out from the bathroom,

"What do you mean bull?" I asked as I looked towards the bathroom door,

"You always have something to say" She said as she came out of it,

"Well, I didn't have anything to say" I say looking back up at the almost full moon.

"You felt awkward" Lily said, I raised an eyebrow, "Is it because of Black?" She asked, I scoffed

"I'm a changed person Lily. Now are you two coming to the hall or not?" I asked as I walked towards the door, they nodded and joined me, we walked into the Common room and was met by the Marauders and Frank, I lead the way to the Great hall, we were sat eating,

"Moony, how hard-"

"Shut up Sirius" Moony mumbled cutting him off,

"Oh, heads up. I won't be doing full moons" I whispered,

"What happened to 'I've never missed a full moon and don't plan on doing so'?" Wormtail asked from the side of me, I glared at him

"It's alright. I understand" Moony said making me raise an eyebrow,

"You do?" Padfoot asked,

"Yeah, I gave her a scare when I attacked her last year" He whispered, I scoffed

"Trust me. It's not that. I'm going to focus on my OWLs" I say,

"Of course, you are" Lily said with a sarcastic tone, I rolled my eyes before getting up and leaving the hall.


I was sat at the window staring at the moon when the door opened,

"You should sleep" Alice said as she changed into her Pjs,

"I've slept enough over the break" I say,

"And all that sleep's going to keep you going this term?" Lily asked, I rolled my eyes,

"Stop fussing. I'll be fine" I say, their beds creaked slightly, it was quiet before their light snores filled the room.

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