Chapter 6

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Jennifer's POV

I knocked on McGonagall's door before entering,

"Jennifer, how are you?" She smiled,

"Could be better Professor" I sighed, and I dropped into the seat, she raised an eyebrow as she handed me a cup of tea,

"Why is that?" She questioned sitting in the chair next to me,

"This" I say handing her a letter I had just received from my Father, "Legally I'm not a Ridgeback anymore. The papers have just come through from the court, that I wasn't informed about" I explained as she read through the letter and documents,

"So, what will you be addressed by?" she asked,

"Still Ridgeback. It's the name I was born with. I've just been removed from the family" I answered, she hummed handing me back the documents

"Well, you can do that as you have to sign the documents to agree with the changing" she informed, my eyes widened

"Really?" I asked, she nodded making me smile, "Thank you so much Professor. You've just lifted my mood" I smiled,

"I'm glad. Now, what else is on your mind?" She asked making my eyes widen,

"How did you-? Never mind. What would the procedure be to become an animagus?" I asked, she sighed, "Hypothetically" I added.


"Come on Jennifer. You've been so secretive lately. What's going on?" Lily asked as her, Alice and myself enter our room,

"Nothing" I answered, they both scoffed

"Jennifer, you've been going to McGonagall's office a lot these past months. Something's going on" Alice stated, I sighed and stood in the middle of the room,

"What are you-?"

"Shush. I'm going to show you something, but you're sworn to secrecy" I say, confusion covered their faces as they nodded, I turned into my animagus form; a Lioness, their eyes widened,

"Oh my god!" Lily yelled, they both came over to me and began petting me, I shook their hands off me before changing back into my human form,

"I would also greatly apricated it if you didn't pet me while I'm in that form" I say making them both smile,

"You've been training to become an-?!" Alice yelled before I clamped my hand over her mouth,

"Quiet. This stays between the three of us, Understood?" I hissed as I pulled my hand away,

"This is why you've been spending so much time with McGonagall?" Lily whispered as we sat on our beds, I nodded

"Amongst other reasons, I can't get into" I admitted,

"This is so cool. Why'd you want to become one anyway?" Alice questioned, I shrugged

"I was reading a book from the restricted section that Moira and Gerald were going to use for the Defence Against the Dark Arts homework and that mentioned Animagus' and how to become one" I answered, she hummed

"I'm going to call you Kitty from now on" Lily stated making me glare at her,

"You're not calling me Kitty" I growled making them howl laughter.

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