Chapter 9

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Jennifer's POV

I was sat in the Great Hall with Lily and Alice, we were approached by Remus, James and Sirius,

"Hello Jennifer, Lily, Alice" Sirius said,

"Hey Lily" James said making Lily huff and turn her back to him,

"What's up boys?" I asked,

"Is everything okay? We heard a roar come from your room last night" Remus said, Lily's face flashed with worry as she looks towards me, as only her, Alice and McGonagall knew about me being able to change into a Lioness, now Kayla and Madeline do after last night.

"Yeah everything's fine. We were just messing around with our voices" Lily lied as Alice nodded, I smiled at them both,

"Alright then" Sirius said as he gave us a questionable look, "Ridgeback! Potter! Black!" David yelled, I looked to where the voice came from to see our Quidditch Captain walking towards us,

"Yes?" I asked,

"Training tonight. Don't be late" he said before walking away, I slammed my head on the table,

"Come on Jen" Alice said as we got up and went to Defence Against the Dark Arts, I was sat watching as Alice and Frank duel along with James and Lily, Lily hit James making him fly across the classroom into some books, I burst out laughing

"Come on Potter! You're getting demolished!" I yelled, he got up and came back over,

"I'd like to see you beat Evans in a duel" he said as the bell rang,

"Maybe next time" I say before going to leave.


I just finished Quidditch training and was walking back with Lily before noticing Black, Potter, Remus and Peter walking towards the Whomping Willow,

"Wonder where they're off to?" I asked mentioning them to Lily,

"Jen no" she said,

"Go if you want Lil but I'm following them" I say going in the same direction as the boys, I arrived "Hey boys, what you are doing?" I asked as I walked over to them,

"Jennifer, what are you doing here?" Remus asked.

"Wanted to see the full moon in the open" I say looking up into the sky,

"You can't be here" Sirius said coming over to me,

"Aw why not?" I pouted, Remus began to groan

"Jennifer get out of here!" James yelled,

"Hang on, what's wrong Remus?" I asked, he groaned louder and turned into a Werewolf making my eyes widened,

"Jen, you should really go" Sirius pleaded, before he turned into a dog as James turning into a stag and Peter into a rat, Remus came towards me, I backed away from Remus, he hit me out of the way making me groan as I glared up at him, Sirius' dog stood in front of me as Remus came towards me, I growled as I stood up and turned into my Lioness form, jumping over Sirius and tackled Remus, I stood my ground growling at Remus, he came towards me again so I roared making him stop and the others tremble, I ran back to the castle and changed back before I went into the castle, avoiding Filch and to the common room.

"I can't believe Remus is a werewolf" I muttered as I sat down in front of the fire, it was becoming dawn and the portrait hole opened and the boys came in and noticed me and looked everywhere but my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked Remus, he gave me a weak smile before shrugging, I rolled my eyes

"You can't say a word to anyone" Remus said, I nodded

"Don't worry Moony" I say slightly smirking as I understood their nicknames,

"Well what about you? How come you didn't tell us about being a Lioness inside?" Sirius asked,

"You lied to us. That roar the other night was you" James said

"Adams pissed me off big time" I say as I sheepishly smiled at them,

"Hothead" Sirius mumbled,

"I will rip your head off" I warned.

"We need a nickname for Jennifer" Peter squeaked, I raised an eyebrow

"Seems like Padfoot has already got one for me" I say, Sirius raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Not like that" I say rolling my eyes,

"How about Lioness? I mean she likes to be in control" James said making me raise an eyebrow,

"Doesn't give it away at all" I say sarcastically,

"No Prongs is right. Lioness suits you" Remus said, I sighed and nodded

"Fine but why do I need a nickname?" I asked,

"So, you can be one of us and help out with Remus every full moon" Peter said,

"Oh, because people aren't gonna notice a Lioness hanging around a Stag, Dog, Rat and Werewolf and think it's weird" I say,

"Well when you put it like that..." Remus trailed off making me chuckle.

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