Chapter 32

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Jennifer's POV

I was awoken by giggling making me raise an eyebrow as I opened my eyes to see James, Remus, Lily and Alice overlooking me,

"What are you all giggling at?" I asked rubbing my eyes, something tightened around my waist making me look down to see Sirius still laying on my chest with his arms hooked around my waist, a small smile pulled at my lips before I turned my attention back to the group, "If you wake him I'll hex you all, individually" I threatened, they all held their hands up in defence as they retreated out of the dorm, moments laters Sirius groaned and woke up, "Good morning" I greet making him look up at me and give a sleepy smile,

"Morning beautiful" He greeted back as he sat up, I began to get out of the bunk but he grabbed my wrist preventing me from doing so,

"What's up?" I asked,

"Thank you for last night, I don't know what I would've done without you" He smiled, I returned the smile and nodded

"Like I said last night, you've allowed me to cry on your shoulder multiple times, it's about time I repaid the favour" I replied, he let go of my wrist and collected my robes and shoes as I stood up and walked towards the dorm door,

"Oh and one more thing" he commented making me raise an eyebrow and turn to face him, only to be met with his face an inch away from mine,

"And what-?" I asked before he cut me off by crashing his lips on to mine taking me back a little, as I came to my senses I returned it, placing my hands behind his neck, he dropped my robe and shoes as he grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him, we eventually broke apart, gasping for air

"Sorry" he muttered making me raise an eyebrow and chuckle

"If I didn't want to kiss you, do you think I would've returned it?" I asked, he shrugged, I rolled my eyes letting out a sigh, "I never meant what I said that Christmas..." I trailed off, he raised an eyebrow

"What do you mean?" He asked,

"About me not liking you...I did...a lot. Still do" I confessed, a bright smile broke on to his face as he came in with another kiss,

"I've waited so long for that to come out of your mouth" he beamed making me chuckle, "Would you do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?" He asked, I nodded

"I'd love to" I smiled, his smile widened as he spun me around making me laugh, he set me back on the floor,

"You best get washed and changed" he suggested as he picked up my robe and shoes from the floor and handed them me, I smiled as I took them from him and pecked his lips before leaving the room and going to mine to freshen up and change.


"Good luck for the game today, Jen" Frank commented as he, Lily, Alice and myself our way down to the Quidditch field,

"Yeah and please be careful. You know how dirty the Slytherin team is" Lily added, I rolled my eyes and nodded as we arrived at the field

"I do and I will" I say before separating from them as I went to the team meet up,

"About time Cap" Prongs commented as he smirked, I narrowed my eyes at him,

"Everyone know what they're doing?" I asked as I made my way to the front of them, they all nodded making me smirk, "Very well, let's kick Slytherin's butt" I ordered making them all cheer as we picked up our broomsticks and made our way to the field, we each mounted our broomsticks, "Stay focused. I don't want anyone in the hospital wing tonight" I stated before the gate opened and we flew into the air and our positions.

It was a tiring match, I scored making everyone cheer as we were put ahead of Slytherin, I noticed our seeker closing in on the Snitch making me smirk,

"Jen!" Sirius yelled gaining my attention, my eyes widened as a Bludger was heading towards me, it hit me in the chest with a force as it took me off my broom and land on my back on the ground,

"Gryffindor wins!" Someone announced making me sigh in relief,

"Jen!" Sirius yelled as he hopped off his broom next to me, the rest of the team landed as teachers, Lily, Remus, Peter, Alice and Frank ran over with a couple other Gryffindor students, I hissed in pain as he tried to pick me up making him stop,

"She needs to be taken to Madam Pomfey immediately" McGonagall demanded,

"But Professor, she's in too much pain to move" Sirius retorted, I grabbed his hand,

"Ignore me. Get me to the Hospital Wing or I'm going to be worse" I ordered, he gave me a pained look and sighed,

"Prongs? Moony?" He said, they both nodded and James got on my other side as Moony brought over a stretcher and then got at my feet, "On three. One. Two. Three" he spoke, I winced as I was moved on to the stretcher and lifted up, James and Remus were carrying me as Sirius walked alongside me, holding my hand as Lily and Alice followed behind with the team.


A groan slipped passed my lips as I slowly opened my eyes to be met by the team, Lily, Remus and Alice hovering over me,

"Is they really any need to hover over me? It's not the prettiest sight to wake up to" I commented making them chuckle and back away, they all said their goodbyes before retreating to the common room leaving Sirius and myself, he took a hold of my hand and sat next to me,

"Don't you ever scare the shit out of me like that again" he demanded making me smile,

"Aw were you worried for me?" I teased, he rolled his eyes giving a slight smile.

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