Chapter 21

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Jennifer's POV

We returned from Christmas break 4 months ago, Padfoot has been avoiding me ever since,

"Is Sirius still ignoring you?" Alice asked, I nodded

"Yeah. Though I guess it's for the best" I say,

"How?" She asked raising an eyebrow,

"I'm obviously meant to be alone, otherwise I'd still have loving parents" I commented,

"No one's destined to be alone" She said, I hummed as a response as she left me,

"Jenny" Lily said, I raised an eyebrow as I looked up from my homework to see her sat across from me,

"What?" I asked,

"Do you know about the party tonight?" Lily asked,

"In the Room of Requirements?" I asked, she nodded "What about it?" I asked,

"Come with us" Lily said,

"No" I say as I continued with my work,

"Please" She whined,

"No" I say, I felt someone peering over my shoulder,

"Padfoot will be there" Prongs whispered, I rolled my eyes and shoved him away from me,

"I don't care, if he's going to be there" I growled as I put all my parchment together and going up to the dorm, I dumped the parchment on my trunk before throwing myself on my bunk, I heard giggles and muffled talking coming from the bathroom making me roll my eyes, as I knew it was Adams and Pérez getting ready for the party,

"What's up with you?" Lily asked as she sat at my feet,

"Nothing" I say, she raised an eyebrow at me, "You should know by now, that doesn't work on me" I say, she let out a deep sigh

"You haven't been yourself since we came back from Christmas" She said as she got ready for the party, I kept quiet, "Please come, I need you there" She begged,

"And why would you need me there? You've got Prongs" I say as I sat up, she cringed,

"James isn't the one who's going to be looking out for me" She said, I raised an eyebrow "Remus is going to be there, I bet he's going to need company" She said,

"Fine" I sighed as I got off my bunk and quickly changed into something suitable before tying my hair up,

"Let me do your makeup!" Lily said as she practically forced me to sit on her bunk, after she put my makeup on, I put on some heels before walking down into the Common room with her,

"Convinced her to come?" Prongs asked,

"Someone needs to help Moony, looking after your drunken arses" I say making Moony chuckle,

"Padfoot and Wormtail are already there" Prongs informed as he lead us out of the portrait hole and to the party, when we arrived we already saw Padfoot and Wormtail on their way to being wasted, I rolled my eyes as Prongs gave me a drink before dancing with Lily, I leaned against the wall with Moony and drank the alcohol,

"You can't really leave them unattended, can you?" I say, he shook his head smiling,

"Not really. What's the real reason you're here?" He asked, I raised an eyebrow as I got another drink

"I don't know what you're on about" I say,

"You don't dress like that to watch over people" He said,

"Lily forced me to dress 'suitable' then did this" I say mentioning the makeup,

"That's probably her way of trying to get you and Sirius together" he said.

"It's a pretty lame attempt" I say as I finished the drink,

"Why don't you tell him?" He asked,

"I will" I say giving him the empty cup before walking through the crowd attempting to find him, I eventually did, only to find him sucking Adam's face off, I shook my head as I backed away before leaving the room,

"Jennifer!" I heard Moony call after me, I arrived at some stairs and sat down before crying, "Jen" Moony said as he sat next to me,

"I guess he doesn't have any feelings for me anymore" I say as I stared at the floor, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer, there was a giggle before Padfoot and Adams appeared,

"Opps, looks like this stairwell is occupied" Madeline said as she went off,

"What's wrong Lioness?" Padfoot asked, I scoffed as I stood up

"You've avoid me for four months then ask what's wrong" I snap,

"I've been avoiding you?" He asked,

"Yes! I've tried so many times to talk to you! But you just steered clear of me!" I snapped, he rolled his eyes

"You're being ridiculous" He scoffed, I growled before shifting into my Lioness and pinning him to the floor as I bared my teeth at him,

"Jen, that's enough" Moony said from behind me, I growled before getting off him, I turned around to go towards Moony before something jumped on my back and bite me, I roared as I shook him off, to see Padfoot in his dog form, Moony stepped in between us as we growled and stalked each other, he jumped back as Padfoot jumped at me and began to maul me, they were several footsteps heading towards us, I bit the scruff of Padfoot's neck and threw him away from me,

"Give up before someone sees you!" Prongs snapped, we both ignored him as we bared our teeth at each other, Lily stepped in between us making me cautious, Padfoot barked as he came at me, I roared as I charged at him making Prongs pull Lily out of the way, as we mauled each other again, I clawed him back before shifting back, panting, he came at me again and pinned me to the floor, I attempted to push him off me, but he bit into my arm making me hiss in pain as Moony, Prongs and Lily stood there with wide eyes, Padfoot seemed to realise what he did and let go of my arm and backed away,

"Jenny" Lily said as she rushed over to me,

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Back away Padfoot" Moony said as he and Prongs stood in front of him,

"Quit fussing!" I snapped at Lily making her jump and Prongs and Moony turn around, "I've dealt with worse" I say before getting up,

"You need to see-"

"I don't need to see anyone" I growled before walking away, footsteps followed me and Moony walked alongside me, we arrived in the empty Common room,

"Sit down" He said, I ignored him and tried to walk past him before he sat me down and running up into his dorm, he came back down with some bandages, he cleaned the wounds up before wrapping the bandage around it, "How's that?" He asked,

"It doesn't hurt, if that's what you're meaning" I say, he sighed

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, I shook my head,

"I just need to sleep" I say, he nodded before I went into my dorm, I changed into my pjs, removed all the makeup and I sat on my bed, I sighed before throwing a tantrum, throwing all my things on to the floor, letting out frustrated screams before I collapsed on to the floor, pulled my knees up to my chest and cried.


Lily fell through the room door, she looked upon the mess before climbing into her bed, obviously too drunk to be dealing with this now, I walked down in to the Common room and sat in the armchair next to the fireplace and stared into it,

"I thought you were going to sleep?" I heard Moony ask,

"I couldn't sleep" I say, he sighed and sat in the armchair across from me,

"Did you manage to let out all of your frustration?" He asked, I nodded "How much of a mess is your room?" He asked,

"You'll find out by Lily's reaction tomorrow" I say making him chuckle before he covered me up with a blanket and kissed the top of my head,

"Sleep tight" He said before going up into his room.

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