Chapter 3

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Jennifer's POV

I had just been at Hogwarts a little over a month, making many friends...and enemies, I yawned as I made my way into the common room,

"Perhaps if you slept at night you wouldn't be yawning" Lily commented, as we sat down, I hummed

"Perhaps" I mumbled. Perhaps if I didn't have Insomnia. James came downstairs with Sirius and Peter by his sides making me raise an eyebrow, "Hey boys where's Remus?" I asked, regretting it as Sirius came over to me wrapping an arm round my shoulders,

"Why are you curious of our friends whereabouts, beautiful?" He asked, I rolled my eyes shaking his arm off,

"I'm just curious because the four of you are always together" I reply, he hummed leaning closer to my face, I raised an eyebrow leaning away from him,

"Black leave the girl alone. He said he was in the Library doing some homework" James answered, Sirius stood up right,

"Maybe next time" He mumbled joining James and Peter again, I sighed in relief as I sat properly on the chair,

"He was so going to kiss you" Alice commented as she appeared at the table that Lily and I was sat at,

"I would have like to see him try" I scoff, they both raised an eyebrow,

"Really?" Lily asked, my eyes widened in realisation,

"No! Not in that way. God girls!" I exclaimed, they both smiled before I felt someone tap me on the shoulder, I turned my head slightly only to be kissed on the corner of my mouth,

"Yes! I kissed Jennifer!" Sirius celebrated before running,

"Black!" I screamed as I chased after him making him, Lily, Alice and a few other bystanders laugh.


"Apologies Professor Slughorn but could I have Jennifer Ridgeback?" McGonagall requested as she stood at the door, I felt my cheeks heat up as the whole class looked at me,

"Of course, go ahead" Slughorn replied so I rose from my seat and made my way towards the exit,

"I do apologise for removing you from your lesson Miss Ridgeback, but it's urgent" She informed as she lead me to Dumbledore's office, we entered, my eyes widened as I saw Dumbledore conversating with Father, as Melissa stood cowardly next to him,

"I demand that she has a re-house! She can't possibly be a Gryffindor! She should be a Slytherin like myself and her other family members that have been here" Father argued,

"Come along" McGonagall said giving me a small smile as we walked further into the office,

"I'll give the hat another chance to sort her, Mr Ridgeback but I can't simply move her from Gryffindor to Slytherin" Dumbledore reasoned, my Father went to reply but McGonagall cleared her throat announcing our presence,

"Jen!" Melissa yelled as she went to run towards me, but Father stopped her as he looked me up and down in disgust before turning to Dumbledore,

"Do it" He growled, Dumbledore nodded

"Miss Ridgeback, if you please come here" He requested as he took a hold of the sorting hat, I approached him, he placed the hat on my head, so I squeezed my eyes shut, I didn't want to leave Gryffindor, but I also didn't want my Father's wrath,

"Hm, I feared this would happen. However, I still standby what I said last month. Gryffindor" The hat said before it was removed from my head, I slowly opened my eyes looking at my Father who was looking at me with disgust making me lower my head,

"Fine if can't move her houses then I refuse to have her in a room with dirty bloods" Father sneered, my eyes widened as I looked up at him,

"Father! You can't do that!" I argued making him glare at me, as Melissa stared at me with wide eyes,

"You cannot tell me what I can and cannot do, child" He spat,

"But..." I trailed off,

"But?" He repeated in a menacing tone, I sighed,

"Being prejudice isn't right. You may think it is since it was how you brought up and you never questioned it but it's time to stop being narrow minded" I say avoiding the glare he gave me as I spoke my mind,

"Listen here child as long as you live in my house, you live under my rules. Got it?" He sneered taking a step closer with each word, I winced at the harsh tone but stood up straight,

"I suppose it's a good thing that I'm no longer living in your house then" I growled meeting his glare with my own, Melissa gasped as he scoffed

"And where's a child, like yourself, going to reside?" He mocked,

"As long as it's away from you, anywhere" I spat, his stance weakened for a moment until he folded his arms, I turned towards Dumbledore, "I would like to return to class if that's alright, Professor" I say, he nodded

"Professor McGonagall will escort you back" He said, I made my way over to McGonagall and we left the office, I mindlessly followed McGonagall until I realised that we wasn't going back to Potions,

"Professor, where are we going?" I asked,

"My office, I need to ask you a couple of questions" She informed, I nodded as we entered her office, "Please, make yourself comfortable" She said mentioning a chair, I sat down and sighed, "Would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee?" She offered,

"Just water please" I answered, she nodded and handed me a glass of water and sat in the chair next to me,

"Now, Jennifer you don't have to answer these, but I must ask them" She informed, I nodded in understanding, "Does your Father always talk to you in the manner as he did in the office?" She asked, I nodded, "Does he harm you?" She asked, my eyes widened, and I shook my head,

"Well, minus the emotional pain. He doesn't physically abuse me, Professor. Just verbally" I answered, she hummed

"Where will you go live?" She asked,

"My Auntie Eileen's house" I answered,

"And will you be safe there?" She questioned, I nodded

"Yes. Most of my things I brought with me, so I'll be able to join Severus when we go home" I replied, she nodded,

"Very well. If you ever need someone to talk to about anything, my door's open" She offered giving a small reassuring smile, I nodded

"Thank you, Professor" I say placing the empty glass on the table and leaving.

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