Chapter 10

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Jennifer's POV

I was sat with Padfoot and Moony while Prongs attempted to get Lily to go on a date with him and Wormtail was elsewhere,

"Siri" Madeline cooed before coming over to us, she sat down and gave him a kiss making me raise an eyebrow while I drank my pumpkin juice, she locked her eyes on to me "I knew you were jealous" she said making me choke on my juice,

"What?" I asked catching my breath,

"You're jealous that I've got Siri and you haven't" she said,

"I can't deal with this" I say getting up and leaving the hall, I was walking out into the courtyard,

"You're pathetic!" I heard Madeline yell behind me, I clenched my fists and sighed "You can't get your own man, so you try steal mine!" She continued, a few passing students stopped and listened in to the argument, "What's wrong?! Cat got your tongue?!" She yelled making me turn around, grabbing my wand

"Expelliarmus!" I roared hitting her, sending her on to her back

"You bitch!" She shrieked as she got up, pulling out her wand, "Stupefy!" She cursed, I blocked it

"Furnunculus!" I retorted, she came covered in boils "Now judge others appearance looking like that!" I laughed, I noticed that they were quite a crowd.

"Conjunctivitus!" She screamed, and my eyes began to have an unbearable pain,

"Locomotor Mortis!" I shout, she blocked it

"Petrificus Totalus!" She yelled, I blocked it before putting my hands up to my eyes, as the pain began to get unbearable

"Incarcerous!" She yelled, I was tied up by ropes, she came over to me with a smirk plastered on her face,

"Incendio" I whispered burning the ropes,

"Get these off my face" she said grabbing my robes,

"No" I smirked making her face grow angrier, she pushed me away from her making me fall over, I stood up and laughed "What's wrong?!" I yell, I noticed that the whole school was watching

"Confringo!" She yelled making my eyes widened and jump out of the path of the flames,

"Expelliarmus!" Someone yelled, Madeline's wand flew out of her hand, I looked at the direction and saw Melissa pointing her wand, I smiled and nodded at her,

'Thank you' I mouthed, she nodded

"Locomotor Mortis!" I heard someone else yell and I was stuck to the spot, I looked back over to Madeline to see she got her wand back and was walking towards me, as Kayla smirked behind her

"Stupefy" she said, I fell to the floor, "I win" she said as I blacked out.

Lily's POV

I gasped as Jen went into an unconscious state, Madeline smirked and raised her wand to do a last spell, I dropped my bag and pulled out my wand before walking over to them

"Incendio" she said,

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled at the same time making her wand fly out of her hand, "Petrificus Totalus" I say freezing her in place and she fell backwards, I put my wand away and crouch beside Jen as Melissa ran over and crouched next to me with Regulus standing behind her,

"Jen" She whispered lightly shaking her, we were approached by Professor McGonagall, James, Remus and Sirius

"Miss Evans?" Professor McGonagall asked, I stood up

"Yes Professor?" I asked,

"Come with me. Mr Potter, I trust you and Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin here can take Miss Ridgeback and Miss. Adams to the hospital wing?" She demanded, he and the others nodded before I was led away.

Jennifer's PoV

I woke up in the Hospital Wing,

"Jen!" Melissa yelled as she wrapped me into a hug, Madam Pomfrey came over to me, I rubbed my eyes

"What happened?" I asked,

"Miss Adams hit you with a Conjunctivitus spell and you got minor burn due to Miss Evans quick thinking. Then Mr Potter and his friends brought you here along with your sister" she explained.

"Evans? Lily?" I asked, Melissa nodded "How long have I been in here?" I asked,

"A few hours" Melissa answered,

"Can I leave?" I asked, Madam Pomfrey chuckled and nodded, I got up and made my way to Gryffindor tower, I stopped outside the Great hall and turned to Melissa,

"It was very stupid casting that spell at Adams" I scolded, she sighed lowering her head,

"I know. I just didn't want you to get hurt" She whispered, I lifted her head up to meet my gaze,

"I'm thankful for what you did but don't place yourself in danger for me again, okay?" I say, she smiled and nodded so I placed a kiss on the top of her head, "Sleep well" I whispered before we separated, I walked through the portrait leading into the Common room

"I'm surprised she didn't change into the Lioness" Prongs said,

"She could have used some stronger jinxes if she wanted to" Moony said,

"Do you think she was jealous?" Padfoot asked,

"What?" Wormtail asked,

"Madeline said that Jen was jealous of me and her" Padfoot said, I rolled my eyes and made myself visible

"I'd prefer if you didn't talk about me in that way Padfoot" I say,

"Jen!" Lily yelled before I was tackled into a hug, I hugged back

"Thank you" I say, she pulled away

"You're a friend" she said, I smiled "I'm just sorry I couldn't get to you in time before she burned you" she said looking down at my bandaged arm,

"Hey, I could be covered in burns but I'm not, you did that" I say, she smiled before going up to the room, I sat down with the boys,

"So, what happened to Adams and you?" I asked Padfoot,

"Nothing, we're still together" he said before raising an eyebrow, "Why, you jealous?" He asked, I scoffed and got up

"It's not like you care" I say before going into our room, Adams was on her bed sleeping, Kayla was looking through a magazine and Alice and Lily were talking, I climbed into bed before falling asleep.

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