Chapter 21

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John doesn't understand why Remi even tries. Even after hitting her, she remained talking with him even if John doesn't respond. Although the dark haired man hated to admit, he didn't hated it.

She wasn't looking at him like a monster, nor was she looking at him with pity like she did before.

But John isn't falling for that. He won't trust her, he won't trust anyone again. Seraphina is enough, she won't betray him, she won't hurt him.

Still, John remembered what his father wants; to eat dinner with all of John's friends this Saturday.

John doesn't want Arlo to be there, he wouldn't even dare ask him to be there, and although Seraphina was his friend, John doesn't want her to see his father now.

The only one he could ask to be there was Blyke, and it was already too much shame on John's part having him pretend more than once now. He'll throw his pride away again, and ask him to help fulfill his father's request once more.

He knew that Blyke would agree, and knowing that he would only made John feel more pathetic.

The thought of making Remi his... 'friend' have crossed his mind. If he could make at least her and Blyke to come, it would be believeable if he were to make excuses or reasons why Arlo and Seraphina wasn't there.

Right now, he was smiling in front of his father inside a fast food restaurant, telling him some made-up stories about how he is doing on Wellston currently.

But even as he ate with his father, his mind was filled with excuses he could say on their behalf.

"Earlier, I scored one point higher than Sera on a quiz! She even thought I cheated!"

Seraphina was urged on an interview for an internship by her father.

Would it be believeable?

John's father laughed, "But you cheated, didn't you?"

"I didn't, Dad!"

"John, I know you."

Arlo said that it was his father's birthday.

It seemed normal enough... Right?

"I'm not like you!"

The two of them laughed together, or at least, John faked a laugh in front of his father. It was good scene. A father and his son, bonding after some time.

It would've been enjoyable, if only John wasn't so troubled with the excuses he'll make, or if he isn't worrying how he'll be able to show his father that he's doing fine, and that he was getting better, even if he wasn't.

Unexpectedly, William ruffled his son's hair, and John was surprised by his father's sudden movement.

"You're old now, John." his father spoke, "When you were young, you used to tell me when something's bothering you."

"I'm not a kid now I guess... And I can defend myself because of the things that you've taught me, Dad."

"You really have grown. You used to cry on my lap whenever someone hurts you. Remember? One time you were sniffing and--"

"Dad-- stop we're in public!!"

"Okay okay, enough now John." his father laughed again, but after that, his expression turned serious, "Are you okay?"

The dark haired man looked away. He couldn't do bring himself to answer his father's question.

"I-I... I'm fine, Dad. Maybe school's just been stressing me."

His father doesn't looked convinced, but he just sighed, "Do you have any homeworks for today? Want me to help you like the old times?"

"No need-- I mean, it's just easy! I can do it myself."


William felt helpless with the situation.

Ever since he saw his son this week, he've noticed that there was something off with John. He smiled as much as he could, but William could just tell that something was wrong with just a glance from him.

The last time time he visited him, although he looked slightly upset, and even if John may have yelled when asked, his son looked like he was happy with the presence of his friend, and William believed that he was getting better.

What could have happened to his son now? Did he fought with Seraphinat? Is it why John was upset now? William could only guess.

Once they were done eating, John's father escorted his son back to the dorm. He wasn't telling him anything, and instead, he just kept on acting that there wasn't anything wrong.

"Have you told Seraphina about it?"

Hesitantly, John answered, "I still haven't."

"John, you must tell her someday."

"I will, It's just, I don't think that now's the right time to do so."

From his response, William got the impression that it wasn't what John's problem was, and that it wasn't Seraphina.

William knew that he wouldn't get any answer from him even if he asked, because that's just how John is.

He keeps things bottled up, ever since he got an ability, he stopped telling his father about the things that bothered him.

Feeling defeated, William moved closer to John, wrapping his arms around him in a tight embrace, his intention was just to give himself a hug, but he was allerted when John started struggling and pushing him away.

When William removed his arms, his son have looked so scared.

John immediately hid his hands on his pocket, but William saw it twitching. Now, he was avoiding his father's gaze, and William was more than worried for his son.


"I'm sorry, Dad. I-- I- really am just tired. Good night."


His son have already slammed the door, and now, William couldn't help but think how his son have acted acted just now. He wanted to know what happened, or why he reacted like he did just from hugging him.

He stood there for awhile in front of his son's dorm, messaging him to ask if there was something bothering him even if he knew that his son wouldn't really tell him what was wrong.

When John replied that he was okay, William started heading down, although he was unconvinced with his son's answer, he decided to give his son some space or some time to breathe.

To his surprise, he saw a familiar friend of his son after getting down.

"Arlo? You're John's friend right? What are you doing here? It's already past seven."

"I was just going to give him this." Arlo replied, lifting the drink on his hands.

"That's thoughtful of you. My son sure did found some great friends. Maybe he'll cheer-up after you gave him his favorite drink."

The blond handed the drink to John's father, "Can you please give this to him? The truth is, I don't think he'll want to see me."

"Why? Did you fought with my son?"

"It's complicated."

Arlo was about to leave, but after he turned his back, William spoke again.

"Do you know anything about what happened to John?"

Things That Were Never Meant: UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) Where stories live. Discover now