Chapter 25: Season 2

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Set in 5 years after the previous events


For someone who isn't professionally trained, John receives a lot of offers.

There wasn't a day in a week where his schedule wasn't full, but his number of clients varies and changes accordingly with how long they wanted his service either in a day or for every session.

He was aware of how much his ability is in demand.

Rich high tiers were willing to pay him a generous amount if it means he can train their child to reach their very potential.

Some offers seemed ridiculous in numbers, but John knew that those were only 'coins' in the eyes of the rich.

With their given wealth and status, it was no surprise that most of them are entitled.

It wasn't unusual for him to have parents offering to pay him at least 10x as much as his usual rate in exchange for canceling his existing schedules for a slot.

In fact, some even want to hire him exclusively, with them wanting him to just train their children alone so that other kids wouldn't catch-up.

There are other ability trainers and instructors like him, but they mostly only have knowledge and guidance to give when it comes to abilities. They can train them in combats too, but unlike them, John can demonstrate the "best" of their potential himself.

And that fact made him sought out for the last 3 years. They didn't cared if John didn't studied courses relating abilities, and despite John not having the best reputation due to his past in New Bostin, his capabilities outweighed everything else.

It started with John teaching a kid to stand up for himself, and then him teaching the kid more about how he could utilize his ability.

The kid's ability level increased significantly in months with his guidance. From the level of 1.6, his level increased to 3.2, and he was no longer bullied.

His parents offered to pay as a gratitude to John. John denied their payment, but the parents suggested that he should pursue it as a line of work.

Not long after that, John continued researching about abilities on his own, and with the encouragement from his own father, he started working freelance as a trainer.

At first, it was difficult to find clients in New Bostin due to their fear of him, but John was able to change how they perceive him.

Since he really didn't need a lot of money, he charged really low. With his successful trainings, his reputation as a trainer steadily improved. Eventually, he posted on the net as well, and with that, he started receiving clients from different places.

His reputation grew, and grew, and before he knew it, he was receiving offers from clients from Wellston, even offering to pay for his flight just for him to train their children.

However, even if some might see it as a waste, John automatically rejects anyone from Wellston.

Well, not just from Wellston- but also, anyone from places that are near that area.

He learned to sort his schedule months ahead. All of the dates where he have to travel to a different city, the duration of his stay, and the hours of his availability in a day, he took note of it all.

Although he was busy, John was satisfied with what he does, and he can see that his father was happy for him as well.

He was using his ability in a way that no one was hurt, and freelancing as a trainer helped him get back at his feet.

If it wasn't for him seeing the kid crying near the cliff,

Maybe, John might have been gone.

He didn't want to look back or to even think or remember about the times when he was miserable, but it wasn't the easiest when something remains as a permanent reminder.


In the past 5 years, Arlo never saw any words on his arms.

He focused more on his studies, and aimed to join the authorities in order to change the justice that he thought he knew. He had a strong resolve, but still, he found himself living a life far from what he have planned.

He didn't know what came into his mind. Resulting into methods that he himself doesn't agree in? You can't change something from the outside. All of this might even be a waste of time. It's dangerous, and it might leave him with no place to return to.

There's a high risk of him being discovered, but Arlo was wise. He took advantage of his position to access to ability drugs, and did his vigilante work under a disguise.

He never had the intention of doing any of this dangerous nonsense in the first place, but perhaps, he was carried away by Remi and Blyke's delusions.

Everyone is too stupid to think about their own safety. Even recruiting weak low tiers as vigilantes? It would only put them in danger. Other than that, it's not good to rely on enhancers, and even if Arlo may be able to access them due to his position, he wouldn't risk their health just for a cheap temporary strength.

If they want to accomplish anything, they should first make sure that everyone is at least capable.

"Do you even have a concrete plan? You're aware of how dangerous it is for them, right?" Arlo questioned Remi. She was removing her mask, only arriving in their hideout not long ago.

"They wanted to help. I know what it's like sitting still and not being able to do anything."

"It's not a matter of whether they want to or not, but rather, whether they can."

"Arlo, I'll only assign them task that are only in their capabilities. I'll take their abilities into consideration, and with Isen and Blyke we-"

"And what if we're caught? It's not enough that they're only able to do what their current strength limits them to. They're still low tiers!"

"Then we can arrange some physical trainings and work on improving their abilities!" Remi replied, "We still have time."

"There's only six months left."

"Six months is enough time!"

"Look," Arlo sighed, "We can't just train them on our own. We need someone actually capable of making them improve in a span of months, and we need someone who can promise confidentiality."

"I know someone... We haven't talked to him in a long time, but I know that he can be trusted. Actually, I just read about him recently on the net and-"

"What do you mean with 'we'?"

"It's- you know him too."

Arlo raised his brows, confused on Remi's secrecy.

"The only problem is... Whether he'll accept our request- but I won't give-up!"

"This is ridiculous."

The blond stood-up from his seat, walking away from Remi. He knew exactly who Remi is referring to, he just didn't know if he could bring himself to show his face to him again.

Things That Were Never Meant: UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang