Chapter 13

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Arlo have already expected John not to take it well. He was aware of the things he've done to him, and he knew that he wouldn't easily be forgiven.

Him confessing was probably something that John never expected. Well, he didn't directly confessed, but he implied that his feelings are no longer hate, nor was it only guilt. Maybe, he shouldn't have told it too soon, or maybe, he shouldn't have gone too close. John have punched him on his face after holding him, and kissing him on his nose, the reaction didn't really surprised him, knowing how John is just John.

If there was one thing he's only noticing now, it was the fact that John doesn't know how to deal with his emotions except through violence. It could be because of the constant bullying, but, his way of coping wasn't healthy at all. Him hitting his head on the wall was already dangerous, and thinking what else he might do someday bothers Arlo. He doesn't just hit those who've hurt him, but he also hits himself.

Arlo have been hit by John a lot of times in their fight, but he doesn't really think much of it. That day when he ambushed him, John had been almost ruthless, driven by his emotions. The blond thought that his reaction was normal, and he still think that it is, however, he was a little too brutal compared to any normal person.

Still, Arlo remembered how John have punched him in the infirmary the moment he woke-up. It wasn't a normal reaction, and it made Arlo wonder how his life have been for him to become like that.

Maybe, Arlo was just digging too much into this. John still hates him, and it's only normal for him to react that way after his confession... Right? Arlo had once betray his trust, of course he can't just expect John to warm-up just because he confessed.

That night, he couldn't really sleep. It started with him dwelling into what happened, then him looking back on John's actions and what have happened to him.

The guilt comes back over and over again, and Arlo wished he've been wiser to think things through before doing the things he've done.

The next day, he sees John with Seraphina talking in hallway. The dark haired man immediately noticed him staring, glaring before he continued doing what he was doing before Arlo came.

John seems better this way, smiling with Seraphina, not being harmed by anyone else...

Watching him like this was painful, but what right does Arlo have to feel pain with John being happy?

Arlo realized something, that maybe, he've already lost his only chance the moment he betrayed him. The blond haven't been thinking properly, at that moment, he just wanted John to reveal his self.

Back then, he doesn't know that John was his soulmate yet. He was annoyed with him most of the times, but there were moments when his presence felt right.

If he haven't found out, would he still feel what he's feeling right now? The blond doesn't know, after all, he was too stupid to actually consider any possible feelings and guilt when he saw John being beaten to the ground.

Looking back, when he saved John before his betrayal, he felt upset at seeing those five students ganging-up on the dark haired man. He doesn't even remember what his exact feeling is during that time, but it wasn't anything good.

When did he even started feeling things for John? Whenever he sees him hurt?

Wouldn't that just be pity and guilt? Was John right all a long?

He remember hating John's smile before, but now... Why did it change? Was it just because of John's words appearing on his arms? When did even his desire to hurt turned into a desire to protect?

Although Arlo realized that he may have liked John, everything was still confusing to him.

Then he pictured himself completely ignoring John until he graduates, losing every connection they had, not seeing each other again for the rest of their lives.

Could he bare with that? The answer was obvious to him.

And so, he waits for John in front of the school gates. He doesn't care how long it'll take for the dark haired man to appear, Arlo would try to do this right, he wanted to build John's trust again, and this time...

He won't hurt him again.

After a couple of minutes waiting, John walks out of the gate. Surprisingly, he wasn't with Seraphina, and the blond thought that it was a perfect opportunity to try and talk to him again.

"John... Can we talk again?"

There was an annoyed expression on John's face, he was avoiding staring into the blond's eyes, but Arlo wouldn't really blame him.

"We have nothing to talk about, Arlo." he kept his voice cold, a glare to match with it.

"I'm serious with I said yesterday." Arlo looked down, "I won't leave you alone."

The dark haired man sighed, walking away from the blond. He won't deal with this. He won't let his emotions get ahead of him again. There's nothing to talk about with the blond.

Thankfully, the blond just stood there, letting him leave. Although he couldn't see it, he can feel his eyes following his back. It made John uncomfortable, ever since what Zeke did to him, John had been paranoid with anyone staring at him, even if it's just his back.

It was one of the damages that Arlo did to him, he may not be the one to touch him, but everything happened because he locked him up. Thanks to him, he found it more difficult to trust, he felt like a monster again, and he couldn't look at his own reflection without feeling disgust. He became uncomfortable with people's stares, and he was reminded of the memories every night.

He destroyed John, wrecked him into pieces and broke his heart... How can he give him a second chance when the pain was too much for him?

When he arrived on his dorms, he immediately changed his clothes, taking slow breaths before his roommate arived. Arlo's words have already appeared on his arms.

I won't leave you alone

John wears a jacket to cover them up, stoping himself from feeling anything.

Blyke arrives, asking him about how his day was, forcing another awkward interaction between them.

He doesn't really trust Blyke yet, but he supposed that it's better than him shooting lasers on John's head. Blyke have tried befriending him a lot of times, and the dark haired man always tells him off. Remi was doing the same recently too, but John knew better than to trust again. He doesn't need fake friendship, and he doesn't need anyone else either.

After an hour since his roommate came, there was a knock on the door. The dark haired man expected it to be Isen asking for Blyke, but when John twisted the knob open, he was surprised to see the the blond standing in front of him, holding John's favorite drink on his hands.

Things That Were Never Meant: UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) Where stories live. Discover now