Chapter 2

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To Arlo's relief, there were no confrontations from John. He didn't know whether John knew or not, but he supposed that things were better off this way.

He bumped into John a few times, but the dark haired man just glared at him everytime without saying any word at all.

John seems to hate him for what he did, and it was good cause hiding it wouldn't be that difficult for Arlo.

He thought he could go on without any association from John, but one day, John called him through Seraphina's phone, asking for him to bring Elaine on his home.

Arlo wondered why John would call him for help, but he understand when he saw Seraphina wounded on her stomach.

John looked so furious, and he was acting out of rage.

It annoyed the blond more. His attitude was just terrible, he kept on complaining instead of doing things by himself.

Once Seraphina was healed by Elaine, he still haven't calmed down. He was upset from not knowing about the injection mark that Seraphina got on her neck, and even ended up hurting Elaine because of it.

They were already asleep that night when the attackers came back, John have insulted him once again, but Arlo have to pulled his sleeves down incase.

Arlo was trying to be careful on what he says, but still have managed to slipped.



He saw those words appear on John's arms, and John noticed them as well. He glared hard at the blond, looking more upset than he was before. Luckily, Elaine went to kitchen for awhile, it's good that they have a privacy.

"What the fuck are you looking at?!" he gritted his teeth, "This doesn't change anything."

John doesn't want him too. Maybe, this would be easier, and Arlo wouldn't have to pretend. Still, the thought of messing with John sounded too good.

"It's weird." Arlo said, "I never got any words on my arms."


The dark haired man was looking confused now, and he stared at Arlo's covered arms.

"You're lying. Pull those sleeves up."

Arlo would get exposed at this point, but it doesn't matter much since he was able to annoy John, and besides, John clearly doesn't want him as well.

Without hesitation, Arlo rolled both of his sleeves up, and to his surprise... There were no words?

Did they disappeared before Arlo even saw them?

This is just perfect. Arlo was ready to get exposed, but now, he could continue with messing with John.

"See? There's nothing here, John." Arlo said, "If you were my soulmate, your words would have appeared. This has to be a mistake, don't you think?"

"Maybe, you're just meant to be alone, Arlo." John bit his lips.

"My words may have appeared on your arms, but that doesn't mean that I'm meant for you, John."

"Even if you were, I still wouldn't want you." the dark haired man answered back before looking away.

Thankfully, Elaine appeared after that, giving them a glass of water. The atmosphere became much colder, and they discussed about Seraphina's attack instead.

John kept glancing back at him,

Arlo pretended that he didn't noticed.

Why does John looked so hurt? He hated the blond now, didn't he? Shouldn't he be happy that Arlo isn't pursuing him for this?

Maybe, Arlo was just over thinking. Seraphina was attacked, of course John would be worried. Afterall, Seraphina was his best friend, and it's also possible that John has feelings for her.

Is that why John was upset, because Arlo's words have appeared on his arms instead of hers'?

The next they, they've brought Seraphina to the clinic and have reported to their headmaster about what happened.

Arlo thought that it would just end like that, but John have talked to him privately, ordering him to protect her while her abilities are gone.

The blond declined, causing another arguement to occur between them, but in the end, it led him no choice but to obey when John threatened him to dethrone him.

Needless to say, Arlo was annoyed for the next following days. Seraphina was so stubborn, helping low tiers when she know she doesn't have any ability at all.

Now, Arlo had to cover up with her mess, and whenever he failed, John would bark and complain like a dog.

Blaming Arlo when it's clearly not his fault, telling him that protecting Seraphina was his responsibility, when it shouldn't even be.

It didn't helped that the article about Seraphina managed to spread, even when he prohibited Cecile from publishing it.

John was mad at him, and blamed him even when he did everything that he can. Arlo was seriously getting tired of John, and all of these confrontations that they had.

He doesn't want to be associated with him, but John just kept coming back to him, always angrier than the last time.

It was so ridiculous, that he was starting to think that John was just looking a reason to be mad and to order him around.

It was time for Arlo to make his move, and eventually, make John shut up.

Arlo managed to find John once their classes ends, he gestures him to follow him, they were supposed to talk on the rooftop, but he decided to bring him on the storage room instead when he saw Zeke. Besides, Arlo had an idea.

"Dethrone me if you want. I've had enough of this."

John didn't looked too happy with what he've said. Of course, John wouldn't be happy, afterall, he doesn't actually have the balls to dethrone him.

"This isn't something for you to decide, Arlo." he clenched his fist, "You would protect Sera until her abilities are back. It's as simple as that, why can't you just do it and shut your mouth?"

"And what if it's permanent?" Arlo asked him, "I'd rather you dethrone me than shove me all of the responsibilities that were yours to begin with."

The dark haired man wasn't able to respond, Arlo felt the urge to taunt him.

"What happened now John? Where's all that bark? You can't dethrone me, can you?"

"Shut up!" John have grabbed his shirt, gripping him on his collar.

Arlo gripped on other man's wrist, pushing him down to the ground.

John tried standing up, but before he was able to, Arlo stepped on his chest, the dark haired man attempted removing his legs off him, but he couldn't.

Afterall, Arlo was physically stronger than John.

The dark haired man may have a higher level than him, and he may be able to fight well, but it's useless as long as Arlo doesn't activate his abilities.

Right now, Arlo could easily crush him like a bug.

"What are you waiting for? Dethrone me now, John. Show me how it's done like the last time. You're stronger than me, aren't you?"

"Arlo you bitch!! Once I'm out of here, I'll--"

The blond stepped on him again, causing John to cough blood.

He doesn't care if John was ranked higher than him, and if John was his soulmate. He hated John, and Arlo doesn't want to be his dog, he doesn't want to be ordered around by someone so spineless, someone who couldn't even man-up and do things on his own.

With a grin, Arlo left John there, locking the door. Before he left, he saw John glaring at him, struggling to stand up.

Arlo doesn't let it affect him, John could spend the night here for all he cares.

Things That Were Never Meant: UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) Where stories live. Discover now