Chapter 6

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John was called out to the office just like expected, and he was questioned about what Zeke did to him.

The dark haired man felt terrible because of his fever, and he was so uncomfortable with the questions that were being asked.

He only mentioned about what was recent, and he never said that Zeke have done it to him before.

Arlo was there the whole time, and the blond witnessed how John answered the question as if it was that simple, as if nothing bad had happened to him at all.

It was really hard to watch, when he knew that John have suffered more than he's telling the headmaster.

His hands were hidden on his pockets, and Arlo understood why. His hands were trembling, and he didn't want the headmaster to see.

Because John didn't revealed everything, the headmaster only gave a two-week suspension as a punishment for Zeke and his friends.

It wasn't a righteous, and if it was Arlo, he'd have them expelled right away.

He wished John would just tell everything, but it probably won't happen since John was masking everything that have happened to him.

Arlo was supposed to speak with John after that, but once the headmaster sent them out of his office, Seraphina was already waiting outside.

"John, what happened? Why were you called?"

"It's nothing big Sera." John smiled at her, "The headmaster just wanted to ask something about Zeke. Apparently, someone reported that he bosses everyone around on dorms, the headmaster just wanted to confirm if it's true." he lied.

Seraphina glared at Arlo, and somehow, she seemed to be unconvinced with John's explanation.

"Should we go now, Sera? We're almost late, If I get one more late the teacher's going to fail me."

The former Ace glares at Arlo one more time, before deciding to leave with John.

It is no secret that Seraphina hates him, but still, her glare kinda stung. Every since she've started hanging around with John, she've changed a lot, and her relationship with Arlo and the other royals have changed.

When Elaine have mentioned John, Arlo was so intrigued. What does John have that Arlo doesn't have? What made Seraphina hang out with a fool like him? And so, Arlo made a way to meet John, he acted kind to him, and he accepted his invites to hang out.

He didn't found anything special, other than the possibility that he has an ability, so why?

Why was Seraphina hanging out with him?

Although Arlo doesn't admit it, his feelings for Seraphina was the closest feeling to admiration that he has, and it was why he was disappointed that John was his soulmate and not her.

It just turns out that John wasn't like how he presented himself to be. John is so fake, and he's the fakest when he's with Seraphina.

Arlo could still recall the times when he've witnessed the dark haired man lied in front of his friend. His personality was so different whenever she's there, or whenever anyone 'clueless' was on his sight.

His true colors are dark, and he was violent and aggressive. Although recently, Arlo wonders if that side of him was fake too.

Now, Arlo hated how he couldn't stop thinking about John. Ambushing him and locking him up was Arlo's only mistake, but why does it seems like everything was his fault? He felt so guilty, but also annoyed and intrigued at the same time.

John kept on being fake, and Arlo wanted to see him be real. If he's hurt, he doesn't have to act like he's not, and there's no need for him to act so tough when he's obviously crumbling apart.

The whole day, he couldn't get him out of his thoughts, to the point that even his friend Holden have noticed it too during their vacant.

"Something bothering you, Arlo?" Holden asked, "You've been really quiet."

"I just have a lot on my mind, for sure, you've probably heard about Zeke being suspended. " the blond asked him.

"Uh-huh, everyone knows he was suspended because of a huge offense, but no one really knows what it's about. Wait-- you and John were called earlier too right? Mind telling me what happened? I won't tell anyone I promise."

The blond sighed, thankfully, unlike Isen, Holden knows how to keep his mouth shut.

Should he tell him? Maybe, Arlo just had to get it off his chest.

Maybe he'll stop thinking about John if he told someone.

"I saw Zeke assaulting John." he said, "It was why both of us were called, I reported him yesterday."

"With assault, you mean..."

Arlo nodded his head.

"Is that for real?! I didn't know Zeke was capable of doing that! I don't like John either, but what Zeke did isn't right-- it's going too far. " his friend said, "Is that all that was troubling you?"

"Yes." the blond lied, "I just thought that a 2 week suspension isn't enough."

"He should be expelled." Holden said, "Someone like him should-- wait Arlo look!"

The blue haired man raised his arms, showing the words that have recently appeared.

His friend had adapted the habit of rolling his sleeves up ever since the first words have appeared, and he always shows them whenever he got one.

Holden's okay I guess.

"Dude, I wonder whom this is from, I've been getting words throughout this year but I still don't know who." Holden wondered, "By the way, have you finally gotten any words?"

"No." Yes.

"That sucks man, don't worry you'll get them someday."

Throughout the day, Arlo couldn't even focus. In fact, once the school ends, he ended up leaving his bag inside his classroom, only remembering it once he was already halfway home.

He returned to school because of that, and he made sure to clear of his mind and be more attentive.

He was about to climb the stairs to get to his classroom, but then, he saw John.

Arlo couldn't helped but noticed blood on his uniform, and a couple of bruises on his cheeks and his hands.

The dark haired man was about to go down, but everything happened too fast.

When Arlo looked up, John was already falling on the stairs.

The blond wasn't able to catch him, and he could only act quick and help John get up.

To his surprised, John gripped on his arms tight, and he didn't yelled or pushed him away. His eyes was barely opened, and his breathing was ragged.

He wasn't saying anything, but he just stood there and allowed Arlo to help him.



What's wrong with John? Why isn't he saying anything?

Arlo touched his forehead and... John is really warm. He seemed to have a fever, but, why is he acting like this?

He could see that John had just been beaten up, and that he has a fever, but somehow, Arlo felt that it might have been more than that. The blond was going to bring him to the clinic, but when he wrapped his arms on his shoulders, John reacted by attempting to push him and slapping his hands.

With his tired eyes, John stared at him. Arlo couldn't read what was on John's mind, but then, he spoke.

"Sera saw the pictures... She knew..." John said, "This is your fault..."

What pictures? And how come this is Arlo's fault again?

Arlo wanted to ask him what he meant, but the blond wasn't able to when John lost his balance. This time, the blond was able to prevent him from hitting the ground, but when he looked at John's face, he was already unconscious.

Things That Were Never Meant: UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) Where stories live. Discover now