Chapter 14

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Just like what Arlo have expected, the door was immediately slammed to his face almost the moment John opens the door. It wasn't really surprising, but luckily, Arlo was able to step-back and avoid any of John's drink from getting spilled.

Still, it annoyed the blond. Just John slamming the door at him almost made him want to yell at him. How can it work when the simplest things that John does annoys him?

Arlo is fully aware that John is difficult to deal with, and that John had little-to-no-trust left especially after the things that happened to him. If Arlo really wanted John, he had to show him that Arlo could truly be trusted, and that he wouldn't hurt him again. Other than that, Arlo must learn to control himself, and be gentler if he doesn't want the two of them to keep arguing every single time.

And so, he tries for the second time, carefully knocking on the door, "Look John, I don't mean any harm."

"Fuck off!"

Arlo just had to be calm.

"I'm just here to give you a drink."

"Shove it up your ass for all I care!" John yelled, "Did you really think that I'll let you in just because you brought me a drink?!"

To be honest, Arlo wasn't really expecting John to let him in, but still, he wanted to try.

"You don't have to let me in." Arlo said, trying his best not to start another argument with John, "Just take this drink, and I'll leave."

Not long after, the door was twisted open by John. He was glaring at Arlo as if he might bite, but the blond could see pain on his eyes.

John immediately grabbed the drink on Arlo's hands without a word, shutting the door afterwards as the blond stood there.

Although the blond didn't really want to leave yet, he did what he promised, leaving the dark haired man's dorm.

He've already hurt John enough, and if he kept on doing things without thinking of the consequences first, it would only hurt John again. When he think of it, the best thing for him to do is to leave John alone, act like they're strangers and never approach him again, but recently, Arlo realized that he didn't want any that.

Feelings are just, unexplainable,  yesterday he was smiling when he was ambushing John on the fields, but now, Arlo felt like he's going insane just by seeing John hurt.

The next day, Arlo notices Remi trying to catch-up with John, and being told off continuously. There's also Blyke who looked just as desperate, although annoyed at how the dark haired man reacted. Then during breaks, he caught a glance of John walking with Seraphina.

Arlo would like it if John had more friends, not just Seraphina, but also someone good like Blyke and Remi. Although he doubt that John would trust anyone again after what Arlo did. The blond felt responsible for it too, so maybe, he could make John see that there are still a lot of people he could trust.

Still, even if he wants John to be friends with someone good like Remi, he doesn't actually want Remi to specifically be friends with him, due to the fact that John could be violent, and that Remi only believes on what she believes, ignoring the darker parts of everything.

Or maybe, this could be out his own selfishness. Arlo doesn't like John being friends with Seraphina before, with the fact that he used to have an admiration for Seraphina.

Now, although he's glad that those two are friends again, he dislikes how close they are, and how John's world seemed to revolve on her when they're together. Remi is obsessing on him recently too, although not romantically, Arlo just didn't like her approaching John.

Arlo knew that he shouldn't be feeling like this, and he's also aware that he couldn't really control their interest with John, but maybe, he was just upset.

Upset because he wasted the chance that John have given him, upset that he chose to hurt him instead, and that Remi is attempting to befriend John while Arlo already lost his chance.

But he couldn't just kept on being upset, if he wants another chance, he needs to show John that he's worth giving another chance.

Not because they're soulmates, but because this time, Arlo wouldn't hurt him.

During dismissal, Arlo waits for John again. He rushes to the gate, standing on the sides as he waits for the dark haired man.

When he appeared, he was with Seraphina, at first they tried ignoring the blond, but Arlo grabbed John by his arms in a way that was a little bit forceful than intended, making him alarmed.


"Leave John alone." Seraphina glared at him.

The blond removed his hands from John's arms, the dark haired man looked scared, and it only made Arlo more guilty.

"What else do you want, Arlo? John isn't even doing anything to you, why won't you just leave him alone?! Can't you see what you've done to him?"

Arlo wasn't even able to say anything.

John looked pretty scared even when Arlo just grabbed him, and even if John was just feozen, it was the worst reaction he've had compared to those times when Arlo have touched him.

All Arlo could do was watch as the two left. He couldn't cause a scene since they were at the school gates, and Arlo forcefully grabbing John is already something that a few witness right now are whispering about.

Arlo rushes once they're completely out of his sight, and after that, he heads to Woba Boba to buy a drink for John again, going to his dorm afterwards.

Just like before, he knocks on John's door, but this time, before the dark haired man was able to open the door, Arlo placed the mango boba in front of the door, jumping down the stairs in order for John not to see him.

John is probably aware that it's from the blond, but he knows that the dark haired man doesn't want to talk with him or to see him at all. He knew that giving drinks wouldn't change John's opinion of him, but he remembered how happy John have looked when he was consuming his drink with Arlo before, and the blond could only hope that giving him the same drink would make him happy or atleast, ease his pain a bit.

Arlo wouldn't give up on John, but after seeing John's reaction when Arlo grabbed him, the blond thought that maybe, John still needed time.

The blond doesn't really know how to help him, especially that John wouldn't even talk to Arlo, but for now, the blond would do what he possibly can. He'll give drinks to John every day, and hope for him to drink it.

To be honest, Arlo doesn't know what to do now. He didn't want to give up, but he also didn't want to cause John more pain.

And as Arlo hated it, the blond also couldn't just stop caring about the reputation that he had for John.

The dark haired man had a really low reputation at school, and it isn't really surprising since almost everyone have seen his photographs, and that no one really knows about his true ability and they all see him as a cripple.

Meanwhile, Arlo is a King. He could save John as many times as he wants in their eyes, but he couldn't be seen chasing after a cripple, a man-- he couldn't be seen chasing after John.

No one should know about him being his soulmate, because on John's photographs, terrible things were written on his arms, and all of them were said by Arlo.

Arlo doesn't really care about all of that.

He doesn't care what other student thinks, although he knew he should. The thing is, recently, it seemed like Arlo have stopped caring about the simplest things that bothered him before, because now, he cared more about John.

Things That Were Never Meant: UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) Where stories live. Discover now