Chapter 9

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The headmaster have ended-up seeing the photos circulating about John. Arlo didn't know who gave the photos to him, but he knew that it's the best that the headmaster knew. That way, getting Zeke expelled would be easier.

They got called to the office again, and he watched as John got questioned about what really happened.

John told everything, including Arlo locking him up inside the storage room.

Arlo was questioned about it, but he answered as honestly as he can. He never intended it to happen to John, and he admitted that what he did was wrong.

The headmaster gave Arlo a warning for first offense, and a lecture about how a king should be role model for the entire students.

Despite everything, Arlo was able to convince the headmaster to expel Zeke. It wasn't that difficult because the headmaster already saw the evidences.

Zeke could be jailed, but he was still a few months away from the legal age.

Needless to say, expelling him and talking to his parents was the best that headmaster Vaughn could do.

The news about Zeke finally being expelled spreaded like wildfire, students were chattering, and they their eyes would be on John whenever he passes by.

Sometimes, students would gang-up on him, it wasn't really anything new. Even from before, John had been a target of bullying, now, there were just added insults.

Arlo doesn't step in. He ignores him, choosing to mind his own business instead.

If he steps in it'll only get worse.

He keeps on telling that to himself, but it only took him less than a week to cause a scene on the hallway.

"IS THIS REALLY HOW A WELLSTON STUDENT ACTS?!" the blond yelled, shielding John who was already struggling to stand.

A male student screams in pain as his arms hits the blond's barrier.

"All of you have done nothing but ruin this school's name!! Each of you could be doing something else, but you chose to waste your time on this!!!" the blond looked down on John before glaring at the five students who were attacking John.

The king then looked around, annoyed at the commotion he caused, but also annoyed by John and the students who just stood there and did nothing but gossip.

"If I saw any of you doing this kind of shit again-- I'll make sure each of you receives the same punishment as Zeke." he threatened.

He glanced at John once again, the dark haired man looked pained and confused.
Looking at him isn't doing anything to help to ease the blond's mood.

He releases him from his barrier, walking away from the hallway. Arlo didn't bother looking back, nor did he bother to bring John to the infirmary again.

A week has passed, and there seemed to be a new-found peace at Wellston. Arlo haven't seen John getting bullied, nor did he saw any fights after what he did that day

Gossips still remained, but now, it wasn't just about John.

One time, he heard two students talking how he was abusing his power and position.

Arlo wasn't affected by it, and in fact, he was glad that they're finally leaving John alone.

John would no longer be hurt, and students wouldn't target him and Seraphina anymore.

The dark haired man would finally get the peace he wanted, and Arlo also wouldn't stress about him anymore.

He tried not to think of John, he really tried, but the blond couldn't help but wonder if John was still friends with Seraphina.

Arlo hasn't seen them together after the pictures were leaked. Sometimes he sees her hanging around with Evie, but never with John. Whenever he saw the dark haired man, he was just always alone.

It's bugging him, even though it shouldn't.

And Arlo felt stupid because of it, specially when he saw them talking again after Arlo wasted his entire time thinking about it.

He should be calm now, he should stop thinking about the dark haired man now. John was no longer crying, he stayed away from Arlo, the students finally left him alone and...

Whenever Arlo remembers that day when he witnessed John crying, he felt his chest tighten.

He'll remember their hug, and Arlo would have to remind himself the terrible things about John.

Maybe, Arlo was only feeling like this because he knew that John was his soulmate. If he haven't found out, maybe, he wouldn't care like this.

He still hates the dark haired man, and he's sure that they have nothing in common other than both of them being a man. If they were together, they'll only end up fighting most of the times. Arlo wasn't even interested in men, and he's sure that his parents would be displeased if they found out that his soulmate was a male. His future would be ruined.

But sometimes, he looks at John and reconsiders.

That itself is already terrible enough.

He bumps into him one time, and the feelings he got when he stared at his eyes left Arlo so confused.

John didn't look annoyed nor scared, he wasn't happy either, but rather tired.

His eyes looked so dead, and there were bags forming under his eyes, he looked pale, and his cheeks seemed to appear thinner than he remembered.

"Seriously, when will you ever learn?" the blond sighed, crouching down to help him pick up John's papers.

While doing so, he noticed that the dark haired man wasn't using the binder he gave him. Did he threw it away?

He'd rather not think about it.

"I can do this myself, I don't need your help." John spoke, rushing to pick his papers messily.

The blond handed him what he already gathered, and the dark haired man took it in a brash way.

It pissed Arlo off.

"I'm trying to act civil, John. If you're just going to show me that rude attitude of yours, I'll--"

"You'll what, Arlo? Ambush me? Lock me up again?"

Arlo grabbed John on his collar, forcing him up as he slam his back on the lockers.

The students around them were whispering, obviously surprised by Arlo's actions and what John have said.

"You should be grateful I even helped you." Arlo gritted his teeth, "You kept blaming me for the things that happened to you, when all of it was clearly your fault."

"You deserve everything for being a coward." he removed his hands off John who was still in pain, and Arlo was overwhelmed with instant regret when he realized how terrible his words have sounded.

"I knew it..." John said quietly, "You weren't really sorry for what you did."

John have rushed immediately after that, purposely bumping into him again. He sees John's trembling, and Arlo felt worried.

"John-- wait!"

He wanted to chase after John, but he was grabbed by someone on his shoulders.

"Arlo, what did just happened?" Holden asked him. The blue haired man have just arrived, and he only saw Arlo gripping John on his collar before the the cripple left.

"He pissed me off, I said some terrible things." the blond replied.

"Why do you even concern yourself with him? That guy acts so high for someone of his rank. I'd suggest teaching him a lesson so--"

"Holden, don't."

Just like he said, Holden stopped. He could tell that Arlo was annoyed. If there's something he noticed about his friend recently, it was that Arlo would steal glances from John whenever he can and that his mood changes whenever someone talks badly about that cripple.

He could just be guilty or bothered about what happened to John, but a part of Holden wonders,

Does Arlo have feelings for John?

Things That Were Never Meant: UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) Where stories live. Discover now