Chapter 10

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John have learned to numb himself from other people's words, but somehow, Arlo's words always cut deep.

Maybe, it was because Arlo's words are written on his arms, and the blond never failed to say anything that expresses his hate for John.

John had been staring on his arms the moment he've got to his dorm, and his chest only tightens more when he recalled what Arlo have said.

Arlo believes that John deserved it, and John was starting to believe that he does too.

He was a monster.

He've hurt half of his class before, he almost killed them, and even now, he's lying to Seraphina and the whole school about himself. Even if he doesn't use his abilities, he was still violent and he didn't really changed at all.

He was a terrible person, and just like what Arlo have said, he's also a coward.

He couldn't even protect Sera when they were hurting her, and he couldn't even protect himself when they were violating his body.

Maybe, the blond's words hurt because it was the truth.

The dark haired man could only curl-up alone on his bed, he felt so disgusted and mad of himself. It felt so heavy, and he couldn't even vent everything that he've felt. He could just bury his head on his pillow, and hope himself asleep.

It was still too early, but John had lost any will to do anything. Usually, him and Sera would be talking and playing games at this hour, but John have been avoiding her ever since the photos were leaked.

He doesn't even check his phone and he avoids her whenever he sees her.

Sera was only worried about John, and she wanted John to open-up about those photos so she could help him.

John didn't want to explain, or rather he didn't know how. He felt ashamed, and he couldn't stand the way Sera looked at him.

Sera asked him again, but John have ended up showing his dark side to her, yelling at her and even hurting her.

She said that friends are supposed to help each other, but John never allowed her to help. She told him that he never tells any secrets, and that she felt like as if she never really was his friend.

John said that she never was, although it wasn't true.

They never talked after that, but he's aware that she's been messaging him, he just doesn't reply, nor does he read what she've written. She calls too, but John never answered.

Two days ago, she approached him, but it was too late for John to run away. She told him that she wouldn't ask about what happened anymore, and that she just wanted to be there for John.

John asked for some time to be alone for now, and Sera said that he could contact her if ever he's ready to talk again.

He really wanted to talk with her right now, but he's just scared-- a coward. He's afraid that his best friend would treat him differently, and that she'll see him as someone who is weak. Instead of talking to her, he closes his eyes, waiting for his consciousness to be gone.

The dark haired man only manages to gain courage once saturday arrives. They don't have any classes that day, and he doesn't contact her. He decided to just visit her on her dorm, and maybe hang out and play games or go shopping like they always did...

John knocks, and after awhile, Elaine opens the door, looking surprised by John's presence.

Her cheeks have turned red, and John was reminded that she probably had seen the photos. Elaine used to look at him with fear, although he hated them, he would prefer her to fear him than feel any pity or embarrassment for John.

"J-John! What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"Sera." he replied simply, it was enough for Elaine to understand.

"Seraphina is still asleep J-john... Um, but you could sit, I-I'll wake her up!"

"You don't have to. I'll just come back later."

Although he wanted to talk to her soon, he doesn't really want to interrupt her sleep.

"You could wait here!" Elaine said, "You see, she's been wanting to talk with you..."

John went inside their dorm, and Elaine made him to sit on the couch while she wakes Seraphina up on her room.

He was looking down, patiently waiting until Elaine retuned.

"S-she's awake now, she haven't even washed her face yet so it might take awhile."

Elaine sat beside him, not really close, but she left a decent amount of space between them.

"Um... Are you okay, John?"

The dark haired man ignored her, there was no way that he's letting this become a pity talk about himself.

After seconds of silence, Elaine spoke again, "Arlo told me to come that night when he found you. I had suspicions but..."

"I brushed it off, because you're stronger than Arlo and--"

John may be stronger than Arlo, but that doesn't make him strong.

"Shut your mouth, Elaine."

And so, she did. She was slightly surprised, but she didn't feared John like she used to before.

Seraphina came after what seemed like twenty minutes of waiting. Her hair was wet, and she was wearing a causal shorts and a sweater, judging her look, it appears like she've just finished taking a bath.

Seeing her made John feel at ease, she was the only good thing he knew, and he really missed her a lot, so much that he immediately stood up and hugged her.

When it's with her, John feels so safe.

"Sera I'm sorry... I didn't really meant what I said... " he apologized, "Let's eat outside?" for sure, she still haven't eaten yet.

Elaine stared at them with her face turning red, she knew that John's personality was different when he was with Seraphina but it's really weird seeing John being 'affectionate', specially when the dark haired man always acts mad when Seraphina wasn't there.

"John, I really missed you." Seraphina smiled at him, "Where would you like to eat? I found this cool game, we can play it while waiting for an order. Wanna challenge me?"

The blue haired girl watches the two of them until they've left. John had been so gloomy earlier, but his face lit up when he saw Seraphina. She noticed that they haven't been talking recently, and although Seraphina didn't really mentioned anything about John, she knew that her roommate must have wanted to talk with John again.

For Elaine, John was scary and dangerous, but somehow, her image of him got crushed when Arlo called her for help, and when she saw those photos of him. Ever since that incident, she's been watching John closely. Not because she wanted to, but because Arlo told her to.

She doesn't even understand at all. Arlo kept on giving her orders to watch John and to update him if someone hurts the dark haired man, or if he and Seraphina were talking again. Arlo has been involving himself with John a lot lately. Elaine thought that it could just be out of guilt or fear, but it doesn't really seem like it at all.

Things That Were Never Meant: UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) Where stories live. Discover now