Chapter 23

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Arlo didn't saw John the next day, and a text message from Elaine also confirmed that John didn't came to any of his classes.

The blond also asked the Jack; Blyke revealed that he tried waking John up before going to school, but when John woke up, he just replied that he won't be coming on Wellston today, and that there's no need for him to get himself ready.

He didn't gave any explanation when Blyke asked why, and thus, the Jack decided not to push the question any further when he saw how pale John have looked.

Even without seeing John's face, Arlo could already imagine how pained he must have been, suffering from another scar inflicted by him.

He was sure that John would do everything to prevent his own father from finding out, but the more John had to pretend, the more it looked like it was killing him on the inside.

He needed help. Not from him, not from Seraphina, not from the royals- but from his own father, someone who can truly help him.

To be honest, Arlo didn't know what John's father planned to do, but he was under the impression that Mr. William is planning to bring John back on his hometown.

Would it be permanent, or temporary? Arlo can only guess. But whatever it is, it would be better than John being here.

Seeing that John is still on his dorm earlier, it's likely that John and his father would settle everything with Headmaster Vaughn and arrange for his leave.

And if Arlo's assumption is correct, him and his father would be here after today's classes. If not, somewhere around this week, if Mr. William gave his son a chance to think first.

The whole day made Arlo anxious. He kept on rolling his sleeves up to check on his arms, and he kept on looking at his watch, waiting for his classes to end despite the uncertainty of John going to Wellston this afternoon.

For some reason, his heart was beating fast from the anxiousness. Perhaps, it was because of his mind telling him things.

Things that would really be good for John, but things that would make Arlo really regretful.

And so, the blond waited near the school's office after his class. He waited, and waited, but neither John nor his father dropped by.

He did the same for the next day. Blyke told him that John's items were all packed, so Arlo was expecting to see him that afternoon.

But then the afternoon came, and Arlo waited in front of headmaster Vaughn's office until it closed.

"You've been waiting since yesterday, might there be something you needed to say, Arlo?"

Ask him about John.

"It's nothing, headmaster." Arlo replied, "I was just hanging out. I'm about to take my leave."

"You're here to inquire about John, aren't you?"

Arlo's eyes went wide, but he replied by slowly nodding his head.

"John's father had decided to drop him out of Wellston." the headmaster revealed.

Drop out?

"Since when did John dropped out?"

"Unfortunately, that's as far as I can tell you. I can't disclose confidential information to any student."

"I am not just 'any student', headmaster." Arlo told him, "I am asking as the Wellston's King. I have the obligation to know about the details in regards to any student’s departure. You must also understand headmaster... Especially since it's highly connected to the incident with Zeke."

Was it an abuse of power if used for personal curiosity?

Hearing the blond's words, a small smile crept on the headmaster's lips, "Very well then. I recieved an urgent call from John's father yesterday morning informing about his decision to drop John out."

"Supposedly, John is scheduled this afternoon to confirm whether he's in an agreement with this decision, but he confirmed it on a call this morning instead. He said that he had a flight scheduled this afternoon."

John have left Wellston.

"I gave them a month to be away from Wellston and think more about his drop-out, however John insisted that the decision is final." Vaughn sighed.

"It's the best for him." the blond couldn't help but say, causing a surprised expression on the headmaster's face.

"It seems you have settled your differences."  the headmaster spoke once again, "Since I have already answered your question, I believe that it's time to head home."

Arlo still had a lot of questions regarding John, questions he never dared to ask.

"Headmaster, at that time when I reported about John's assault... Why didn't you informed his father?"

"John have personally asked me himself not to. Since he's already on legal age, he deemed calling his father unecessary."

Although Arlo already expected this answer, he couldn't understand why the headmaster didn't go against John's wishes. But, if ever John had shed tears, would anyone even be able to?

"He was also supposed to be arranged with a therapist, but he simply refused to recieve treatment." Vaughn explained, "Is that all you're going to ask?"

"Yes, thank you headmaster."

The headmaster eventually left the campus, while Arlo strolled for awhile, trying to collect his thoughts and process everything.

John dropped out, and is probably already on his flight. Arlo lost his opportunity to apologize once more, as well as come clean with his lie.

But then again, what good would another apology do?

Right now, Arlo just feels a bit empty. He doesn't know what he's supposed to feel. Even though he expected John's leave, isn't it too sudden?

Or maybe, he might just be too slow. John had already been suffered a lot.

Whenever John passes by, he could tell that he hated the way they look at him. Now, he wouldn't have to see their gazes- nor would he have to hear them gossiping about him too. He'll no longer have to see Arlo, and remember his betrayal everytime.

He wouldn't have to see Arlo's words too, because Arlo would never talk about him anymore.

In fact, they might never see each other again.

John has dropped-out of school, Arlo is graduating in months. He'll go to a good college, and John might continue his highschool years back in New Bostin, or maybe even college.

Hah... They really were young.

Arlo had a lot of regrets.

Perhaps, John won't see his arms right now, but falling on Arlo's lips are words that he never really directly told him before.

It was just a shame that John really never really saw them.

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