Chapter 11

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Arlo received a message from Elaine, it was about John visiting on their dorms to see Sera, him apologizing, and them going out after John asked her out.

There's a lot of questions on Arlo's mind, with Elaine's term of "John asked her out", what exactly does she mean? Just him asking her to eat outside or, actual dating?

Although he wanted to ask, the blond decided that it's better not to. It wasn't really his business, although the idea of them dating didn't really sit well with him.

Probably because he admired Seraphina before. He recognized this feeling after all, he also felt this uneasiness when Elaine first mentioned her hanging around with John.

It was because of that jealousy and curiosity that got himself involved with John. If Arlo was ever given the chance to turn back time, he wouldn't approach John again, he wouldn't befriend him, he wouldn't ambush him, he wouldn't lock him up, and he'll try his best to stay out of his way.

Arlo really wished he never payed any attention to John. Maybe, things wouldn't be so complicated like this, John would get his "peaceful" life, and Arlo wouldn't stress over him.

Most of all, Arlo wouldn't know that John was his soulmate, and he could carry his everyday life until he graduates without making any contact with him at all.

John is a terrible mess with nothing but issues.

If he were a product, Arlo would have him immediately returned, with a detailed complaint as an addition.

It already annoyed Arlo that Holden have confronted him recently about the dark haired man. His friend thinks that Arlo likes John, and he seemed pretty convinced no matter what Arlo said.

Arlo regrets what he've done to John, but that doesn't really mean that he no longer hates him or that he likes him. He just feels guilty, nothing more than that.

Still, the possibility of it have have already crossed Arlo's mind, and in fact,

He've already thought about it over and over again. He's just not ready to give himself a real answer.

Even if John was his soulmate, them being together wouldn't do any good.

So for now, he ignores him. He ignores thinking about him and wondering about what Elaine said. He doesn't let what Holden assumed to cross his mind at all, and distracts himself by doing things, although they weren't really that effective.

On sunday, he went to eat with Remi. Their conversation was about Remi pursuing ember and the blond forcing her to stop. The pink haired girl said she would, but Arlo really doubt that. It was supposed to be about that, and Arlo didn't understand how the conversation have become about Zeke and John. Remi being Remi, was worried and guilty for overlooking a lot of problems at Wellston like Zeke's bullying and what he did to John.

She was only becoming aware of it once it was done, and when she heard about students gossiping about Arlo threatening students to be expelled if they were caught bullying. Remi have approached some lower tiers because of it, and there she've heard the truth. She was now highly aware of the bullying John and the other low tiers had to endure. She admitted into approaching him while being glared and shooed away in return, and it wasn't really a surprise.

While her being interested in something else other than ember is good, it gets annoying after that.

She was all John John John-- Arlo you're acting strange, do you know something about John?

Arlo wanted to cover his ears; it seemed like John was Remi's latest obsession.

If only Arlo didn't knew better, he'd think that she's crushing on John, but that's just Remi is, and for sure, she'll be disinterested after days.

Blyke is Remi's soulmate, although they aren't in a relationship yet, they seem to really like each other.

Still, Arlo was annoyed with her expressing interest with John, and he isn't really a fan of her idea befriending John. If John could hit a girl like Elaine, he could hit her too if he ever got annoyed.

Needless to say, the weekend was awful, and Arlo spent the night, or day rather, thinking about things he shouldn't be thinking in the first place.

It didn't get better on monday. During lunch, when he came into the cafeteria with Holden, the first thing he saw was Seraphina and John, together again.

Eating the tripple chocolate that was only served once a month, feeding each other like love birds.

John have looked so happy. Happier than he was this past few days and, happier than Arlo could ever make him be.

It was a terrible realization, because Arlo have felt something on his chest, he doesn't like looking at them but he couldn't really take his eyes away.

Holden have nudged him, and Arlo haven't even realized that he was blocking the way. His eyes met John's gaze, and the dark haired man looked away.

There's no denying now, and Arlo wished he never realized this.

He did have feelings for John, but what now? The blond already made it clear to him that he doesn't want any involvement with him on the future. John was avoiding him now, and after everything that Arlo have done, how could he expect that John would even give him a chance to atleast be friends?

Arlo could only watch John, he looks lovely when he smiles. The blond just wished that he have given more value to it before. He used to give Arlo that smile too, and he appeared to be genuinely happy before the blond ruined it.

Is it really too late now?

Maybe, he could talk to him. He could try talking to him later, he'll try to be honest, and he wouldn't hurt John like he did before. He also wouldn't slam him on the lockers this time...

He'll admit his feelings for him, and maybe, it's up for John to decide whether he'll give Arlo a second chance or not.

Or maybe, he shouldn't. He may have feelings for him, but he still thinks that they wouldn't work out with how different they were. They're like cats and dogs, they'll only keep on fighting. He's the king of Wellston, and although John was stronger than him, the students aren't really aware of that. If ever John gave him a chance, how would they even do this?

There's also this thing about John being a guy... And Arlo's parents would probably prefer a girl.

No matter how he look at it, being with John is a terrible idea.

But still... He wanted to try. He wanted to see more of John's smiles, and he wanted to be the cause of it.

Things That Were Never Meant: UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) Where stories live. Discover now