Chapter 7

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Arlo eyed at the dark haired man who layed across the bed. His wounds have been bandaged up, and more than half of his body was covered with a blanket.

The blond couldn't help but remember that time when John have lost his consciousness after getting beaten up, and even if he was powerful, Arlo wonders how someone like him could survive with putting-up a facade.

Terrible things have happened to John, yet he still wouldn't use his ability.

Would he really rather get himself assaulted and beaten-up than use his abilities to protect himself?

He's so fucking stupid, if he has a fever, why would he even go to school?

Thanks to his stupidness, Arlo has to deal with him again. The blond only returned to get his bag, but John just had to appear and fall from the stairs, wounded and with a fever.

Arlo was bothered with what he said, about Seraphina seeing the pictures.

It didn't take that long for the blond to finally realize what kind of pictures he was referring to, and the thought immediately triggered him.

John didn't want Arlo to report everything to the headmaster because he was threatened. It was why John blamed him, because Arlo reported Zeke.

And Zeke was probably annoyed by the fact that Arlo sided with a cripple instead of him, and thus, he released the pictures online.

Arlo still haven't seen them, but he received a couple of message from the whole royals that appears to be about John. An image was also sent by an unknown number that he knew was Zeke's, but Arlo doesn't have the heart to view it.

The blond was too afraid to leave the clinic and face what has been happening around. It was even already seven, and Doc has been telling him to leave and bring John with him, but Arlo kept on reasoning to him that he didn't want to wake him up.

Still, they couldn't stay here the whole night, so he just picked John on his arms as he sleeps, bringing him to the dorms.

He left after he've brought him to his room, and he checks the messages that he got from his phone, even the images that he've received.

The pictures were graphic, and it showed John being forced into things. The first image was him sucking on a dick, while the second one was him being penetrated as he was held down, other more graphic pictures followed after that, and Arlo only felt more guilty.

John looked scared, and Arlo could see the pain on his expression.

In one of the pictures, it even showed words on his arms that Arlo have thrown on him, and the blond was just shocked... or mad, maybe even terrified for John.

He had enough evidence to get Zeke expelled now, but damage have already been been done.

There wasn't anything that the blond could do to fix everything, and he've officially ruined John's life.

This wasn't supposed to happen, Arlo just wanted John to leave him alone, why did it ended up like this?

Arlo shouldn't have complained, he shouldn't have broken John's ribs and he shouldn't have locked him there.

He didn't liked how vulnerable John have looked in the photos, and how he looked like he was about to cry. It affected Arlo more than it should have, and the blond just wanted to destroy everything and remove the guilt he've felt.

Students were talking about John the next day. Some knew about it, but most of the students doesn't seemed to have recieved the image. However, with students gossiping around, it wouldn't be that long for the whole school to know.

They called John names, and said that he deserved it for being an annoying cripple, although thankfully, there were still some who are still on their right mind thinking that it was wrong.

Although Zeke's face wasn't seen, some students had an idea that it's him with them witnessing him bullying him John and Seraphina, and with the 2 weeks suspension going on.

Arlo doesn't want to see John today, and he wished that the dark haired man wouldn't show up.

But John truly was stubborn, and Arlo have seen him rushing during breaks. Seraphina wasn't with him, and Arlo wonders why she wasn't with John when he obviously needed her the most.

The blond followed John, and some students seemed to prey after him now that the pictures were leaked.

"Looking pretty cute on those pictures huh, John?" it was a male student with a gray hair blocking his way, he had a condescending grin on his lips, and he looked at John with filth.

"..." John ignored him, deciding to just walk straight.

However, the man grabbed him on his arms, and the dark haired man have reacted violently, pushing him towards the lockers.

"Think you're some kind of a big shot?!" his eyes glowed, "You're just a disgusting and filthy whore! Even your soulmate doesn't even want you--"

John have punched him hard on his face, hitting him consecutively on the ground afterwards.

There was a lot of hate and pain on John's eyes, and he showed no mercy, Arlo was going to step in, but John just stopped before eventually standing up and running away.

The blond ran after him, but he doesn't seem to noticed. He ran up the stairs until he reached the rooftop, then he stood near the metal fence, looking down for a minute.

Soon enough, John around the corners, and have started hitting his head on the concrete wall.

Arlo flinched, and he took slow steps, approaching John.

The dark haired man have let an agonizing scream, but he still haven't noticed his pressence. Then, he laughed in a way that seemed to be so forced. Arlo was concerned, but he could only stand by and watch.

John have laughed and laugh, until his laughs have turned into sobs. He fell on the ground, and he trembled as he slowly hugged himself.

Arlo couldn't see his face, but he knew that he've finally broken John. He doesn't even know if he'll give John some time to be alone, or if he should just approach him.

He was probably John's most hated person right now, but Arlo was afraid of what the dark haired man would do if he left him alone.

This is the first time he've really seen John actually let his tears out. To Arlo's eyes, John was just violent and manipulative, but he seemed to forget that John has feelings too.

He acts so tough, but he's really crumbling down, and acting mad and aggressive was the only way he know to protect himself. He seemed to have a mindset of brutally hurting those who've hurt him.

Arlo used to think that it was so childish of John, but Arlo wonders...

What other way would John know when people have only constantly hurt him physically and emotionally?

Arlo was one of those people who've hurt him too, but why won't John just hurt him back?

Things That Were Never Meant: UnOrdinary (Arlo x John) Where stories live. Discover now