He crushed himself against me again, the hunger in his blood beating like a drum in his veins, our love for each other colliding and shattering against our breath. He wrapped me up in his arms and promised never to let me go again and I believed him with every part of me, even as a tiny voice in my head warned me not to be too optimistic. This war was just beginning.

When he let me ago again, he smiled against my lips for just a moment before backing away. I rubbed my lips, deliciously raw from his kisses.

"As nice as it is to have part of the answers, though, can we keep this between us?" I looked up into his face hopefully.

His expression hardened slightly and once again he was Leader Namjoon instead of my Joonie. He nodded solemnly. "That's probably for the best until we know more."

"I just don't want to hurt anyone before we really know what's going on."

His sudden smile was boyish. "You know I'd do anything for you."

I kissed his cheek, holding his hand in mine as I did. He closed his eyes and leaned into me. "And I'd do anything for you, Joonie." With a sigh, I pulled away and grabbed my bag. "But I really need a shower right now."

His smile turned a little more devious as he kept his eyes on the floor. "Want some company?"

I grinned wide and pulled his hand with me. "I thought I was going to have to beg you."

"You never have to beg me for anything, Natalia. Everything I am is already yours."


It was later that afternoon before anyone else made it home. By the time they did, Namjoon and I were passed out on the couch in front of the TV. It didn't last long, though, with Jungkook and Taehyung practically shoving Namjoon in the floor so they could crawl on top of me, pressing their bodies into me like they could absorb me into their skin like some kind of weird osmosis. Even Hoseok came over and placed a kiss on my head.

"Good to have you back, Morgan," he said with a smile that looked honest for once. The old name was like a stab to the chest though, and I didn't need to look up to know Namjoon was hiding his own uncomfortable expression hearing it.

"Yeah," Jimin added as he ruffled my hair, "these babies were getting terribly mopey with you gone."

"Shut up," Jungkook yelled, hitting the older with a pillow, "I'm pretty sure I heard you whining a couple times about 'when is Morgan coming hooommmee?'"

Jimin blushed and shrugged his shoulder. "Yeah, well, I got used to having her bitchy ass around."

I reached out and took Jimin's hand. "I missed you, too."

He looked down at me with an unreadable expression before giving me a shy smile and walking away. After a few minutes of going round after round with my men, the front door opened and shut. I popped my head over the back of the couch and felt my heart stop when I saw Jin standing there. Jungkook and Taehyung looked between us and slowly untangled the dog pile. I pushed myself up so I could look at him better. Seeing him was like truly coming home. But there was a pain in his face that had my hopes crashing into my stomach that was suddenly roiling with worry.

"Morgan," he said, swallowing hard after saying the name he knew didn't belong to me, "can I talk to you privately, please?" His voice had a hard edge to it that was terrifying and I wasn't the only one that caught it.

"What's wrong, hyung," Jungkook asked, glancing between us more rapidly. The youngest of us was also the most observant and he had felt the shift in the air between us long before anyone else.

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