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Ten minutes outside the city and I was struggling to stay awake. Once, I even started to lose consciousness and almost fell off the bike. Jin had to elbow me in the side to get me to snap back to reality.

"Stay with me, baby. We'll be there soon," Jin yelled over the noise of the wind.

"I'm trying Jin...so tired..."

"I know. Please, just hang on a little longer." He wrapped my arms tighter around his waist and held on tight, steering with only one hand. I did what I could to stay awake, but it was the hardest thing I'd ever had to do.

A few minutes later, the flat lands around the outskirts of the city began to ripple and rise into foothills and then into a snow-capped mountain range. Jin pushed the bike through the turns, urging me to pay attention so I could help balance out the weight. It gave me something to focus on besides my exhaustion. Halfway up the mountain, Jin took a dirt road cut through the trees that wound up perpendicular to the main road. The road was narrow and it had been so long since anyone had driven on it, a person would have to know it was there to see it.

Over the crest of the mountain, we pulled up to a cabin that backed up to a small pond. The cabin looked like it was barely big enough for one bedroom, but the lines were straight and it looked like it had been taken care of. At that point, though, the only thing I cared about was having a place to crash. I was so gone that Jin had to catch me and carry me up to the door, kicking it open with his foot. The last thing I knew was him laying me gently on a bed and brushing my hair out of my face. Between the pain in my head and the exhaustion in my bones, I was gone in seconds.

When I woke again, it was dark outside. I could hear the low din of noise in the other room so I slipped out from under the old comforter and walked silently out of the bedroom. Jin sat on the floor in between the couch and a roaring fire with one leg underneath him and the other raised so that he could prop his arm lazily across his knee. I leaned against the door frame and watched him silently for a few moments. He flipped through channels on the old TV randomly like he wasn't even paying attention to the images flashing before his eyes.

"You planning on standing there forever, or are you going to come in here where it's warmer?"

My eyes went wide for a moment before my body reacted. No one else had seemed to be able to hear me when I was trying to be quiet. Jin was starting to show just why he was the real leader of Bangtan.

"Well, since you put it that way," I said, padding over and flopping down on the couch. He leaned his head back against my stomach like we hadn't just gone to war with one of the most dangerous men in the country. "How long have I been out?"

"Two days. I was starting to get worried."

When I looked down at him, I noticed he did seem more relaxed than he had when I'd first found him. The muscles in his face weren't as tense and he seemed to be breathing a little more deeply.

"I used a lot of energy. It wiped me out." He just nodded and stretched his legs out, stopping the channel surfing on some kind of stupid game show. I sighed and leaned my head back on the arm of the couch. "Have you heard anything out of the rest of the guys?"

"They're safe. Jungkook needed surgery to remove the bullet and close the wound, but Yoongi managed just fine without me. They've gone underground at one of our other hideouts and we're just waiting for the Baron to give up the search."

"How likely is that to happen?"

Jin shrugged. "Don't really know. No one has ever tried something so stupid before."

I bit back the 'I told you so'. It wouldn't be productive at the moment. Instead, I went with a relatively safe question. "How many hideouts do you guys have?"

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