3: Expectation

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Taehyung ended up making me a sandwich with some leftover chicken they'd roasted the night before. I had nothing to really compare it to, but it was probably the best food I'd ever eaten in my life. Most likely. At least it felt that way. I tried to go slow since Taehyung was watching me, but after the second bite, I lost all control and devoured it. Taehyung just laughed, shaking his head as he made me a second. He sat it on the plate in front of me just as I was finished with the first one then typed something out on his phone while his back was turned..

"I'm sorry," I mumbled around a mouthful when he sat back down across from me. I know. So ladylike. Sue me, I was literally starving.

"Don't be," he said as he sat a glass of water down beside my plate. I smiled in gratitude, my face only flushing a little.

Before they said anything, I could hear the footfalls of another person walking up behind me, but I didn't make any indication I knew they were there. It was one of my more handy skills and I wasn't ready to lay out all my cards just yet. They stood behind me silently for a few minutes. It was making me a little nervous, but I still hid that I knew they were there. When he finally decided to speak, I had to force myself to flinch so he wouldn't be suspicious.

"I see Tae's getting you settled in," Namjoon said as he moved around the kitchen island and leaned over the top.

I nodded and finished off the last bite of my food, then washed it down with some water. "He is. Thank you for your hospitality."

Namjoon's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly as the corner of his lip quirked up slightly, showing off the dimple in his cheek. "You're welcome. When you're finished, we'd like you to join us in the common room. We have the matter of our agreement to discuss."

My heart tripped over itself in my chest. I had no idea what they were going to ask of me and I was terrified. What if they wanted me as their "companion"? I had already established that I would make a terrible sex worker. If I didn't follow through with what they demanded, how would they respond? They were clearly not on the up-and-up. My failure or refusal would most likely end in my bloody death.

I coughed a little, my throat suddenly dry. "Okay." I wiped my mouth with a napkin and hopped down from the stool. Namjoon put his hand on the small of my back to usher me forward as I cast an uneasy glance behind me to look at Taehyung. His face was once again behind an unreadable stone mask.

The rest of the crew was waiting in the common room. They were scattered around on the couches and chairs. All except Jungkook. The only other guy who's name I knew. I looked around at all the faces staring at me and gulped.

The sun was making its way toward the horizon and casting the room in a lovely orange glow. I focused on that color, excited to be able to see more than metal and glass and bright, neon lights around me for the first time in almost a year. Looking at it, I took the first deep breath I'd ever remembered taking. I didn't realize how claustrophobic I'd felt until I no longer had a reason to. I focused on the trees that lined the edge of the property before what looked like a bluff while I waited on someone to speak up.

"So. What am I going to do with you," the tall one with the broadest shoulders and expensive-looking wire-rim glasses perched on his nose asked. His stare was piercing as he sat in the only single chair across from me. His back was to the view and the sun was outlining his brown hair like a halo. His soft, pillowy lips wrapped around his words seductively, but there was a hard glint in his eyes that I'd learned not to trust on others in my time on the streets. It was a look that implied power and control.

"You? I thought Namjoon was the leader," I said without thinking. The tall guy tipped his head back and laughed.

"Namjoon is the face of our little group. He is responsible for PR and acts as a liaison between us and the other syndicates around the city. It's to my advantage that people see him as the leader so I can be free to observe the full situation. But make no mistake, I am in charge. I'm the oldest and my word is law here. Understand?"

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