Fake Love

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It was dark when I woke up and crawled out from under Jungkook's arm. I slipped over his body as carefully as I could so I wouldn't wake him, but he was a sound sleeper and I knew I didn't have to worry that much.

After using the bathroom, I made my way downstairs to find something to eat. Everyone else had stayed up just as late as Jungkook and I had, so I didn't know how many would be awake, despite most likely spending all day in bed. Still, I was as quiet as I could possibly be to keep from disturbing anyone. I thought I was alone until I heard a yelp and a muffled crash from the other side of the basement door. I rushed over to it, jerking it open and bounding down the stairs, still trying to be quiet. Slipping feet and a thump made me pull up short and glance around the corner of the stairs. I sucked in a silent breath when I saw what was going on.

Hoseok was standing over Jimin with clenched fists and tight muscles. The younger was curled up on the floor, holding his stomach. A thin trickle of blood trailed down from the corner of his lip and his eye was already starting to blacken. Hobi's hands trembled with the emotion he was working to control.

"You were so worried about getting your fix that you almost let Joon and Morgan get killed. What the fuck is wrong with you? You need to get your shit together before someone dies. It's either going to be you or someone you love. Again. Is that what you want? Do you want Morgan to die just like-"

-"No," Jimin yelled, as he braced against the wall to pull himself up. I rolled around the corner and leaned against the wall so I could hear them without being seen. "Don't you fucking get it? She's the reason I do any of this!" Even from around the corner, I could hear Jimin crying. "I loved her, hyung."

"We all did, Jiminie," Hobi said quietly. Gently. "We all loved her, but destroying yourself won't bring her back."

"Why isn't he tearing himself up over it, though? He's the reason she's dead. And now Morgan..."

"He's hurting just like we all are. He just doesn't show it the same way."

Who the hell are they talking about, I wondered. My heart was beating a mile a minute and it was a struggle to keep from panting nervously. I wanted to know who they were talking about and what any of it had to do with me.

"He has a fine way of showing it! Fucking Morgan in the club like he could just replace Natalia like that. Like she meant nothing." Someone sniffled and then it sounded like someone's fist connected with the wall.

Namjoon. I clutched my shirt at my chest like it could keep me from flying off through the roof. Wonho had mentioned Namjoon having something to do with someone's death. Someone they both seemed to care about. Was he talking about this Natalia girl? This girl that they all apparently loved. Did Jungkook and Taehyung love her, too? What happened to her? My stomach churned at the idea of them being with someone else, even if I had no right to be upset. Of course they had had relationships before me. It would be ridiculous to think I'd been their only one. Especially considering how good they were in bed.

It still didn't mean I could stop myself from wondering if Jungkook had kissed Natalia like he had me. If Namjoon really meant he'd never wanted another woman like he wanted me. If Tae had been so worried about losing her.

"He's not the only one that's been with her, Jiminie. There's something about her. Something I can't place. It makes her hard to resist."

"You don't think I've noticed? I kissed her, hyung. I haven't kissed anyone since Natalia and that's been, what, two years? I couldn't bring myself to do more, though. It didn't feel right. But them. They just can't keep their dicks in their pants."

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