From the Author

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading this AU. Just to let you know, there's going to be violence, bad language, and sexual situations. There may be some kinky stuff, but I won't know until I write the scene. Feel free to leave all the comments you want, but no kink or slut shaming. This is an American style reverse harem in that she won't choose one in the end because I don't solo stan. That's just my jam.

Also, these characters are inspired by BTS, but they in no way, shape, or form are meant to be commentaries on the actual people of BTS. They will do and say things and act in ways in direct conflict to what the real people would do and say because these aren't real people. These are just the playthings of my imagination. The world and situations I imagine are mine. You cannot copy anything here for your own work.

Thanks and please enjoy!

Bulletproof | A BTS Gang AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt